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Peer Tutoring in a Self-Contained EBD Classroom

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1 Peer Tutoring in a Self-Contained EBD Classroom
By: Mikaila Tynes

2 “Any problem behavior can become a social skills lesson.”
Brooks Powers


4 ….since they like to tell people what to do anyway.
Focus: Investigate how to produce an effective peer tutoring program within a self-contained EBD classroom ….since they like to tell people what to do anyway.

5 Targets: Performance Target: Improved levels of students interacting/socializing positively. Trait 1: Students regulate impulsive behaviors when interacting with other students Trait 2: Students point out positive attributes of each other and encourage each other to succeed

6 Exceeds Performance Standard
Trait Descriptor Students point out positive attributes of each other and encourage each other to succeed. 4 Exceeds Performance Standard Student encourages or points out positive behavior attributes, such as “good try”, “you’re doing great”, “nice work” or similar affirmation comments while interacting with other students four (4) or more times. 3 At Performance Standard Student encourages or points out positive behavior attributes, such as “good try”, “you’re doing great”, “nice work” or similar affirmation comments while interacting with other students three (3) times. 2 Approaching Performance Standard Student encourages or points out positive behavior attributes, such as “good try”, “you’re doing great”, “nice work” or similar affirmation comments while interacting with other students two (2) times. 1 Not at Performance Standard Student encourages or points out positive behavior attributes, such as “good try”, “you’re doing great”, “nice work” or similar affirmation comments while interacting with other students zero to one (0-1) times.

7 Exceeds Performance Standard
Trait Descriptor Students regulate impulsive behaviors when interacting with other students. 4 Exceeds Performance Standard Student need zero (0) reminders or redirections from teacher to regulate behavior (ignoring distractions, listening, taking deep breaths when needed, asking teacher for help when needed). 3 At Performance Standard Student needed one (1) reminder or redirection from the teacher to regulate behavior (ignoring distractions, listening, taking deep breaths when needed, asking teacher for help when needed) . 2 Approaching Performance Standard Student needed two (2) reminders or redirections from the teacher to regulate behavior (ignoring distractions, listening, taking deep breaths when needed, asking teacher for help when needed) . 1 Not at Performance Standard Student needed three (3) or more reminders or redirections from the teacher to regulate behavior (ignoring distractions, listening, taking deep breaths when needed, asking teacher for help when needed) .

8 Targets: Process Target: Provide improved social skills and strategies which will support students in their peer tutoring sessions. Trait 1: Use variety of research based social skills curriculum to teach students the necessary needs to build healthy relationships Trait 2: Explicitly teach math computation strategies to peer tutors so students can support one another in specific academic areas.

9 Exceeds Performance Standard
Trait Descriptor Use variety of research based social skills curriculum to teach students the necessary needs to build healthy relationships. 4 Exceeds Performance Standard Uses two or more research based social skills curricula to teach students the necessary needs to build healthy relationships, provides visuals of expectations during lesson and displayed in classroom, refers to previous lessons on material, provides students with opportunity to practice, provides students with feedback and encouragement (5:1 ratio). 3 At Performance Standard Uses one or more research based social skills curricula to teach students the necessary needs to build healthy relationships, provides visuals or expectations during lesson and displayed in classroom, provides students with opportunity to practice, provides students with feedback and encouragement (4:1 ratio). 2 Approaching Performance Standard Uses one research based social skills curricula to teach students the necessary needs to build healthy relationships, provides visuals or expectations during lesson, provides students with opportunity to practice, provides students with feedback and encouragement (3:1 ratio). 1 Not at Performance Standard Teach students the necessary needs to build healthy relationships, provides students with feedback and encouragement (2:1 ratio).

10 Exceeds Performance Standard
Trait Descriptor Explicitly teach academic strategies in math to peer tutors so students can support one another in math. 4 Exceeds Performance Standard Explicitly teach math strategies to peer tutors with the use of visuals and manipulatives, providing scripted phrases for peer tutors, provides peer tutors to practice before tutoring, provides feedback for students, positively interacts with students with encouraging words (5:1 ratio). 3 At Performance Standard Explicitly teach math strategies to peer tutors with the use of visuals and manipulatives, providing scripted phrases for peer tutors, provides peer tutors to practice before tutoring, provides feedback for students, positively interacts with students with encouraging words (4:1 ratio). 2 Approaching Performance Standard Teach math strategies to peer tutors with the use of visuals, provides peer tutors to practice before tutoring, provides feedback for students, positively interacts with students with encouraging words (3:1 ratio). 1 Not at Performance Standard Show math strategies to peer tutors, provides feedback for students, positively interacts with students with encouraging words (2:1 ratio or less).


12 Teacher Examples

13 Teacher Examples




17 Peer Tutor Data:

18 Students Who Participated Data:

19 Student Surveys

20 Key Learning Focus on “establish, maintain and restore” model
Everything takes FOR-E-VER to teach in an EBD room Positive interactions do not have to include verbal affirmations The student’s demonstrated they struggled with the 5:1 ration until they were done explaining the strategies to peers Future social skill lessons can be created or implemented from peer tutoring experiences

21 Next Steps Implement regular peer tutoring opportunities
Implement opportunities to tutor outside of class when students have reached appropriate levels Incorporate same grade tutoring Teach students how to plan lessons (How To Projects) as an example of how to break down projects and present material Might have students grade my performance as a teacher with a rubric Use peer tutoring opportunities as an actual documented intervention to improve student social and self-regulating skills (and possibly academic) And…..

22 Graduate These Two Guys:

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