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PRESENTATION OUTLINE 4th Quarter Performance for the 2016/17 financial year: Summary of performance for the 4th quarter Expenditure against budget Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Leadership and Management Practice (LMP) Programme 3: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Programme 4: Integrity and Anti-Corruption (IAC) 1st Quarter Performance for the 2017/18 financial year: Programme 2: LMP Programme 3: M&E Programme 4: IAC Outputs with specific provincial focus 2
Overall, 95% of planned targets were achieved in the 2016/17 financial year Adjustments to the workplan and non-achievement were mostly as a result of financial and capacity constraints experienced by the PSC 4
Key achievements in the 4th quarter include: Increase in the finalisation of grievances and complaints Ability to maintain the vacancy rate below 10% Establishment of the Data Warehouse Establishment of an On-line Grievance and Complaints Management System Migration and in-house management of the National Anti-Corruption Hotline Inspections in all provinces on the availability of Learner and Teacher Support Material Various research reports were completed: Report on the assessment of the verification of qualifications of SMS members in the Eastern Cape Province Report on the assessment of Emergency Medical Services in Mpumalanga Report on the investigation into the management of the Department of Health: Western Cape: Policy on Incapacity Leave and Ill-health Retirement application process 5
Adjusted Budget for 2016/17 Expenditure as at 31 March 2017 Available budget 194 Norm 100% % Spending 99.91% % Variance 0.10% The PSC spent 99.91% out of the final budget of R229.2 million, thereby leaving surplus funds of R The surplus funds will be surrendered back to the National Revenue Fund. Below is the expenditure information per economic classification 6
Items Final Budget (R’000) Final Expenditure Percentage Spending (%) Percentage Variance (%) Compensation of Employees 99.94% 0.06% Goods & Services 53 016 52 952 99.88% 0.12% Transfers and subsidies 791 758 95.83% 4.17% Payments for capital assets 2 585 2 586 100.04% -0.04% Theft & Losses 46 47 102.17% -2.17% Total 99.92% 0.08% * e.g. payment of leave gratuity # e.g. damage and theft of equipment 7
Programme 1: Administration
OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance A risk based annual and three year Audit Plan developed and implemented Mar 2017 The Internal Audit Plan for 2016/17 was implemented Achieved Review of the Promotion of Access to Information Manual conducted Reviewed Promotion of Access to Information Manual approved in March 2017 Annual Performance Plan produced Jan 2017 Annual Performance Plan that adheres to National Treasury Guidelines approved in January 2017 Implementation of the SDIP monitored Annual SDIP progress report for the 2016/17 financial year submitted to the DPSA in March 2017 9
OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance Expenditure against budget properly monitored to ensure that funds surrendered to the National Treasury do not exceed 2% Mar 2017 As at 31 March 2017, preliminary percentage spending on expenditure was 99.91% Achieved All Payments processed within 30 days Payment exception reports submitted to NT on a monthly basis. Out of 5235 payments processed, 14 (0.3%) was processed later than 30 days Appropriate action was taken against managers who failed to deal with invoices within the stipulated timeframe Target not achieved SCM policy implemented in compliance with prescripts and guidelines SCM prescripts and guidelines were implemented on an ongoing basis 10
OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance OPSC leased immovable properties properly maintained Mar 2017 The Gauteng Provincial Office moved to the new premises on 26 March 2017 and the lease agreement is for a period of 5 years starting from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2021. The lease agreement for the Western Cape Provincial OPSC was renewed for three years starting from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2020 National Office remained in temporary accommodation Achieved Information technology infrastructure, systems and services maintained through 95% network connectivity uptime Network connectivity uptime of 99% achieved Target exceeded 11
OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance Business Continuity Plan reviewed Mar 2017 Output put on hold due to financial constraints Not achieved Vacancy rate of below 10% maintained The OPSC had 19 vacancies as at 31 March 2017 (Vacancy rate: 6.8%) Achieved 5 workshops on disciplinary resolution mechanisms conducted No workshops were conducted due to lack of facilitators 12
PROGRAMME 2: Leadership and management practice
PROGRAMME 2: LMP (1) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Grievance Management Mar 2017 As at 31 March 2017, from the 709 grievances registered on the PSC’s database, 615 (87%) were concluded. 80% of grievances of employees on salary levels 2 – 12 finalised within 30 working days from date of receipt of all relevant documentation 560 of the 615 concluded cases were for level 2-12, of which 456 (81%) were concluded within 30 working days of receipt of relevant information Target exceeded 80% of grievances of SMS members finalised within 45 working days from date of receipt of all relevant documentation 55 of the 615 concluded cases were for members of the Senior Management Service, of which 51 (93%) were concluded within 45 working days of receipt of relevant information 14
PROGRAMME 2: LMP (2) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
1 X Technical brief on departmental grievance resolution compiled Feb 2017 2nd technical brief finalised by the OPSC and approved by the PSC in February 2017 Achieved 1 X Newsletters published Mar 2017 2nd Grievance Management Communiqué approved by the PSC in March 2017 2 X Grievance management workshops conducted in Gauteng and Free State 2 X Workshops were held in February and March 2017 15
PROGRAMME 2: LMP (3) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Draft report on the investigation into the implementation of labour court orders and arbitration awards by departments and implications for labour relations produced Feb 2017 Draft report finalized by the OPSC in February 2017 Achieved Factsheet on compliance with the submission of HoD Performance Agreements produced Mar 2017 Factsheet finalised approved by the PSC in February 2017 Report on compliance with the Minister for Public Service and Administration deviation on HoD evaluations produced Factsheet finalised by the OPSC in March 2017 16
PROGRAMME 2: LMP (4) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Commence with roundtable arrangements on recruitment, retention, career pathing and utilisation of SMS expertise and skills in the Public Service Mar 2017 Action plan for the roundtable was approved by the PSC in February 2017, venue secured from Unisa and invitations distributed in March 2017 Achieved Factsheet on the career incidents of HoDs produced Factsheet finalized by the OPSC in March 2017 Report on the assessment of the verification of qualifications of SMS members in the Eastern Cape Province Report approved in February 2017 17
PROGRAMME 2: LMP (5) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Report on the investigation into the management of the Department of Health: Western Cape: Policy on Incapacity Leave and Ill-health Retirement application process and potential problems leading to an increase in the number of PILIR-related grievances received by the PSC Mar 2017 Report approved in March 2017 Achieved 1 X Good practice commu-niqué for labour relations and human resource practitioners focusing on PSC recommendations in the Northern Cape emanating from grievances produced 1 X Communiqué approved March 2017 18
Progrramme 3: Monitoring & evaluation
PROGRAMME 3: M&E (1) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Warehouse developed for the integrated data centre for the PSC Mar 2017 The Warehouse for complaints, grievances, financial misconduct, financial disclosure, National Anti-Corruption Hotline and Section 196(4)(e) established Achieved Promotion of the Constitutional Values and Principles: 3 X Pilot assessments conducted Jun ’17* 3 Pilot assessments in the Departments of Correctional Services, Water and Sanitation, and Economy Enterprise and Development in the North West Province commenced * The target date is in the next financial year 20
PROGRAMME 3: M&E (2) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Methodology for analysing Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans and Annual Reports developed May 2016 Draft Guideline produced in September Required further attention. Target not achieved, due to capacity constraints Not achieved Section 196 (4)(e) report produced Report on the PSC’s activities and recommendations from Apr 2014 – Dec 2015 produced Jun ‘16 Report approved by the PSC in August 2016 Target achieved 2 months later than planned due to, amongst others, the late submission of information required Achieved late 21
PROGRAMME 3: M&E(3) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Decisions monitored and the facilitation of the implementation of the decisions of the Citizen Forums at Matsatseng Village, Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality Mar 2017 Report approved by the OPSC in March 2017 Achieved Technical briefs on inspections produced: Health Facilities Consolidated report finapproved by the OPSC in March 2017 Report on the assessment of Emergency Medical Services in Mpumalanga Report approved in March 2017 22
PROGRAMME 3: M&E(4) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Inspections in selected provinces on: Availability of Learner and Teacher Support Material (extended from 4 to all provinces) Mar 2017 Reports for inspections in all provinces approved: GP, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West, KZN and Western Cape approved in February 2017 EC and Limpopo approved in March 2017 Achieved Health Facilities Eastern Cape Free State KwaZulu-Natal North West KZN: approved in March 2017 (EC, FS and NW approved in previous quarters) Police Stations Mpumalanga Feb 2017 Report approved in February 2017 23
PROGRAMME 3: M&E (5) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Report on an evaluation of the level of adherence to the Constitutional values and principles in district hospitals in the Western Cape produced Mar 2017 Report approved in March 2017 Achieved Ad hoc: Consolidated report on inspections at Correctional Centres conducted at Pollsmoor, Durban, Kokstad and Kgosi Mampuru II Consolidated report approved in February 2017 24
Programme 4: integrity and anti-corruption
PROGRAMME 4: IAC (1) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Investigations conducted either of its own accord or on receipt of any complaint lodged and requests for investigations Mar 2017 360 complaints were lodged with the PSC of which 303 (84%) were concluded. Achieved 80% of provisional reports on complaints approved within 3 months from date of receipt of all relevant documentation Of the 61 cases finalised through investigations, 49 (80%) were finalised within 3 months of receipt of all relevant documentation. 80% of early resolution reports on complaints approved within 45 days from date of receipt of all relevant documentation Of the 148 finalised as early resolution cases, 126 (85%) were finalised within 45 days of receipt of all relevant documentation (Note: 94 backlog cases lodged prior to 1 April 2016/17 financial year were finalised/closed, of which 35 were finalised within 45 days of receipt of all relevant documentation.) 26
PROGRAMME 4: IAC (2) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Reports on an investigation and evaluation of the awarding of higher salaries on appointment and counter offers in the national departments of Health and Human Settlements Mar 2017 Reports on the departments of Health and Human Settlements approved by the OPSC in March 2017 Achieved Management of the FDF (cont.) Commence with draft report on the Implementation of the FDF for 2015/16 and compile a report Report finalised by the OPSC in March 2017 Investigation of complaints through early resolution (80% of early resolution reports on complaints approved within 45 days from receipt of the complaint) A total of 27 cases were received of which 18 (66%) of the cases were closed within 45 days from receipt of complaint, 7 were closed outside 45 days and 2 are under investigations Not achieved 27
PROGRAMME 4: IAC (3) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Management of the National Anti-Corruption Hotline (NACH) 90% of NACH cases assessed and referred to respective departments Feedback on cases monitored and assessed Mar 2017 Of the 1856 cases received during the financial year, and 100% were referred to departments within 21 days of receipt of the case report Status of 1856 NACH cases on the database: Feedback received: 63% Closed: 58% Achieved 1 targeted visit 1 targeted visit conducted in March 2017 2 workshops 2 workshops held by March 2017 1 roundtable held in KZN Integrity Management Forum held in February 2017 28
PROGRAMME 4: IAC (4) OUTPUT TARGET 4th Q performance
Report on an analysis of the anti-corruption capacity and capabilities of the Northern Cape provincial departments produced Mar 2017 Report approved in March 2017 Achieved Promotion of professional ethics (3 year strategy) Advocacy workshops conducted at National level and in the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal National level: 1 workshop held Free State: 4 workshops held KZN: 11 workshops held 29
91% of planned quarterly targets were achieved in the first quarter of the 2017/18 financial year. Key achievements in the first quarter : Finalisation of the following reports: Draft report on the Investigation into the implementation of labour court orders and arbitration awards by departments and implications for labour relations Consolidated report on Learner Teacher Support Material Overview of the Implementation of the FDF for the 2015/2016 Inspections were conducted in hospitals in KZN Province and libraries in rural areas in Limpopo Work on various research reports commenced 31
3 outputs were delayed due to a lack of funding 1 output was not achieved due to the postponement of a meeting by a stakeholder 2 outputs are delayed due to the need for further engagement on the CVP instrument with Pilot departments and inadequate cooperation from departments 32
Allocated Budget Expenditure for June 2017 (month of June 2017) 18 924 Expenditure until 30 June 2017 58 491 Available budget Norm 25.00% % Spending 23.81% % Variance 1.19% 33
Item Allocated Budget (R’000) Expenditure to date Percentage Spending (%) Percentage Variance (%) Compensation of Employees 42 884 22.72% 2.28% Goods & Services 55 739 15 070 27.04% -2.04% Transfers and subsidies 291 172 59.11% -34.11% Payments for capital assets 858 365 42.54% -17.54% Total 58 491 23.81% 1.19%
UNTIL 31 MARCH 2018 Item R’000 Allocated Budget Less: Total Actual and Projected Expenditure ( ) Possible shortfall (6 844) Reduction on personnel budget 4 900 Shortfall on 2017/18 approved work plan 4 600 Less: Vacancy savings for the 1st Quarter (3 900) Shortfall after savings 5 600 Norm 100.00% % Spending 102.79% % Variance 2.79% 35
The PSC started with a shortfall of R9.5 million. During the 1st quarter, there were 25 vacancies which generated savings of R3.9 million thus reducing the shortfall in the approved work plan. Included in the expenditure to date (14 July 2017), was a total payment of R6.6 million for invoices relating to the services that were rendered in the previous financial year (accruals). Actual and projected expenditure totals R252.5 million against the allocated budget of R245.6 million. Included in the projected spending is relocation costs for National and Free State Provincial Office. In the event that National Treasury does not increase the PSC’s budget, there is a possible overspending of 2.79% or R6.8 million.
Programme 1: Administration
Performance Indicator 1st Q performance Approved Annual Performance Plan No first quarter target, but PSC Strategic Planning Session was held in May 2017 in preparation for the submission of the 1st draft APP for 2018/19 in next quarter Unqualified audit report No first quarter target, but audit by the Auditor-General was in progress Annual vacancy rate of below 10% maintained As at 30 June 2017, the vacancy rate was 8.9% 4th quarter (2016/17) monitoring report on the implementation of ICT support systems and processes and governance arrangements produced 4th Quarter report approved and 1st Quarter report in progress
Output Target 1st Q Performance Quarterly and Annual Programme Performance Reports produced 4th quarter report submitted 4th quarter (2016/17) was submitted to the NT and DPME Achieved Annual Performance Plan (APP) produced Planning for production of APP Inputs to 2018/19 Workplan collated to form the basis for the APP (2018/19) Monthly financial reports produced 3 reports 3 monthly IYM reports for March, April and May submitted to National Treasury Interim and Annual Financial Statements to NT and AG by the due dates Submission to NT and AG by 31 May 2017 Unaudited Annual Financial Statements were submitted to NT and AG on 31 May 2017
Output Target 1st Q Performance Payments processed within 30 days of receipt of invoice 3 reports 3 monthly reports for March, April and May 2017 submitted to National Treasury Achieved SCM policy implemented in compliance with prescripts and guidelines 1st quarter report produced Service level agreements in place and monitored Mar 2018 15 SLAs were signed within 3 months of contract award by June 2017
Output Target 1st Q Performance 3 lift news produced June 2017 Achieved 1 Information and learning sessions held 2 information sessions held 1 bulletin produced and 1 media briefings held 1 bulletin produced 1 media briefing held 3 Media Statements produced OPSC leased immovable properties properly maintained National Office: Procurement of office accommodation will follow a nominated procedure. Viewing of the buildings will be on 13 July 2017. Free State Provincial Office: Nominated route will be followed and the revised needs assessment were submitted to DPW in June 2017. Mpumalanga Provincial Office: Relocated on 31 May 2017
Output Target 1st Q Performance Monitor and report an all ICT support systems and processes and governance arrangements 4th quarter report produced by June 2017 4th quarter report was produced Achieved Annual vacancy rate of below 10% maintained Below 10% June 2017 8.9% vacancy rate (25 vacancies) People with Disabilities (PWDs) to comprise at least 2% of staff employed 2% by June 2017 OPSC has 6 PWDs which translates 2.36% Women to comprise at least 50% of staff employed at SMS level 50% by June 2017 OPSC has 22 women out of 43 filled posts, which translates to 51.2% of the total staff establishment.
PROGRAMME 2: LMP: Leadership and management practice
Performance Indicator 1st Q performance 40% of grievances received concluded within 30 days (for levels 1-12) and 45 days (for SMS) of receipt of all documentation by June 2017 Overall a total of 187 cases were registered on the two databases. Of the 187 cases, 121 (65%) were concluded and 66 (35%) remain pending. 110 for level 2-12, of which 86 (78%) were concluded within 30 working days of receipt of relevant information. 11 cases were for members of the SMS, of which 9 (82%) were concluded within 45 working days of receipt of relevant information. Target exceeded 1 research reports on labour relations by June 2017 Draft report on the investigation into the implementation of labour court orders and arbitration awards by departments and implications for labour relations produced Achieved
PROGRAMME 2: LMP CD: LRI Output Target 1st Q Actual
Monthly reports on the database on grievances and complaints produced 3 by June 2017 Monthly reports on grievance statistics for March, April and May 2017 produced Achieved Grievance management communiqué produced Inputs consolidated by June 2017 Inputs requested from project team, consolidated and analysed 45
PROGRAMME 2: LMP (2) CD: LHRR Output Target 1st Q Performance
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection system of the Public Service Data collection and preliminary analysis Database and analysis by June 2017 Database produced in June 2017 Preliminary analysis completed Achieved Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the PMDS for the Public Service Analysis finalised Letters to departments by June 2017 Collected secondary data available on government websites Letters to the sampled departments and the DPSA prepared for specific information not available on their websites 46
PROGRAMME 2: LMP (3) CD: LHRR Output Target 1st Q Performance
Draft Report on Recruitment, retention, career pathing and utilisation of Senior Management Service (SMS) expertise and skills in the Public Service Roundtable held by June 2017 Roundtable was held on the 26 April A roundtable report is being finalised Acihieved 47
Progrramme 3: Monitoring & evaluation
PROGRAMME 3: M&E APP TARGETS Performance Indicator
1st Q performance 14 institutional assessments and programme evaluation reports produced No first quarter target, but work in progress Achieved 12 participative evaluation reports produced (i.e. reports on inspections of service delivery sites) No first quarter target, but work in progress. Inspections were conducted in hospitals in KZN Province and libraries in rural areas in Limpopo. Drafting of reports in progress
PROGRAMME 3: M&E CD: GM Output Target 1st Q Performance
Promotion of the Constitutional Values and Principles: 3 X Pilot assessments conducted Jul ’17 Draft report for the Department of Correctional Services produced in June 2017 Drafting of two other reports in progress (i.e. Water and Sanitation and North West Department of Economy Enteprise and Development) Multiple year project from the previous financial year. Target date extended due to need for further engagement on the instrument with Pilot departments and inadequate cooperation from departments Delayed 50
PROGRAMME 3: M&E CD: GM Output Target 1st Q Performance
Review of the PSC’s Constitutional Values & Principles (CVP) assessment tool: Systematic review and development of the CVP evaluation tool (based on 2016 pilots and 2017 evaluations) Draft document produced by June 2017 Learnings from engagements, workshops and roundtables documented (various reports) Achieved Publication of the review results, which includes development of an abstract and full article Desktop research by June 2017 The output will be reviewed to establish whether the review results should be published in a peer-reviewed journal Delayed Data Warehouse (DW) Develop and implement the data management plan (DMP) for the DW DMP in progress by June 2017 Development of DMP in progress 51
PROGRAMME 3: M&E (2) CD: GM Output Target 1st Q Performance
1 Presentation to Portfolio Committees June 2017 Presented to the SCOA on Comment on Appropriation Bill in a meeting held on 31 May 2017 Achieved Section 196(4)(e) report: Obtain input by June 2017 Obtained input and editing in progress Part A: Strategic overview Part B1: Activities and advice of the PSC 52
PROGRAMME 3: M&E (4) CD: SDCE Output Target 1st Q Performance
Values and principles promotion campaign: 8 Engagements with departments (further roll-out) – national and provincial 2 engagement conducted by June 2017 1 engagement was held. Engagement with Department of Human Settlements postponed Not achieved Inspection of the value chain on the availability of learning material at selected schools in respect of: Phase 1: Submission of learner numbers by schools to the Department of Basic Education (DBE) assessed Data collection by June 2017 Data requested from the DBE and awaiting feedback from the DBE Achieved 53
Programme 4: integrity and anti-corruption
Performance Indicator 1st Q performance 60% of public administration investigations successfully concluded by March 2018 37% were finalised/ closed Achieved Factsheet on financial misconduct produced Data analysis completed 75% of NACH cases closed by departments by March 2018 90% of NACH cases closed by departments as at 30 June 2017 80% of NACH cases referred within 21 days of receipt of case report 100% of NACH cases referred within 21 days of receipt of case report 100% of financial disclosure forms received and scrutinised 99% of financial disclosure forms received. Scrutiny commenced 15 workshops hosted to provide advice on professional and ethical conduct in the Public Service No workshop was planned for 1st Q, but 8 workshops hosted due to demand from stakeholders 80% of investigations through early resolution finalised within 1 month from the date of receipt of all relevant documentation 100% of investigations through early resolution finalised within 1 month from the date of receipt of all relevant documentation
PROGRAMME 4 CD: PAI Output Target 1st Q Performance Investigations:
Annual target set by Mar ’18 (No quarterly target) As at 30 June 2017, there were 116 complaints on the database, of which 43 (37%) were finalised/ closed. 55% of provisional reports on complaints approved within 3 months from date of receipt of all relevant documentation 10 (23%) were finalised through investigations, of which 7 (70%) were finalised within 3 months of receipt of all relevant documentation Achieved 65% of early resolution reports on complaints approved within 45 days from date of receipt of all relevant documentation 33 (77%) cases lodged in the 2017/18 financial year were finalised/closed as early resolution cases, of which 33 (100%) were finalised within 45 days of receipt of all relevant documentation. 56
PROGRAMME 4 (2) CD: PAI Output Target 1st Q Performance
Investigation and evaluation of the awarding of higher salaries in the national Departments of Basic Education and Home Affairs Data collection completed by June 2017 Letters forwarded to Departments Departments requested to provide data PERSAL (NT) data received Commenced with data analysis Achieved Factsheet on completed disciplinary proceedings on financial misconduct for the 2016/17 financial year produced Data collection and commence with analysis by June 2017 Circular to all departments disseminated Database was developed and cases reported captured Verification of data conducted Data analysis commenced 57
PROGRAMME 4 (3) CD: PE Output Target 1st Q Performance
Management of the Financial Disclosure Framework (FDF): Assessment of the implementation of the FDF for the 2015/2016 financial year (overview report) Approved report by June 2017 Report approved in March 2017 Report tabled in Parliament on 14 June 2017 Achieved Assessment of the implementation of the FDF for the 2016/2017 financial year (overview report) 100% of financial disclosure forms received and scrutinised 60% of departments that provide satisfactory responses in respect of the handling of false or incomplete financial disclosures Circular to departments and compile statistics by June Statistics on the financial disclosures received and those outstanding produced. Finalising the validation of the information with departments to ensure accuracy of the data. 58
PROGRAMME 4 (4) CD: PE Output Target 1st Q Performance
In-house management of the NACH: Targeted visits to selected departments with low closure rates No visits planned in first quarter 1 workshop conducted in April 2017 due to stakeholder demands Achieved Promotion of professional ethics: Event held in partnership with the Moral Regeneration Movement on building an ethical Public Service Preparatory meetings Meetings held and launch hosted on 24 April 2017 59
PROGRAMME 4 (5) CD: PE Output Target 1st Q Performance
Ad hoc: Support services provided to the National Anti-Corruption Forum (NACF) Mar 2018 NACF meeting held on 19 May 2017 Achieved Investigations conducted and requests emanating from: Complaints Rules NACH Ad hoc complaints through walk-in disclosures 80% by June 2017 4 cases were received during the quarter, 100% were closed within 45 days. 2 full scale investigations underway. 60
Outputs with specific PROVINCIAL focus
Output Target 1st Q Performance Assessment of the remuneration of HoDs in the Eastern Cape Introduction of project by June 2017 Introductory letters were sent to EAs and HoDs in May 2017 Achieved FREE STATE Output Target 1st Q Performance An assessment of the abuse of government owned vehicles in the FS Introduction of project by June 2017 Verifying data collected Achieved Promotion of professional ethics 1 Workshop hosted 1 workshop held in June 2017 Ad hoc: Workshops on financial disclosure for non-SMS members None Partnered with the Office of the Premier to conduct workshops with employees 62
Output Target 1st Q Performance Assessment of the influence of grievances on work attendance in the Gauteng provincial departments Introduction of project by June ‘17 Letters to skeholders sent in June 2017 Achieved KWAZULU-NATAL Output Target 1st Q Performance Service delivery inspections of hospitals and clinics 6 inspections conducted by June ‘17 Inspections conducted at 11 hospitals in May 2017 Achieved Promotion of ethical conduct and code of conduct to public servants 1 Workshop hosted 2 workshops held in April and June 2017, respectively 63
LIMPOPO Output Target 1st Q Performance Assessment of the s100(b) impact within the Limpopo provincial departments finalised Obtain documentation by June 2017 PSC has received a report on implementation of s100(b) Achieved Inspections of libraries in rural areas within Limpopo Preliminary findings by June 2017 Inspected 7 libraries and draft report in progress MPUMALANGA Output Target 1st Q Performance An evaluation of the recruitment and selection process in the Mpumalanga Provincial Government for the 2015/16 financial year Develop checklist and request documentation by June 2017 Checklist developed to guide the data collection process. A letter sent to the HoD of Treasury, requesting an audience with all HoDs to introduce project and obtain documentation Achieved 64
NORTHERN CAPE Promotion of professional ethics in the Northern Cape
Output Target 1st Q Performance Promotion of professional ethics in the Northern Cape Logistical arrangements by June ‘17 Identified need to re-designed programme format (seminar) due to financial constraints Delayed Promotion of the NACH and supporting legislation and measures in the Northern Cape Request meetings and prepare presentation by June ‘17 Requested dates for Strat Plan Sessions of 12 provincial departments. 4 confirmed presentations in next quarter Presentation prepared Achieved Promotion of sound leadership and management practices in the Northern Cape 65
NORTHERN CAPE Output Target 1st Q Performance Assessing the effectiveness of the Cabinet outreach programme in the Northern Cape Introduce project and request documentation by June 2017 Introduced project and requested the Office of the Premier to provide Cabinet minutes for outreach programmes held in 2015/16 & 2016/17 Achieved Investigation into contract appointments in the Northern Cape Provincial Administration Introduce project and develop questionnaire by June 2017 Letters to EAs and HoDs, conducted desk-top research and developed questionnaire 66
NORTH WEST Output Target 1st Q Performance
Investigation into the missing employee records prior to 1993 and implications for current and former employees exiting or exited the public service in the North West Provincial Administration Introduce project by June 2017 Engagements with GEPF and GPAA in May 2017 Letter to GPAA in June 2017 Achieved An assessment of the state of professional ethics and anti-corruption measures in the North West province against predetermined indicators No 1st Quarter target Instrument finalised Letters of introducing the project written to all EAs, HODs and Ethics Officers Project presented to the Provincial Ethics Committee 67
WESTERN CAPE Output Target 1st Q Performance
Workshops at selected regional offices of the Department of Social Development in the Western Cape No 1st Quarter target Awaiting confirmation of availability of funds to commence with the workshops Delayed Case studies at the three major hospitals in the Western Cape regarding the implementation of the PMDS Literature review by June 2017 Literature review undertaken, tools being developed, Letter to MEC drafted Achieved An assessment of the skills and competencies of principals as they relate to school performance in the Western Cape 68
PSC Website:
National Anti-Corruption Hotline for the Public Service:
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