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Theriogenology Topic- Ovarian Remnant Syndrome

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1 Theriogenology Topic- Ovarian Remnant Syndrome
Figure 1. Sagitatal image of a canine ovarian remnant, (cursors) illustrating the distal edge enhanced artefact streaming off the cranial border of the remnant. Reproduced with permission of Tomas W. Baker. Figure 2a and b. Saggital (a) and transverse (b) images of an abnormal (enlarged, echogenic) uterine stump (UT stump, cursors) seen caudal to the urinary bladder (UB) and ventral to the colon. Reproduced with permission of Tomas W. Baker. Figure 3. Sagittal image of a normal left adrenal gland (cursors at caudal pole). Reproduced with permission of Tomas W. Baker. Figure 4. Enlarged cranial pole of the left adrenal gland (cursors); a likely adrenal adenoma or hyperplasia. Reproduced with permission of Tomas W. Baker. Topic – Premature Labor Figure 1. Normal approximately 30 day fetus, sagittal image with recognizable morphology. Reproduced with permission of Tomas W. Baker. Figure 2. Fetal death. Two vesicles containing non-viable foetuses; the more ventral fetus is reabsorbed. Over time, fetal demise results in loss of recognizable fetal anatomy and loss of normal vesicle fluid, content and shape. Reproduced with permission of Tomas W. Baker. Topic – Pyometra Figure 1. Lateral abdominal radiograph image of a fluid filled uterus. Source: Monnet 2012, figure Reproduced with permission of Wiley-Blackwell. Figure 2. Ultrasonographic image of the caudal abdomen of a bitch with pyometra. Note the fluid filled uterus and thickened uterine wall with evidence of cystic changes. Source: Monnet 2012, figure Reproduced with permission of Wiley-Blackwell. Figure 3. An opened uterine horn from a bitch with pyometra. Note the grossly visible cystic endometrial changes in the uterine wall. Source: Monnet 2012, figure Reproduced with permission of Wiley-Blackwell. Figure 4. Intraoperative image of an enlarged, fluid filled and friable uterine horns in a bitch with pyometra. Source: Monnet 2012, figure Reproduced with permission of Wiley-Blackwell.

2 Theriogenology Topic-Abortion, Spontaneous (Early
Pregnancy Loss) – Dogs Figure 1. Vaginal cytology from a dog with purulent vulvar discharge. Figure 2. Endoscopy of canine cervix with purulent contents. Figure 3. Slide test for canine brucellosis (Beverly Purswell). Figure 4. Doppler ultrasonography of canine fetal heart. Topic-Breeding, Timing Figure 1. Obtaining a vaginal cytology sample. Figure 2. Cornification index and vaginal cytology. Figure 3. Typical vaginal cytology sample during midproestrus. Figure 4. Typical vaginal cytology sample during midproestrus. Figure 5. Atypical vaginal cytology during mid-estrus. Figure 6. Vaginal cytology from dog in late estrus. Figure 7. Vaginal cytology—day 1 of diestrus. Figure 8. Vaginal cytology—day 1 of diestrus. Figure 9. Schematic depiction of canine estrus. Figure 10. Schematic depiction of initial rise in progesterone.

3 Theriogenology Topic-Pyometra and Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia
Figure 1. Gross appearance of the uterus in a dog with pyometra. Figure 2. Cytology of vaginal discharge with pyometra. Figure 3. Lateral radiograph of a dog with pyometra. Figure 4. Ventral dorsal radiograph of a dog with pyometra. Figure 5. Sonogram of the uterus in a dog with Topic-Sexual Development Disorders Figure 1. Clitoral enlargement in a dog with XX sex reversal. Topic-Uterine Inertia Figure 1: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: good contraction pattern. Courtesy of Karen Copley, Veterinary Perinatal Specialities Inc. Figure 2. Same bitch, onset of inertia. Notice the decrease in length and strength in the contraction pattern. Courtesy of Karen Copley, Veterinary Perinatal Specialities Inc. Topic-Vaginal Discharge Figure 1. Vaginal discharge in a dog. Figure 2. Inflammation of the perivulvar region that can be confused with a vaginal discharge. Source: Louisiana State University Dermatology Service Figure 3. Vaginal swelling at estrus may be a source of normal vaginal discharge.

4 Theriogenology Topic- Ovarian Remnant Syndrome
Figure 1. Sagitatal image of a canine ovarian remnant, (cursors) illustrating the distal edge enhanced artefact streaming off the cranial border of the remnant. Reproduced with permission of Tomas W. Baker.

5 Theriogenology (a) (b) Topic- Ovarian Remnant Syndrome
Figure 2ab. Saggital (a) and transverse (b) images of an abnormal (enlarged, echogenic) uterine stump (UT stump, cursors) seen caudal to the urinary bladder (UB) and ventral to the colon. Reproduced with permission of Tomas W. Baker.

6 Theriogenology Topic- Ovarian Remnant Syndrome
Figure 3. Sagittal image of a normal left adrenal gland (cursors at caudal pole). Reproduced with permission of Tomas W. Baker.

7 Theriogenology Topic- Ovarian Remnant Syndrome
Figure 4. Enlarged cranial pole of the left adrenal gland (cursors); a likely adrenal adenoma or hyperplasia. Reproduced with permission of Tomas W. Baker.

8 Theriogenology Topic – Premature Labor
Figure 1. Normal approximately 30 day fetus, sagittal image with recognizable morphology. Reproduced with permission of Tomas W. Baker.

9 Theriogenology Topic – Premature Labor
Figure 2. Fetal death. Two vesicles containing non-viable foetuses; the more ventral fetus is reabsorbed. Over time, fetal demise results in loss of recognizable fetal anatomy and loss of normal vesicle fluid, content and shape. Reproduced with permission of Tomas W. Baker.

10 Theriogenology Topic – Pyometra
Figure 1. Lateral abdominal radiograph image of a fluid filled uterus. Source: Monnet 2012, figure Reproduced with permission of Wiley-Blackwell.

11 Theriogenology Topic – Pyometra
Figure 2. Ultrasonographic image of the caudal abdomen of a bitch with pyometra. Note the fluid filled uterus and thickened uterine wall with evidence of cystic changes. Source: Monnet 2012, figure Reproduced with permission of Wiley-Blackwell.

12 Theriogenology Topic – Pyometra
Figure 3. An opened uterine horn from a bitch with pyometra. Note the grossly visible cystic endometrial changes in the uterine wall. Source: Monnet 2012, figure Reproduced with permission of Wiley-Blackwell.

13 Theriogenology Topic – Pyometra
Figure 4. Intraoperative image of an enlarged, fluid filled and friable uterine horns in a bitch with pyometra. Source: Monnet 2012, figure Reproduced with permission of Wiley-Blackwell.

14 Theriogenology Topic-Abortion, Spontaneous (Early Pregnancy Loss) - Dogs Figure 1. Vaginal cytology from a dog with purulent vulvar discharge.

15 Theriogenology Topic-Abortion, Spontaneous (Early Pregnancy Loss) - Dogs Figure 2. Endoscopy of canine cervix with purulent contents.

16 Theriogenology Topic-Abortion, Spontaneous (Early Pregnancy Loss) - Dogs Figure 3. Slide test for canine brucellosis (Beverly Purswell).

17 Theriogenology Topic-Abortion, Spontaneous (Early Pregnancy Loss) - Dogs Figure 4. Doppler ultrasonography of canine fetal heart.

18 Theriogenology Topic-Breeding, Timing
Figure 1. Obtaining a vaginal cytology sample.

19 Theriogenology Topic-Breeding, Timing
Figure 2. Cornification index and vaginal cytology.

20 Theriogenology Topic-Breeding, Timing
Figure 3. Typical vaginal cytology sample during mid-proestrus.

21 Theriogenology Topic-Breeding, Timing
Figure 4. Typical vaginal cytology sample during mid-proestrus.

22 Theriogenology Topic-Breeding, Timing
Figure 5. Atypical vaginal cytology during mid-estrus.

23 Theriogenology Topic-Breeding, Timing
Figure 6. Vaginal cytology from dog in late estrus.

24 Theriogenology Topic-Breeding, Timing
Figure 7. Vaginal cytology—day 1 of diestrus.

25 Theriogenology Topic-Breeding, Timing
Figure 8. Vaginal cytology—day 1 of diestrus.

26 Theriogenology Topic-Breeding, Timing
Figure 9. Schematic depiction of canine estrus.

27 Theriogenology Topic-Breeding, Timing
Figure 10. Schematic depiction of initial rise in progesterone.

28 Theriogenology Topic-Pyometra and Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia
Figure 1. Gross appearance of the uterus in a dog with pyometra.

29 Theriogenology Topic-Pyometra and Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia
Figure 2. Cytology of vaginal discharge with pyometra.

30 Theriogenology Topic-Pyometra and Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia
Figure 3. Lateral radiograph of a dog with pyometra.

31 Theriogenology Topic-Pyometra and Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia
Figure 4. Ventral dorsal radiograph of a dog with pyometra.

32 Theriogenology Topic-Pyometra and Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia
Figure 5. Sonogram of the uterus in a dog with pyometra.

33 Theriogenology Topic-Sexual Development Disorders
Figure 1. Clitoral enlargement in a dog with XX sex reversal.

34 Theriogenology Topic-Uterine Inertia
Figure 1: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: good contraction pattern. Courtesy of Karen Copley, Veterinary Perinatal Specialities Inc.

35 Theriogenology Topic-Uterine Inertia
Figure 2. Same bitch, onset of inertia. Notice the decrease in length and strength in the contraction pattern. Courtesy of Karen Copley, Veterinary Perinatal Specialities Inc.

36 Theriogenology Topic-Vaginal Discharge
Figure 1. Vaginal discharge in a dog.

37 Theriogenology Topic-Vaginal Discharge
Figure 2. Inflammation of the perivulvar region that can be confused with a vaginal discharge. Source: Louisiana State University Dermatology Service.

38 Theriogenology Topic-Vaginal Discharge
Figure 3. Vaginal swelling at estrus may be a source of normal vaginal discharge.

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