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POW MND section.

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1 POW MND section

2 Main directions of work (1)
Further development and support of Dashboard applications heavily used by the LHC experiments for everyday work. In particular those which are used by the computing shifts and for site commissioning : -ATLAS DDM Monitoring - ATLAS Production Monitoring - Site Status Board - Site availability based on VO-specific SAM tests - Central repository for the monitoring data of the CMS distributed production ATLAS and CMS are relying more and more on the Dashboard applications for everyday operations. Example : Just one of the CMS servers has more than 1K unique visitors per month

3 Main directions of work (2)
Development work aimed to improve monitoring on the WLCG scope: - Messaging System for the Grid (MSG) - Job monitoring Setting up Dashboard Job Monitoring instance for all VOs using WLCG infrastructure. Initially based on IC RTM data Providing effort for testing and validation of the new job monitoring strategy, using LB notification, Condor_g log parser and MSG. - Data transfer Under the condition that FTS team would take a decision to deploy FTS monitoring developed in the Dashboard framework, provide support and required development, and construct the central FTS portal on top of data collected in FTS instance at Tier1.

4 Main directions of work (3)
Provide high level view of the LHC activities on the WLCG infrastructure based on the information retrieved from the experiment-specific monitoring systems: - On the global level (GridMap for experiments workflows) - On the site level (Site view of the activities of the LHC Vos) Provide coordination effort of the monitoring activities on the WLCG and in particular EGEE infrastructures Further development and improvement of the Dashboard framework which is used not just by the Dashboard team but also by other projects (example ATLAS DDM ) automation

5 Monitoring Coordination
Coordination of Research into messaging architectures Deployment of messaging solutions for EGEE For infrastructure and user-level monitoring Site monitoring for reliability (Nagios) EGEE Operational tool development EGEE Operations automation team Gridview Collaboration Deployment of monitoring tools for EGEE OSG-EGEE operational tool interoperation OSG RSV, OIM (similar to SAM, GOCDB) 5

6 Messaging Server Development of common utilities and APIs
Management of production server for EGEE infrastructure monitoring Testing of new messaging server releases Support of developers within EGEE using messaging 6

7 Dashboard Framework Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
Continue the integration of the framework with GWT to have an easier way of designing the web interfaces than the current XSL templates Google Earth Monitor Add more information regarding job monitoring and data management activities, like number of queued and running jobs, size of transfer queues, ... Knowledge Stores Try out the usage of the RDF libraries developed by Markus Huber (summer student) and see how flexible and useful it can be

8 ATLAS Dashboards ATLAS Information System (AGIS)
Continue integration with existing systems: GOCDB, OIM, BDIIs, ToA, Panda, ... Improve the management interfaces: python APIs, command line tools, direct HTTP requests, ... DDM & Prodsys Dashboard Keep improving according to user requests: activities, integration with eLog/GGUS/Savannah, ... Adapt web interface to GWT Summary dashboard GWT based, main entry point for shifters, client side only, tightly coupled to AGIS

9 Site Status Board Generic tool to monitor sites
Keep a set of metrics defined by the experiment Different views to the same data Flexibility adding metrics Historical view Combination of metrics Integrated with the Gridmap Currently used by CMS shifters and CMS site commissioning

10 Site Status Board: To Do
Support CMS: Include downtime and maintenance of sites Aggregate old information Integrate X509 authentication Add different historical views Help LHCb and ATLAS evaluate the tool

11 Site POV monitoring Goal: Give sites a single monitor entry to view all the VOs on the site Work in close collaboration with the 4 LHC VOs Use the Site Status Board to gather data Easy integration of new metrics Gridmap visualization

12 SAM web portal Current status:
Different interfaces SAM interface Difficult to use for the VOs CMS dashboard Replication of the database CMS specific ATLAS liked CMS interface, and requested its own Work in progress Combine all the interfaces into a single one

13 SAM web interface New dashboard SAM interface
Provides VO and SITE views Generic. Any VO can use it No replication of SAM data Definition of new availabilities

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