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Presentation on theme: "FINAL PROJECT- Key dates"— Presentation transcript:

1 FINAL PROJECT- Key dates
9.1 –last day to decided on a project * 18,23,24/1- Presenting a proposed project in small groups A very short presentation (Max 5 minutes) Title- Background Main question Major tools you are planning to use to answer the questions 6.3 Final submission

2 Gene Expression Analysis

3 Gene Expression DNA RNA protein

4 Gene Expression mRNA gene1 mRNA gene2 mRNA gene3 AAAAAAA AAAAAAA

5 Studying Gene Expression 1987-2010
Spotted microarray One channel microarray RNA-seq (Next Generation Sequencing)

6 Applications Identify gene function
Similar expression can infer similar function Find tissue/developmental specific genes Different expression in different cells/tissues Diagnostics and Therapy Different genes expression can indicate a disease state Genes which change expression in a disease can be good candidates for drug targets

7 Different types of microarray technologies
Classical Methods Different types of microarray technologies Spotted Microarray Two channel cDNA microarrays. DNA Chips One Channel microarrays (Affymetrix, Agilent),

8 Microarray Experiment

9 One channel DNA chips Each sequence is represented by a probe set colored with one fluorescent dye Target hybridizes to complimentary probes only The fluorescence intensity is indicative of the expression of the target sequence

10 Expression Data Format
Experiments cold normal hot uch gut fip msh vma meu git sec7b apn wos Genes / mRNAs

11 RNA-seq

12 Gene Expression Analysis
Unsupervised -Hierarchical Clustering -Partition Methods K-means Supervised Methods -Analysis of variance -Discriminant analysis -Support Vector Machine (SVM)

13 Clustering genes according to their expression profiles
. Experiments Genes

14 Clustering Clustering organizes things that are close into groups.
- What does it mean for two genes to be close? - Once we know this, how do we define groups? Notice we do this ourselves all the time: divide people by race, divide animals into families, etc…

15 What does it mean for two genes to be close?
We need a mathematical definition of distance between the expression of two genes Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene1= (E11, E12, …, E1N)’ Gene2= (E21, E22, …, E2N)’ For example distance between gene 1 and 2 Euclidean distance= Sqrt of Sum of (E1i -E2i)2, i=1,…,N

16 Once we know this, how do we define groups?
Michael Eisen, 1998 : Generate a tree based on similarity (similar to a phylogenetic tree) Each gene is a leaf on the tree Distances reflect similarity of expression Hierarchical Clustering Gene Cluster Genes Experiments

17 Internal nodes represent different functional Groups (A, B, C, D, E) genes One genes may belong to more than one cluster

18 Clusters can be presented by graphs

19 What can we learn from clusters with similar gene expression ??
Similar expression between genes The genes have similar function One gene controls the other in a pathway All genes are controlled by a common regulatory genes Clusters can help identify regulatory motifs Search for motifs in upstream promoter regions of all the genes in a cluster

20 EXAMPLE- hnRNP A1 and SRp40
Gene with similar expression pattern tend to have common functions HnRNPA1 and SRp40 have a similar gene expression pattern in different tissues

21 EXAMPLE- hnRNP A1 and SRp40
Gene with similar expression pattern tend to have common functions hnRNP A1 SRp40

22 Are they regulated by the same transcription factor ?
1. Extract their promoter regions 2. Find a common motif in both sequences (MEME) hnrnpA1 SRp40 gene Promoter Common motif 3. Identify the transcription factor related to the motif

23 Extract the promoters of the genes in the cluster and find a

24 Create a Multiple Sequence Alignment

25 Generate a PSSM Find the transcription factor which bind the motif

26 How can we use microarray for diagnostics?

27 Gene-Expression Profiles in Hereditary Breast Cancer
cDNA Microarrays Parallel Gene Expression Analysis Breast tumors studied: BRCA1 BRCA2 sporadic tumors Log-ratios measurements of genes for each tumor after initial data filtering RESEARCH QUESTION Can we distinguish BRCA1 from BRCA2– cancers based solely on their gene expression profiles?

28 + - How can microarrays be used as a basis for diagnostic ?
5 Breast Cancer Patient Patient 1 patient 2 patient 3 patient4 patient 5 Gen1 + - Gen2 Gen3 Gen4 Gen5

29 + - How can microarrays be used as a basis for diagnostic ? BRCA1
patinet1 patient 2 patient4 patient 3 patient 5 Gen1 + - Gen3 Gen4 Gen2 Gen5 Informative Genes

30 Specific Examples Cancer Research Hundreds of genes
that differentiate between cancer tissues in different stages of the tumor were found. The arrow shows an example of a tumor cells which were not detected correctly by histological or other clinical parameters. Ramaswamy et al, 2003 Nat Genet 33:49-54

31 Supervised approaches for predicting gene function based on microarray data
SVM would begin with a set of genes that have a common function (red dots), In addition, a separate set of genes that are known not to be members of the functional class (blue dots) are specified.

32 Using this training set, an SVM would learn to differentiate between the members and non-members of a given functional class based on expression data. ? Having learned the expression features of the class, the SVM could recognize new genes as members or as non-members of the class based on their expression data.

33 Using SVMs to diagnose tumors based on expression data
Each dot represents a vector of the expression pattern taken from a microarray experiment . For example the expression pattern of all genes from a cancer patients.

34 How do SVM’s work with expression data?
In this example red dots can be primary tumors and blue are from metastasis stage. The SVM is trained on data which was classified based on histology. ? After training the SVM we can use it to diagnose the unknown tumor.

35 Gene Expression Databases and Resources on the Web
GEO Gene Expression Omnibus - List of gene expression web resources Another list with literature references Cancer Gene Anatomy Project Stanford Microarray Database

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