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“Remember the New Covenant, Even the Book of Mormon”

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1 “Remember the New Covenant, Even the Book of Mormon”

2 JS-H 1:27 Severe persecution
How can we remain true to our testimonies even when we face persecution?

3 JS-H 1:28-29 When Joseph was 17 years old, he was visited by Moroni.
What was Joseph praying for on the night Moroni appeared to him? What can we learn from Joseph’s example when we feel “condemned for [our] weakness and imperfections”? (As appropriate, invite class members to tell how prayer has helped them when they have felt that they have disappointed God.)

4 JS-H 1-:33-35,42,44-46,53-54 When Joseph Smith was first shown the gold plates, he was not prepared to receive and translate them. How did the Lord prepare Joseph to receive and translate the plates? How has the Lord prepared you (or how is He preparing you now) to fulfill your responsibilities? How can you prepare yourself to fulfill future responsibilities?

5 JS-H 1:50  How did Joseph’s father respond when Joseph told him of Moroni’s visit? What does this suggest about Joseph’s integrity and trustworthiness? Why is it important to support our family members in their efforts to follow the Lord? How can we better support family members and others as they follow the Lord?

6 The miracle of the Book of Mormon’s preservation
Explain that Satan tried to stop the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. He tempted men to try to steal the gold plates, and people continued to persecute Joseph Smith and his family (Joseph Smith—History 1:60–61). However, the Lord thwarted all of Satan’s attempts to keep the Book of Mormon from coming forth.




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