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A Collaborative approach to student success

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1 A Collaborative approach to student success
Strengthening student success conference October 5, 2016

2 Introduction Gerald Ramsey (Vice President of Student Services)
Dr. Daniel Miramontez (Dean of Planning, Research, Institutional Effectiveness, Library and Technology) Xi Zhang (Research and Planning Analyst) Dr. Naomi Grisham (Transfer Center Director)

3 Background Historical Perspective of San Diego Miramar College’s Effort in Enhancing the College’s Institutional Effectiveness 2006 – College’s Strategic Plan 2007 – College-wide Planning 2009 – Annual Budget Process 2010 – Annual Planning Cycle 2010 – Integrated Planning Process 2012 – Holistic Review 2014 – Adoption of the Loss/Momentum Framework 2015 – Redesign of the College System 2016 – Student Success Framework for Long-term Integrated Planning Goal – Student Access and Success

4 San Diego Miramar college’s Mission
San Diego Miramar College's mission is to prepare students to succeed in a complex and dynamic world by providing quality instruction and services in an environment that supports and promotes diversity, equity, and success, while emphasizing innovative programs and partnerships to facilitate student completion for transfer, workforce training, and/or career advancement.

5 San Diego Miramar college’s vision
San Diego Miramar College will be a hub of education, diversity, and services to our community. San Diego Miramar College, in keeping with this vision, supports and emphasizes the following guiding values: Access, learning, and success of all students to achieve their educational goals A culture of evidence, collaborative inquiry, and action that focuses on the student experience

6 San diego miramar college’s integrated planning

7 Impact of Actions on Student Success
Research Data

8 English center Successful Course Completion
Table 1.1. English Center Success Rates Fall 2015 Fall 2015 English Tutoring 1-2 sessions English Tutoring 3 or more sessions No Tutoring Success Count Success Rate Basic Skills 57 83% 41 75% 71% Transfer 49 89% 32 91% 74% Total/Average 106 85% 73 81% 72% Source: SDCCD Information System

9 English center Retention Rates
Table 1.2. English Center Retention Rates Fall 2015 Fall 2015 English Tutoring 1-2 sessions 3 or more sessions No Tutoring Retention Count Retention Rate Basic Skills 66 96% 52 95% 89% Transfer 35 100% 87% Total/Average 118 87 97% 88% Source: SDCCD Information System

10 English center Units Completed
Table 1.3. English Center Units Completed Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Basic Skills Transfer English Tutoring 1-2 sessions 3 or more sessions 0 Units 3 4% 2 5% 0% Units Units 13 19% 8 15% 6 11% 5 14% Units 17 25% 7 13% 9 16% 20% Units 21 30% 31% 4 Units 15 22% 19 35% 28 51% 54% Total 69 100% 55 35 Source: SDCCD Information System

11 English center Overall GPA
Table 1.4. English Center Overall GPA Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Basic Skills Transfer English Tutoring 1-2 sessions English Tutoring 3 or more sessions English Tutoring 3 or more sessions Tutoring Overall GPA 2.65 2.88 3.05 3.21 No Tutoring Overall GPA 2.43 2.81 Source: SDCCD Information System

12 English center Student Survey: Spring 2016 Pilot Study Responses

13 Personal learning assistance center (place)
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Sections Table 2.1. PLACe Supplemental Instruction (SI) Overall Section Enrollment Retention Success Fall 2015 SI Course 11 397 85% 56% Non-SI Course 30 960 89% 68% Spring 2016 14 407 87% 70% 46 1,313 64% Total/Average 101 3,077 65% Source: SDCCD Information System

14 Personal learning assistance center (place)
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Sections Offered: Table 2.2. PLACe Supplemental Instruction (SI) Number of Sections by Subject Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Sections CHEM CHEM 200 SI Course --- 1 Non-SI Course 3 ENGL ENGL 048 2 6 7 ENGL 049 10 14 MATH MATH 038 9 8 MATH 046 4 5 PHYS PHYS 195 Source: SDCCD Information System

15 Personal learning assistance center (place)
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Enrollment: Table 2.3. PLACe Supplemental Instruction (SI) Enrollment by Subject Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Enrollment CHEM CHEM 200 SI Course --- 54 Non-SI Course 137 ENGL ENGL 048 36 65 190 187 ENGL 049 51 69 266 358 MATH MATH 038 57 26 316 260 MATH 046 253 131 188 PHYS PHYS 195 62 Source: SDCCD Information System

16 Personal learning assistance center (place)
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Sections: Retention Rates Table 2.4. PLACe Supplemental Instruction (SI) Retention by Subject Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Retention Rates CHEM CHEM 200 SI Course --- 81% Non-SI Course 89% ENGL ENGL 048 69% 92% 86% ENGL 049 88% 80% 91% MATH MATH 038 MATH 046 87% 85% 77% PHYS PHYS 195 98% 90% Source: SDCCD Information System

17 Personal learning assistance center (place)
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Sections: Success Rates Table 2.5. PLACe Supplemental Instruction (SI) Success Rate by Subject Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Success Rate CHEM CHEM 200 SI Course --- 57% Non-SI Course 71% ENGL ENGL 048 47% 72% 65% 64% ENGL 049 78% 77% MATH MATH 038 40% 58% 68% 63% MATH 046 62% 59% 45% PHYS PHYS 195 97% 61% Source: SDCCD Information System

18 Tie Back to planning framework
Summary Planning Framework Continuous Quality Improvement Project Number Project Title Funding Source Target Student Sub-population in the Planning Framework 1 English Center BSI & SEP Entry and Progress 2 PLACe

19 Using the planning framework to mitigate other gaps
Moving forward

20 In the classroom and beyond
Within Classroom Loss Momentum Phases Students identify loss points, momentum points, and dialogue on ways to turn loss points into momentum points Six Success Factors that Support Student Achievement What should students be seeking out as well? Directed Focused Nurtured Engaged Connected Valued

21 and beyond Idea Access Equity Success
Identify goals, objectives Design your pilot Research Office Research Request Form Conduct your pilot and EVALUATE Use data to make informed decisions

22 Next steps Challenged college at fall convocation to use framework
Spring College-wide Summit 2017 Showcase of best practices by our very own experts Learn from one another Incorporate best practices in own area Collaboration opportunities!

23 Question and Answer

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