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The LAV primitive generator
Francesco Gonnella 18th December 2013 TDAQ Working Group Meeting Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
LAV trigger generator inside PP
OBTRIG TRIG TRIGGEN Input data is read from the OBTRIG fifo; Data is elaborated from TRIGGEN module Output data is written to TRIG fifo Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
LAV front-end electronics
LAV electronics channel working principle High threshold Clamp Amp 6x Compare threshold Low LVDS Split to analog sum To TDC To TDC 16ch IN Analog 32ch OUT LVDS CANopen IN OUT VME custom power Split the input signal into two copies: 1 copy to comparator + 1 copy to analog sums Clamp the signal preserving its width, wide dynamical range is expected (MIP 70 MeV ~ 10 mV, high energy γ ~ 1V) Amplify the signal and compare with 2 thresholds Each threshold is independently adjustable up to 250 mV Produce an LVDS signal and send the signal to the digital read out board Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013 Charge reconstruction algorithm The actual dependence of Q on ToT can be obtained using a fit to the distribution of Q vs. ToT. This relation is in principle the same for all the LAV PMTs. The sensitivity of the method is reduced at high charge due to the exponential dependence of Q on ToT. Measure ToT vs. charge using QDC and TDC only during calibration not during experiment Fit the function Q(ToT) (i.e. polynomial function) During data taking, measure the time using a TDC only Charge reconstruction in NA62 LAV
Data formatter & threshold retriever
LAV PP firmware Physical event reconstruction and and slewing correction Constant time offset for each channel (cable and time of flight) Event reconstruction (High and Low High Threshold matching) Slewing correction Recognize the end of the 6.4 μs frame (EoF) Deliver data (primitives and EoF) to SL on a 32-bit bus Error on FIFO L/H full End-of-Frame signal FIFO L FIFO H Data formatter & threshold retriever ok FIFO L Slewing calculator Input Stage Offset and map Ch. Selector Event Finder Output stage OB FIFO to TRIG fifo FIFO H FIFO L offset RAM (ECS) map RAM (ECS) FIFO H threshold RAM (ECS) 64 blocks (128 FIFOs) Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
Time-offset corrector module
Receives input stream Checks if data is a time Retrieves the proper offset value from offset RAM Adds the offset to the time If data is a timestamp (0xA) or a counter (0xB) Transmits data untouched Input-output delay: 4 clock cycles. Time-offset adder clock Data in Data out Data Ready in Data Ready Out address ECS offset Read enable address ok Offset RAM 13-bit words LSB=100ps offset Write enable Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
Channel mapping module
Channel mapper Receives input stream If data is a time Reads original channel number Replaces it with new ch number read from RAM One bit is used to enable and disable the channel If data is a timestamp (0xA) or a counter (0xB) Transmits data untouched Input-output delay: 4 clock cycles. clock Data in Data out Data Ready in Data Ready Out ECS address Address (old ch) Ch. number Read enable Mapping RAM 8-bit words (7 = disabled, 6-0 channel number) Channel Write enable Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
Channel-selecting module
FIFO High FIFO Low Channel selector clock Write enable Data in Data Ready in data bus Da fare Redirect fine time to the proper channel fifo time stamps are sent to all channels at once Reduce data size form 32 bits to 22 bits Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
Channel time fifo module
Properly merge time stamp and fine time Different High and Low FIFO depth: 8 and 16 words Different High and Low FIFO FSM logic Fine Time Time Stamp … Data: TS: Data: Data: Data: TS: MegaWizard Fifo (8H/16L words) Push Fifo Output FSM Ready 40-bit data 22-bit data Empty finire Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
Event-finder module architecture
FIFO High FIFO Low Event Finder FSM Wait for High Look for Low in time if L is preceding discard it; If L is successive discard L and H If L matches H produce output data: block number (6 bit) absolute time (40 bit) rise time (8 bit) FIFO High FIFO Low 2x 32-bit data Block number encoder FIFO High FIFO Low aggiustare data bus This module works under the assumption that data, for a given channel, are time ordered. Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
Threshold retriever module
Parse 2x 32-bit input words: Retrieve proper threshold values from RAM Produce a formatted 72-bit word: Need to know thresholds form DCS. Not yet done Data formatter & Threshold retriever clock 31 – 30 29 Block 24 23 – 20 19 Risetime 12 11 – 8 7 Time(39:32) 0 31 Time(31:0) 0 72-bit Data out 32-bit Data in Strobe in Strobe out address ECS offset Read enable address ok 71 Low Threshold 60 59 High Threshold 48 47 Risetime 40 39 Time 0 Threshold RAM Thr WE Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
High Level Synthesis Calculator
Module realised using High Level Synthesis (A. Bellotta) HLS calculator performing slewing calculation: Working frequency: 160 MHz Input-output latency: 9 clk Throughput: 1 clk Reasonable resources utilization HLS Slewing correction calculator clock 72-bit Data in 40-bit data out Strobe in Strobe out Megawizard divider: Finire Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
LAV-PP output data format
Data sent from each PP to SL is formatted as following: Data is composed of 2 32-bit words, the first starting with “10” The End of Frame is 1 word starting with “11” For example: 31 ”10” 30 29 Block 24 23 Error 22 block error 20 19 Risetime 12 11 – 8 7 Time(39:32) 0 31 Time(31:0) 0 31 ”11” 30 29 Primitive counter 0 0X81000A00 0X0008FFB7 0X 0X0008FFFA 0XC 0X0009FFB8 0X0009FFFB 0X000AFFBA 0X000AFFFD 0XC 0X000BFFBB 0XC Reminder: 0xC = ‘1100’ Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
PP FPGA: resources utilization
; Fitter Summary ; ; Fitter Status ; Successful - Tue Nov 19 11:56: ; ; Quartus II 64-Bit Version ; 12.0 Build /31/2012 SJ Full Version ; ; Revision Name ; pp_fpga ; ; Top-level Entity Name ; pp_fpga ; ; Family ; Stratix III ; ; Device ; EP3SL110F1152C4 ; ; Timing Models ; Final ; ; Logic utilization ; 74 % ; ; Combinational ALUTs ; 39,996 / 86,000 ( 47 % ) ; ; Memory ALUTs ; 3,268 / 43,000 ( 8 % ) ; ; Dedicated logic registers ; 43,150 / 86,000 ( 50 % ) ; ; Total registers ; ; ; Total pins ; 581 / 744 ( 78 % ) ; ; Total virtual pins ; 0 ; ; Total block memory bits ; 3,276,930 / 4,303,872 ( 76 % ) ; ; DSP block 18-bit elements ; 4 / 288 ( 1 % ) ; ; Total PLLs ; 3 / 8 ( 38 % ) ; ; Total DLLs ; 1 / 4 ( 25 % ) ; Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
LAV SL firmware Primitive merging and Multiple Trigger Packet (MTP) generation Merge physical hit times from the 4 PPs Group together hits within a given cluster (5 ns window) Evaluate the average of the clusters, obtaining primitive times Sort primitive times Produce an MTP Error on primitive lost Cluster hit number PP0 FIFO Sorting module Data counter PP1 FIFO Io cambierei events time in hit time Average calculator Output stage Data merger Clustering module FIFO PP2 FIFO sorting RAM PP3 FIFO Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
Data Merger EoF 2300 2345 2356 EoF 2322 Data merger EoF 2300 2331 2345
FSM handling the 4 FIFOs Priority switches cyclically among the 4 FIFOs FSM waits for EoF words from all the enabled PPs before producing a global EoF word EoF 2300 2345 2356 32 bit EoF 2322 Data merger EoF 2300 2331 2345 2358 2322 2356 32 bit 32 bit EoF 2331 2358 32 bit Io aggiungerei qualche cosa su come di decide da quale fifo pescare EoF 32 bit Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
HLS Average calculator
Clustering module Composed of 32 (can be increased) basic cells Each cell stores the first Time received If successive times match Time it adds them to Sum and increases Number. If not, it sends the time to the next cell The matching window is asymmetrically programmable (up to ±12.5 ns) through 2 independent registers At the EoF it acts as a shift register, giving as output all the cluster times and number of events per cluster The Average Calculator performs the division between Sum and Number Number is also fed to the sorting module to be written into the final primitive data Clustering cell Time Number Sum Time in Time out Number in Number out Sum in Sum out Low limit register High limit register 160 MHz Latency : 3 clk Throughput: 1 clk HLS Average calculator (A. Bellotta) Clustering cell Clustering cell Clustering cell Clustering cell Number out Sum out Average out This is a simplified scheme: actually time values are split into Coarse and Fine so that divisions are performed on 8-bit values rather than 40-bit. Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
Sorting module and RAM Sorting cell
Composed of 32 (can be increased) basic cells Each cell receives a time. The first time is stored. Successive times: If greater than the stored time simply pass through the cell If smaller pass through the cell increasing the position of the cell At the EoF, it acts as a shift register giving as output all the times and their respective positions Data is fed into a RAM and addressed with their position In the meantime the number of primitives is counted out At the and the sorting RAM is read out starting from address 0 up to the last counted datum Sorting cell Time Position Time in Time out Position in Position out From clustering module Number of hits Sortingcell Sorting cell Sorting cell RAM Data Address Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
LAV-SL output data format
Data sent from SL is formatted as following: Data is composed of 3 32-bit words, to fit global firmware specs For example: 31 reserved 24 23 primitive counter 0 31 hit number 28 27 reserved 8 7 fine time 0 31 coarse time (timestamp) 0 0x 0x d 0x00004a85 0x 0x 0x00004abd 0x 0x e 0x00004ac5 0x 0xa 0x00004afd Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
SL FPGA: resources utilization
; Fitter Summary ; ; Fitter Status ; Successful - Thu Nov 28 12:59: ; ; Quartus II 64-Bit Version ; 12.0 Build /31/2012 SJ Full Version ; ; Revision Name ; sl_fpga ; ; Top-level Entity Name ; sl_fpga ; ; Family ; Stratix III ; ; Device ; EP3SL110F1152C ; ; Timing Models ; Final ; ; Logic utilization ; 39 % ; ; Combinational ALUTs ; 22,484 / 86,000 ( 26 % ) ; ; Memory ALUTs ; 257 / 43,000 ( < 1 % ) ; ; Dedicated logic registers ; 18,758 / 86,000 ( 22 % ) ; ; Total registers ; ; ; Total pins ; 728 / 744 ( 98 % ) ; ; Total virtual pins ; ; ; Total block memory bits ; 1,450,850 / 4,303,872 ( 34 % ) ; ; DSP block 18-bit elements ; 0 / 288 ( 0 % ) ; ; Total PLLs ; 2 / 8 ( 25 % ) ; ; Total DLLs ; 0 / 4 ( 0 % ) ; Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
Conclusions LAV primitive generator has been successfully integrated with the new version 2 TEL62 firmware LAV primitive generator has been tested successfully during last dry run, results will be/have been presented by R. Piandani Resources are reasonable for SL (~40%), at the limit for PP (74%) Possible improvements Some internal FIFO (especially in the PP) could be made available from ECS for debug proposes Introduce the possibility or sending/not sending the primitive on the basis of the number of hits of the cluster The “rise time” information is available at SL level so a preliminary charge reconstruction procedure is under study Requests: We are performing very interesting tests with cosmic rays using periodic triggers. Could it be possible to use LAV fw to generate triggers? This would tremendously improve our efficiency. Francesco Gonnella - I.N.F.N. - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Italy 18 December 2013
Thank you for your attention
18 December 2013
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