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Objective: Learning to deal with favoritism and realizing how important it is to thank God. Leah & Rachel.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Learning to deal with favoritism and realizing how important it is to thank God. Leah & Rachel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Learning to deal with favoritism and realizing how important it is to thank God.
Leah & Rachel

2 Heavenly Father, through these words help me understand the things you wish to teach me.
Dear Jesus, through these words let me feel the love you have for me as you feel your Father’s love for you. Holy Spirit, through these words inspire me to live as a follower of Jesus and bring your love to everyone I meet today. Amen Opening Prayer Anytime we read scripture, it’s great to take time to ask the Holy Spirit, who inspired the scriptures, to open our eyes, ears, minds and hearts to hear what he wants to teach us.

3 The Story So Far… Jacob flees his brother Esau after tricking him and their father, Isaac Jacob’s mother, Rebecca, sends him back to her homeland to hide out with her brother Rebecca suggests to Isaac that Jacob go to Haran to find a suitable wife, unlike Esau’s foreign wives Along the way, Jacob has a vision of a stairway leading to Heaven Isaac answered, “Your brother came and deceived me. He has taken away your blessing.” (Gen 27:35)

4 Awkward Moment After a difficult journey, Jacob finally arrives in Haran, his mother’s home country Rachel is tending her father’s flock and brings them to the well Jacob moves back the stone from the well for her and greets her with a kiss (Biblical bookend?) Then he kissed her and began to cry for joy. He told her, “I am your father’s relative, the son of Rebecca.” (Gen 29: 11-12)

5 Jacob Meets Rachel (30:00-32:54)
Video Clip

6 Who is Laban? Laban is Jacob’s uncle, Rebecca’s brother
When Jacob told Laban everything that had happened, Laban said, “Yes, indeed, you are my own flesh and blood.” (Gen 29:14) Laban is Jacob’s uncle, Rebecca’s brother Laban means “white” – associated with leprosy Laban symbolizes those without apparent evil motives whose actions result in undesireable outcomes Family business was sheepherding

7 Who are Leah & Rachel? Sisters and daughters of Laban
Leah means “weary” also “mistress” or “ruler” – described as having “lovely eyes” Rachel means “ewe” – a symbol of prosperity and security; described as “shapely and beautiful” Laban had two daughters; the older was named Leah, and the younger Rachel. Leah had lovely eyes, but Rachel was shapely and beautiful. (Gen. 29:16-17)

8 Let’s Make A Deal Jacob stays and works for Laban for month, before striking a bargain In this culture, the father makes decisions for his wife and children Jacob agrees to work for seven years to marry Rachel Laban said to Jacob, “You shouldn’t work for me for nothing just because you are my relative. How much pay do you want?” (Gen 29:15)

9 Bait & Switch One small problem…
In this culture, the older daughters would marry before the younger ones Laban deceived Jacob by having Leah take Rachel’s place at the wedding But that night, instead of Rachel, he took Leah to Jacob…Not until the next morning did Jacob discover that it was Leah. (Gen 29:23, 25)

10 The Wedding (48:57-50:50) Video Clip

11 Church Teaching on Marriage
Did Jacob’s marriages to Leah and Rachel meet these requirements? The spouses are free to marry They freely exchange their consent They have the intention to marry for life, to be faithful to one another and be open to children Their consent is given in the presence of two witnesses and before a properly authorized minister (usually a priest or deacon)

12 The Original Sister Wives
Jacob decided to honor his first marriage to Leah as she was a good person and didn’t want to bring her dishonor Jacob took Rachel as his second, and favorite, wife

13 Baby Wars Leah was jealous of Jacob’s love for Rachel and thought having children would make him love her more Rachel was jealous of Leah for being able to have children Both sisters used their maidservants to have more children for Jacob, eventually having 12 sons and a daughter

14 Coming Attractions Jacob continues to work for Laban and establishes his own flock Jacob and his family flee from Laban Jacob and Esau are reunited To be continued… Will Jacob escape from Laban? What will happen when he meets up with his brother, Esau?

15 Small Groups Go to your rooms for Small Group
Return to this room for the final 15 minutes for our closing reflection Small Groups

16 Announcements Nov 3 & th Grade Retreat – Permission Slips due today! Nov Catechist Certification Day Nov 10 & No PSR Nov 17 & 20……………Jacob Part II Nov 24 & 27……………No PSR - Thanksgiving

17 What is God’s wonderful message of this story?
Think About It

18 Leah’s Legacy Not only was Leah unaware God was with her in Rachel's shadow, she also didn't know eternity would measure life and death through her offspring – and not Rachel's. Levi and Judah were two of Leah’s children. They were ancestors of Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Jeremiah, Ezra, Ezekiel, Zechariah—and Jesus the Messiah! All of Israel's religious and political leaders would spring from her womb.

19 Hope St. Paul tells us the things written in Scripture are for our benefit, and through the encouragement of God's word we can have hope (Romans 15:4). That's what Leah's story is all about – great, ineffable hope. It’s about God in our shadows, about God who loves us, and who knows our deepest hurts. And it’s the story of how God can turn the rejection of others into something of measureless value for those who yearn to be touched by God's love.

20 “For I know the plans that I have for you, plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jer 29:11) Verse of the Day

21 Prayer Petitions Intention #1… We pray to the Lord.
R: Lord, hear our prayer. Intention #2… We pray to the Lord. Intention #3… We pray to the Lord. R: Lord, hear our prayer. Intention #4… We pray to the Lord.

22 God Bless My Sister…and show her that you care
God Bless My Sister…and show her that you care. She’s laughed with me, and cried with me, and always been there. God Bless My Sister…she’s stayed here by my side. We’ve had the giggles at fun times and laughed until we cried. God Bless My Sister…she’s truly my best friend. Please send her all your blessings and keep her safe. Amen Closing Prayer

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