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Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary

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1 Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary

2 August 28 Venemous-adj- extremely poisonous or injurious
Venom- related word The venemous spew of gossip that came out of that minstrel of hate’s mouth made me hate her. Minstrel- a singer of folk songs There’s a minstrel on Gilmore Girls that sings in the park.

3 September 15 Imperceptible- impossible or difficult to detect
Related words: perception, perceive The pimple on her forehead was imperceptible to everyone else, but the girl, she thought it stuck out like a flashlight in the dark. Mausoleum- a large burial chamber, usually above ground Ex. New Orleans is full of mausoleums, and in the show The Originals that’s where all the witches hung out.

4 September 21 Proclivity- a natural inclination Ex. Sadly I don’t have a proclivity towards organization, so I have to really work hard at keeping my things together. Ravenous- extremely hungry or greedy for something Related words: ravenousness, ravenously Ex. He ravenously stole all of the pencils out of the supply closet like he needed them to survive, but really he is a kleptomaniac. -

5 September 23 Centrifuge- an apparatus that separates particles from a suspension, can also be used as a verb Ex. They tried to centrifuge Mildred’s blood after she tried to kill herself in F451. Feign-v- make believe with the intent to deceive Ex. I wanted the boy to like me, so I feigned interest in his pokemon collection, but really it bored me to death.

6 September Cacophony- loud confusing disagreeable sounds
Ex. Because I couldn’t understand what they were saying, the German girl sounded cacophonous when she spoke her native language. Breach- an opening, especially a gap in a dike or fortification Ex. In New Orleans, the reason the city flooded during Katrina was because the dikes had been breached.

7 October Oracle- a shrine where a prophetic god is consulted, or god or goddess who profecies In the Matrix, the movie, they called the lady who knew about the matrix the oracle. Suffuse- cause to spread or flush or flood through, over or across Ex. Mrs. Brawner tries to suffuse a love of literature throughout the school, but sadly she fails.

8 October Strew- spread by scattering
Ex. The flower girl strewed flowers all over the aisle before the bride walked down. Saccharine- overly sweet Ex. The saccharine sweet attitude of the teacher made all this students disrespect her.

9 October Mediocre- moderate to inferior in quality
Ex. Our food in the cafeteria when from mediocre to flat out awful when they started cooking it downtown. Insidious- working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way Ex. The mean girl tweeted insidious things about the girl who liked the same boy as her, just for meanness.

10 October Juggernaut- a massive inexorable force
Ex. There is no escaping the juggernaut of social media and cell phones, educators need to stop fighting it and find a way to channel it. Invigorate- give life or energy Ex. Our walk is meant to be invigorating every day, and if it’s not too hot or too cold, it is invigorating.

11 October Perfunctory- hasty and without attention to detail, not thorough Ex. Although the student did all of his work, he did it in a perfuntory way that kept him from learning or even enjoying it. Aesthetic- characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste Ex. The aesthetics of the school would improve if we could paint the walls bright colors.

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