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Physical and Chemical Changes

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Presentation on theme: "Physical and Chemical Changes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical and Chemical Changes

2 Physical Change Physical changes occur when matter changes its property but not its chemical nature.

3 It’s a physical Change if…
It changes shape or size It dissolves. Any Mixture It changes phase (freezes, boils, evaporates, condenses)

4 Physical Change

5 Chemical Change Chemical changes occur when matter undergoes a chemical reaction and become a new substance(s).

6 It’s a chemical change if…
It burns The color changes Bubbling and fizzing occur A precipitate forms Cook/Bake Decomposes/Rotts

7 Chemical Change A chemical change occurs when fireworks are used. Fireworks are made of metals such as magnesium and copper. These change chemically as they light up the sky.

8 Set up the bottom of your paper like this:
Physical Changes Chemical Changes Glass Breaking Mowing the Lawn Fresh Lemonade Ice Melting Cracking Eggs Boiling Water Slicing Bread Baking a cake Digesting food Toast Rusty nails Fireworks Roasting marshmallows Lighting a match Frying an egg

9 Is it a chemical or physical change?
Sugar dissolving in tea Chemical Change Physical Change

10 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or
Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

11 Correct!

12 Is it a chemical or physical change?
Logs burning Chemical Change Physical Change

13 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or
Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

14 Correct!

15 Is it a chemical or physical change?
Breaking water up by separating it into hydrogen and oxygen Physical Change Chemical Change

16 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or
Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

17 Correct!

18 Is it a chemical or physical change?
Cutting paper Chemical Change Physical Change

19 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or
Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

20 Correct!

21 Is it a chemical or physical change?
Crushing an aspirin Chemical Change Physical Change

22 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or
Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

23 Correct!

24 Is it a chemical or physical change?
Metal rusting Chemical Change Physical Change

25 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or
Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

26 Correct!

27 Is it a chemical or physical change?
Lighter fluid burining Chemical Change Physical Change

28 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or
Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

29 Correct!

30 Is it a chemical or physical change?
An egg rotting Chemical Change Physical Change

31 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or
Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

32 Correct!

33 Is it a chemical or physical change?
An egg breaking Chemical Change Physical Change

34 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or
Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

35 Correct!

36 Sorting activity Place the ‘Chemical Change’ on the left desk
Place the ‘Physical Change’ on the right desk Sort your words into the correct categories. Make a T chart on your paper that reflects what you did

37 Ticket out the door Write a paragraph about the difference between a chemical and physical change. Give examples of each.

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