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Nutzerworkshop 05./06.10.2015 Data Analysis and Visual Output Andrea Pozzer (MPIC) Wolfgang Mueller (MPIM)

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Presentation on theme: "Nutzerworkshop 05./06.10.2015 Data Analysis and Visual Output Andrea Pozzer (MPIC) Wolfgang Mueller (MPIM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutzerworkshop 05./ Data Analysis and Visual Output Andrea Pozzer (MPIC) Wolfgang Mueller (MPIM)

2 Data Analysis and Visualization
Nutzerworkshop 05./ Data Analysis and Visualization What softwares/courses are necessary for a full usage of the DKRZ capabilities? Which services will be needed for the future (near term projects 1-3yr, long-term strategy >5yr)? What are the main need for our dissemination and public relation?

3 Data analysis and visualisation
Nutzerworkshop 05./ Data analysis and visualisation Refer to pure data analysis : Other work packages: Data provision (Datenbereitstellung) working group for large dataset such as World Data Center for Climate) Data production (Datenproduktion) for storage and data model runs DKRZ is NOT only data producer Dedicated server for visualisation Set of tools for data analysis

4 Analysis and visualization: important part of the DKRZ services
Nutzerworkshop 05./ Analysis and visualization: important part of the DKRZ services

5 Analysis and visualization: important part of the DKRZ services
Nutzerworkshop 05./ Analysis and visualization: important part of the DKRZ services

6 Yearly ~ 10 PB data are produced and stored:
Nutzerworkshop 05./ Yearly ~ 10 PB data are produced and stored: How to analyze them? Set of software normally available: NCL, CDO, R all allow statistical analysis Some are free (open source) some are not (e.g. matlab) Is anything missing that MUST be there? Is the software enough ?

7 Yearly ~ 10 PB data are produced and stored:
Nutzerworkshop 05./ Yearly ~ 10 PB data are produced and stored: How to analyze them? Beside the software... Is any need for algorithm repository? Frameworks for data analysis: ESMVal Tool (DLR)1, MiKlip Evaluation System (FUB) BUT.... These are CMIP and Climate Prediction related analyses Offers standard analysis and should/must be extended How much could be standardized? Diversity vs. Applicability 1 2

8 Nutzerworkshop 05./06.10.2015 Visualization
Mistral offers 12GPU node dedicated to 2D-3D visualization. LUSTRE already mounted there, i.e. no need of data transfer! Software available: Anything missing here? 3D Avizo Paraview Simvis Vapor IDL 2D Ferret NCL GRADS GMT

9 Nutzerworkshop 05./06.10.2015 Visualization
Additional services: In situ visualisation and video lab (3D) + direkt support from DKRZ See movie example....

10 Data Analysis and Visualization
Nutzerworkshop 05./ Data Analysis and Visualization What softwares/courses are necessary for a full usage of the DKRZ capabilities? Which services will be needed for the future (near term projects 1-3yr, long-term strategy >5yr)? What are the main need for our dissemination and public relation?

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