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Utilization of 3D Scene Data for Improving Segmentation and Tracking

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1 Utilization of 3D Scene Data for Improving Segmentation and Tracking
Yingdong Ma Supervisors: Dr. Stewart Worrall and Prof. Ahmet Kondoz

2 Outline Introduction Surface Reconstruction from Unorganised Sample Points 3D Object Segmentation Depth Assisted Video Object Segmentation Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking Conclusion and Future Works List of Publications

3 Introduction Motivation:
Automatic video object detection and tracking is a hard work for current mono-view video processing systems The ability of handling new input, such as the 3D scene data

4 Introduction Reconstruction of 3D scene further benefits video content detection Possible application: NASA’s Mars pathfinder mission Decomposition of 3D object model reveals structual informaiton (Image from NASA Mars pathfinder web page) 4

5 Introduction Aim: development of techniques for better utilization of 3D scene data in semantic object segmentation and tracking Objectives: 3D object surface reconstruction 3D object segmentation Depth assisted video object segmentation Depth assisted multiple objects tracking

6 Outline Introduction Surface Reconstruction from Unorganised Sample Points 3D Object Segmentation Depth Assisted Video Object Segmentation Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking Conclusion and Future Works List of Publications

7 3D Object Surface Reconstruction
Given a point cloud on or near the object surface, recovers the geometric shape from the point cloud and represent it by means of a polygon mesh Challenges: The sample point might be very large, noisy, arbitrary shape Local under sampling, where point samples are not dense enough to capture local features

8 3D Object Surface Reconstruction
Typical reconstruction approaches overview Functional approaches: a implicit surface is defined as the zero-set of a scalar function, such as weighted quadrics. Voronoi/Delaunay filtering: the surface mesh is obtained by extracting triangles from a Delaunay triangulation/Voronoi diagram Region growing: starts from an initial triangle and iterates to attach new triangles to the region’s boundaries.

9 3D Object Surface Reconstruction
Delaunay/Voronoi-based methods Provide geometric structure information for unorganized sample points Multiple Delaunay/Voronoi computation Extra points introduced (poles) Region growing methods Computationally efficient Reconstruction quality depends on user defined parameters

10 3D Object Surface Reconstruction
Delaunay-based region growing method Build Delaunay triangulation Smallest top triangle Select candidate triangle for each boundary edge 2D example

11 3D Object Surface Reconstruction
Selection of candidate triangle The confident order of a candidate triangle is defined based on the angular distance and the geometric distance

12 3D Object Surface Reconstruction
Experimental results (number of triangles selected so far) 10040f 200f 1000f 5000f 200f 1000f 5000f 14785f

13 3D Object Surface Reconstruction
Performance analysis Efficient (compute Delaunay triangulation once) The code is written in C on a laptop computer (1400 MHz, 512Mb memory) Small holes filling by greedy triangulation Robust in the case of sharp boundary if the point cloud is dense enough Model Sample Points Triangles Running time (s) Powercrust (s) CAD model 3799 7396 6.05 7.18 Hand 5029 10040 6.63 8.04 Head 7399 14785 9.26 11.63 Duck 7862 19647 17.97 18.21 Rock-arm 10044 20102 35.82 25.39

14 Outline Introduction Surface Reconstruction from Unorganised Sample Points 3D Object Segmentation Depth Assisted Video Object Segmentation Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking Conclusion and Future Works List of Publications

15 3D Object Segmentation Given a 3D object, which is represented by a set of sample points or a surface mesh, the 3D object segmentation problem refers to partition the object into meaningful parts based on geometric properties of the sample points or faces that comprise the object Properly decomposing objects into meaningful components recovers useful structural properties of a 3D object 3D object segmentation is an ill-posed problem: segmentation results highly depends on the application context

16 3D Object Segmentation Approaches overview
The fuzzy k-means clustering method computes the probability that a point/face belongs to a patch based on a distance measurement Number of components Hierarchical binary decomposition method Skeleton-based method represents objects by a lower dimensional construction Skeleton generation: principal axis, edge contraction Skeleton segmentation or sweep skeleton branches

17 3D Object Segmentation Aim: given a 3D object (point cloud), automatically divide the object into several meaningful components System overview Using a set of local maxima and a fuzzy cluster validity index to find the number of components Decompose object by means of fuzzy k-means Find the cut line between components by Max flow/Min cut

18 3D Object Segmentation Find local maxima
The distance measurement: the shortest path between two vertices The root vertex is the one which has the longest geodesic distance to other vertices A vertex is labelled as local maximum if its neighbours closer to the root vertex Fuzzy cluster validity index (the separation index) Order local maximum based on their geodesic distance The smallest S(f) indicates the optimal number of components Separation index S(f) Local maxima

19 3D Object Segmentation Object segmentation by the fuzzy k-means method
Minimization of the object function Find the cut line between components Give large weight to an edge if the angle between its two end points normal is negative (concave edge)

20 3D Object Segmentation Experimental results Separation index S(f)
Local maxima

21 3D Object Segmentation Performance evaluation
automatic calculation of the optimal number of meaningful components The MDS (multi-dimensional scaling) transform method Unfold object model and construct the convex hull of transformed model Critical points: Local maxima on the convex hull

22 Outline Introduction Surface Reconstruction from Unorganised Sample Points 3D Object Segmentation Depth Assisted Video Object Segmentation Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking Conclusion and Future Works List of Publications

23 Depth Assisted Object Segmentation
A process that involves partitioning a video scene into semantic meaningful components in a generic video sequence Most vision-based systems involving video object tracking and moving objects recognition require fast and reliable detection of foreground regions Performance of the video object segmentation techniques can be effected by reasons such as shadows, illumination change, cluttered background, and background movement

24 Depth Assisted Object Segmentation
Object segmentation approaches overview Spatial segmentation Efficient in the case of simple scene but tends to get over-segmentation under cluttered background Post-processing is required such as small regions merging Motion-based segmentation Frame difference method is fast but sensitive to shadows and background movement

25 Depth Assisted Object Segmentation
Joint spatial-temporal segmentation takes into account motion information and various spatial features including colour, texture and edge Depth-based segmentation Robust in complex backgrounds but sensitive to object texture and the distance between objects and the camera

26 Depth Assisted Object Segmentation
Mono-view videos lost some important information of the scene, such as the depth information Develop an automatic segmentation method to extract meaningful video objects by combining depth and other spatial-temporal features System overview

27 Depth Assisted Object Segmentation
Object mask generation Depth map segmentation u/v-projection images Motion segmentation Frame difference images Object boundary refinement by active contour model Object masks provide the initial contour The intensity and edge are the external energies to be minimized in active contour model

28 Depth Assisted Object Segmentation
Experimental results Depth map, motion-based segmentation, without boundary refinement Depth map, motion, active contour model based segmentation

29 Depth Assisted Object Segmentation
Performance evaluation Object segmentation by the proposed method and the background subtraction method How much relevant object pixels the proposed method has extracted

30 Outline Introduction Surface Reconstruction from Unorganised Sample Points 3D Object Segmentation Depth Assisted Video Object Segmentation Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking Conclusion and Future Works List of Publications

31 Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking
Locating and assigning consistent labels to the tracked objects in a generic video sequence Target locating: predict the location of interesting objects being tracked in the next frame Object matching: establish correspondence of detected objects across frames Accurate and robust multiple object tracking is a challenging problem complex backgrounds, arbitrary object motion, changing appearance patterns of non-rigid objects, and partial or full object overlaps

32 Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking
Region-based tracking Video objects are segmented into a set of small regions Object identification is established based on these regions Kernel-based tracking The kernel is an object region, either a simple shape with associated colour histogram or a small area roughly represents object shape Feature-based tracking Images elements, including edges, colour, texture, motion vector, object contour, etc. Object identification is established in the feature space, such as the colour histogram

33 Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking
Develop a depth assisted solution of multiple objects tracking under various type of overlaps A stereo-vision system has the ability to separate objects at different depth layers under partial overlap System overview: Stable object segmentation from cluttered backgrounds Depth assisted overlap detection Depth-based partial overlap handling Severe/full overlap handling

34 Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking
Depth assisted overlap detection Detect the occurrence and the end of partial overlap based on the depth map segmentation and object’s overlap situation in the previous frame Overlap handling Different object tracking techniques are employed according to various overlap situations

35 Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking
Tracking non-overlaid objects: the shortest three-dimensional Euclidean distance Tracking partial overlaid objects in different disparity layers: colour-based silhouette matching Tracking partial overlaid objects in one disparity layer: iterative silhouette matching algorithm Overlaid objects are separated based on their average disparity range in the previous frame

36 Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking
Severe/full overlap handling: Unmatched foreground region can be a new object or a splitting object Local best matching Splitting object: foreground region matches one of the overlaid object

37 Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking
Experimental results Object tracking under partial overlap in different disparity layers Object tracking under partial and severe overlap Tracking system can rematch objects after full overlap

38 Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking
Performance evaluation Object tracking by template matching works well in the case of non-overlap and partial overlap due to the updating of template but failed under severe overlap Object tracking by mean-shift Lost of severe overlaid object and mismatches the splitting object

39 Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking
Performance evaluation

40 Outline Introduction Surface Reconstruction from Unorganised Sample Points 3D Object Segmentation Depth Assisted Video Object Segmentation Depth Assisted Video Object Tracking Conclusion and Future Works List of Publications

41 Conclusions A Delaunay-based region growing method is developed to reconstruct 3D object surface from a set of sample points The new candidate triangle selection criterion ensures the region growing process smooth and robust at sharp boundaries The 3D object segmentation algorithm divides object into several meaningful components by means of the fuzzy k-means method A fuzzy cluster validity index is used to find the optimal number of components from a set of local maxima Depth assisted video object segmentation A depth-based segmentation framework is introduced, which consists of a depth and motion based object mask generation step and an object boundarie refinement step to extract semantic object regions Depth assisted video object tracking The overlap detection method is based on the depth map segmentation and the overlap situation of each track in the previous frame Different object tracking strategies are employed according to the various overlap situations

42 Future Works Non-uniform point cloud simplification: remove redundant sample points adaptively according to the surface curvature Combination of depth map segmentation and motion segmentation A quality measurement is needed to evaluate the quality of depth map and motion segmentation Assign a probability measurement to each associated object according to the matching result so that the tracking system can recover from failed object association in the previous frame

43 List of Publications Y. Ma, S. Worrall, and A. M. Kondoz, “Depth Assisted Occlusion Handling in Video Object Tracking,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier Science (under review) Y. Ma S. Worrall, and A. M. Kondoz, “3D Point Segmentation Using Critical Points and Fuzzy Clustering,” in Proc. the 4th IET Conference on Visual Information Engineering, London, 2007 Y. Ma S. Worrall, and A. M. Kondoz, “Automatic Video Object Segmentation Using Depth Information and an Active Contour Model,” in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 2008 Y. Ma S. Worrall, and A. M. Kondoz, “Video Object Segmentation in Cluttered Background Using Depth and Spatial-temporal information,” in Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Burgos, Spain, 2008 Y. Ma S. Worrall, and A. M. Kondoz, “Depth Assisted Visual Tracking,” in Proc. 10th IEEE International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, London, 2009

44 Thank You!.. Any questions? Contacts: Yingdong Ma

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