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2 What is Down Syndrome? Everyone’s body is made up of cells, and in each cell are chromosomes. Most children have 46 chromosomes in each cell, chromosomes make us who we are. Children with Down Syndrome have 47 chromosomes in each cell, an extra one! Down Syndrome is something you can HAVE, it’s not something you ARE.

3 What do Chromosomes look like?
There it is…the extra chromosome!

4 What does it mean to have Down Syndrome?
Children with Down Syndrome sometimes have health problems. Children with Down Syndrome sometimes learn things more slowly than others do. Children with Down Syndrome sometimes get more tired at school. Children with Down Syndrome are all different from each other, just like all children!

5 Can you catch Down Syndrome?
NO! Children who have Down Syndrome are born with it and will have it their whole life. Down Syndrome is not an illness or a disease. It doesn’t hurt to have Down Syndrome.

6 What can people with Down Syndrome do?
LOTS of things! Children with Down Syndrome like to do the same things as you: Running and Playing in the yard Singing, Dancing and Playing Music Riding bikes and Playing with friends

7 Helping children with Down Syndrome
Sometimes children with Down Syndrome may need extra help from people such as: Teachers and SNAs Doctors Therapists Parents Brothers and Sisters And most importantly from… FRIENDS!

8 How can I help someone with Down Syndrome?
By being kind and not calling them names By being patient with them if they need extra time to do or say something By being friendly with them By being helpful to them By including them in games and birthday parties By encouraging them to do well and work hard

9 Thank you for learning about Down Syndrome!
Remember: Everyone is different , children with Down Syndrome are just different in a different way!

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