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Fahrenheit 451 Review Notes.

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1 Fahrenheit 451 Review Notes

2 Guy Montag is initially content and satisfied with his job
is different from the other firemen comes from a family of firemen his human inclinations and his work are at odds seeks human contact is initially content and satisfied with his job (“It was a pleasure to burn.”) is different from the other firemen as he entertains Clarisse’s ideas comes from a family of firemen experiences internal conflict when his human inclinations and his work are at odds seeks human contact

3 Guy Montag (cont.) becomes curious and introspective
can distinguish right from wrong seeks truth that his job and society have denied him becomes curious and introspective through his meetings with Clarisse can distinguish right from wrong, even though he may not be able to articulate his reasoning seeks truth that his job and society have denied him; thinks books will provide this truth

4 Guy Montag (cont.) needs guidance acts courageously but also foolishly
has strong convictions but is sometimes too idealistic becomes the rebel needs guidance as he lacks the ability to read books and finds this elusive truth acts courageously but also foolishly; makes rash decisions has strong convictions but is sometimes too idealistic becomes the rebel as he challenges the conformity of his surroundings

5 The Dystopian Hero Compare Guy Montag to the characteristics of dystopian heroes (see handout).

6 Clarisse McClellan acts as a catalyst for change in Montag
is associated with nature and light is curious, observant, and questioning has the innocence of youth yet the wisdom of experience different from other teenagers feels alienated acts as a catalyst for change in Montag is associated with nature and light is curious, observant, and questioning has the innocence of youth yet the wisdom of experience offers a contrast for Mildred Montag but also teenagers feels alienated because she feels humans are social

7 Mildred Montag is older but less mature than Clarisse
shows us the emptiness of society ultimately betrays her husband chooses an imaginary world over a real one is older but less mature than Clarisse shows us the emptiness of pleasure-seeking, narcissistic, and distracted society is presented with the opportunity for redemption (like Faber) but ultimately betrays her husband chooses an imaginary world over a real one

8 Captain Beatty is observant, knowledgeable, and intelligent but also confrontational and manipulative understands society and is not a mindless, ignorant follower defends the status quo is hypocritical uses knowledge as a weapon is observant, knowledgeable, and intelligent but also confrontational and manipulative as opposed to Mildred, understands society and is not a mindless, ignorant follower defends the status quo because it has given him a position of power and authority is hypocritical as he destroys the books that he seems to enjoy uses knowledge as a weapon

9 Professor Faber is a retired professor Is practical and cautious
considers himself a coward offers an alternative to Beatty’s version of society finds new life (and redemption) is a retired professor is more practical and cautious than Montag considers himself a coward as he did not challenge the status quo offers an alternative to Beatty’s version of society finds new life (and redemption) as he helps Montag

10 Granger leader of a group of exiles is associated with the future
commits books to memory for future generations people, not books are important leader of a group of exiles is associated with the future as he is preparing for it and communicates a vision of it commits books to memory for future generations confirms that it is not books that are important but the people who use them

11 Symbols phoenix fire appears on the fireman’s uniform
represents rebirth and rejuvenation compared to man (by Granger) fire can give and take away is associated with destruction

12 Motifs mirrors moonlight conversations with others
Montag is satisfied with his reflection Clarisse is described as a mirror Faber describes books as mirrors Granger thinks a factory of mirrors would help humans look at themselves moonlight early conversations between Montag and Clarisse outside the city conversations with others Clarisse Beatty Faber Granger

13 Allusions Plato’s cave allegory (philosophy)
Brutus of Julius Caesar (literature) martyrdom of Latimer and Ridley (history) Icarus’ death (mythology) New Jerusalem after the apocalypse (religion)

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