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Chapter 5 Light Astronomers can explore most of the Universe by studying the ________ that comes to Earth from distant objects. light.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 Light Astronomers can explore most of the Universe by studying the ________ that comes to Earth from distant objects. light."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 Light Astronomers can explore most of the Universe by studying the ________ that comes to Earth from distant objects. light

2 Properties of Light Light behaves as both a ________ and a _____
particle wave Light particles are called __________, which can be counted individually. Light is also an ___________________ photons electromagnetic wave

3 Light is an electromagnetic wave
Wavelength =

4 Electromagnetic Radiation
______________________ can be described in terms of a stream of _______, each traveling in a wave-like pattern, moving at the _______________ and carrying some amount of energy. The only difference between radio waves, visible light, and gamma-rays is the energy of the photons. ______ waves have photons with low energies, ___________ have a little more energy than radio waves, ________ has still more, then ______, ___________, ________, and ___________. photons speed of light Radio microwaves infrared visible ultraviolet X-rays gamma-rays


6 Examples from Space!

7 Light is Fast! 186,282 miles per second 670,616,629 miles per hour
300,000 kilometer per second Sun Earth

8 At this speed it can go around the world ________ in one second.
8 times

9 Radio Emitted by Detected by Astronomical Objects
Radio Station transmitters Detected by Ground based radio telescopes Radios


11 Microwave Emitted by: Detected by Gas clouds collapsing into stars
Microwave Ovens Radar Stations Cell Phones Detected by Microwave Telescopes Food (heated) Cell phones Radar systems

12 Infrared Emitted by Detected by Sun and stars (Near)
TV Remote Controls Food Warming Lights (Thermal) Everything at room temp or above Detected by Infrared Cameras TVs, VCRs, Your skin

13 Visible Emitted by Detected by The sun and other astronomical objects
Laser pointers Light bulbs Detected by Cameras (film or digital) Human eyes Plants (red light) Telescopes

14 Ultraviolet Emitted by Detected by Tanning booths (A) The Sun
Black light bulbs (B) UV lamps Detected by Space based UV detectors UV Cameras Flying insects (flies)

15 X-ray Emitted by Astronomical objects X-ray machines CAT scan machines
Older televisions Radioactive minerals Airport luggage scanners Detected by Space based X-ray detectors X-ray film CCD detectors

16 Chandra X-ray Observatory
Chandra is designed to observe X-rays from high energy regions of the universe, such as the remnants of exploded stars. One of the most sophisticated observatory built. Deployed by the Space Shuttle Columbia on July 23, 1999. Chandra X-ray Observatory

17 Gamma Ray Emitted by Radioactive materials Exploding nuclear weapons
Gamma-ray bursts Solar flares Detected by Gamma detectors and astronomical satellites Medical imaging detectors

18 X-rays and Gamma Rays • Black holes • Active Galaxies • Pulsars
• Diffuse emission • Supernovae Gamma-ray bursts • Unidentified

19 Apparent Brightness Inverse Square Law

20 Number of Illum. Squares Fraction of Light/Square Equivalent Bulbs
Predicted Observed Calculate (Inv. Sq. Law) From Inv. Sq. Law Based on Calculation Distance (cm) Number of Illum. Squares Fraction of Light/Square Equivalent Bulbs 10 20 30 100

21 Stellar Luminosity Luminosity
__________ is the total amount of power the star radiates into space. It is measured in power units (Watts). The __________________ is the amount of light reaching us per unit area. apparent brightness __________of a star in the sky depends on the distance to a star and its luminosity. Brightness

22 Magnitude system for brightness
Smaller brighter ________numbers imply ________ stars. “Apparent magnitude” is a measure of apparent brightness. Antares has mag. 1; Polaris has mag. 2; naked eye limit is about ___. Sirius has mag. –1.5. The faintest stars observed with HST are of ~ _____ magnitudes. A star of magnitude 1.00 is ____ times brighter than a star of magnitude 2.00. 6 30th 2.5

23 The Nearest Stars Name Distance (light years) Apparent magnitude
Luminosity (compared to sun) Sun –26.7 1 Alpha Centauri A 4.4 1.5 Alpha Centauri B 1.4 0.44 Alpha Centauri C 4.3 11 Barnard’s star 5.9 9.5 Wolf 359 7.6 13.5 HD 05735 8.3 7.5 0.0055 Luyten 726-8A 8.4 12.5 Luyten 726-8B 13.0 Sirius A 8.6 –1.4 21.8 Sirius B 0.003 Ross 154 9.4 10.5 Ross 248 10.3 12.3

24 The Brightest Stars (as viewed from earth)
Name Distance (light years) Apparent magnitude Luminosity (compared to sun) Sun –26.7 1 Sirius A 8.6 -1.4 21.8 Canopus 310 -0.6 14,000 Arcturus 37 -0.1 110 Alpha Centauri A 4.4 0.0 1.5 Vega 25 48 Capella 42 0.1 130 Rigel 770 0.2 40,000 Procyon 11.4 0.4 7.0 Betelgeuse 430 0.5 9400 Achernar 144 1070 Hadar (Beta Cen) 525 0.6 12,000

25 Brightness of Stars luminosity
True brightness (“_________”) is a star’s actual rate of energy output, measured (for example) in watts. The Sun’s luminosity is about 4 x 1026 watts. Apparent brightness is determined by the “________” of starlight striking a detector. It is measured (for example) in watts per square meter. The Sun’s apparent brightness from Earth’s location is about 1400 watts per square meter. intensity True brightness Formula: Apparent brightness = 4π(distance)2

26 Brightness of Stars True brightness Formula: Apparent brightness =

27 The _______________ is due to the dilution of the light
The _______________ is due to the dilution of the light. At each radius you have the _____ total amount of light going through the surface of an imaginary sphere. Surface area of a sphere increases by R2. The light/area therefore decreases by ____. inverse square law same 1/R2

28 Inverse Square Law Light has 1/4 the intensity compared to a distance of R R 2R Light more concentrated

29 Apparent Brightness Apparent brightness obeys an inverse square law with distance. At the distance of Jupiter (__ A.U.), the Sun is _______ times dimmer than on Earth. 5 25

30 Alpha Centauri How does the apparent brightness of Alpha Centauri compare to the Sun? Alpha Centauri radiates almost the same amount of light as the Sun. Distance to Sun = 1.5 x 108 km (1 A.U.) Distance to Star = 3.8 x 1013 km (4 ly) 1ly = 63,000 A.U. 3.8 x 1013 km 1.5 x 108 km = 252,000 times farther

31 Alpha Centauri Alpha Centauri is located 252,000 times Earth’s distance from the Sun. Inverse Square Law 1/distance2 Thus, its apparent brightness is __________ times less than that of the Sun. 1/(252,000)2 62.5 billion

32 Suppose we move the Sun to three times its current distance
Suppose we move the Sun to three times its current distance. How much fainter will the Sun appear?

33 QUESTION QUESTION: Two stars have the same luminosity, but one is 2X farther away from the earth. It will appear 1/4 as bright 1/2 as bright 2X brighter 4X brighter Repeat for the case that the second star is 2X closer. Use choices from above.

34 QUESTION QUESTION: Two stars have the same luminosity, but one is 2X farther away from the earth. It will appear 1/4 as bright 1/2 as bright 2X brighter 4X brighter Repeat for the case that the second star is 2X closer. Use choices from above.

35 QUESTION QUESTION: Two stars have the same luminosity, but one is 2X farther away from the earth. It will appear 1/4 as bright 1/2 as bright 2X brighter 4X brighter Repeat for the case that the second star is 2X closer. Use choices from above.

36 QUESTION QUESTION: Two stars have the same luminosity, but one is 2X farther away from the earth. It will appear 1/4 as bright 1/2 as bright 2X brighter 4X brighter Repeat for the case that the second star is 2X closer. Use choices from above.

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