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-able, -ible, -ful, -ly, -less

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Presentation on theme: "-able, -ible, -ful, -ly, -less"— Presentation transcript:

1 -able, -ible, -ful, -ly, -less
Suffixes 2 -able, -ible, -ful, -ly, -less

2 -able, -ible Possible Capable

3 I can understand: Understandable

4 I can break it: Breakable

5 I can love it: Lovable

6 I can change it: Changeable

7 I can touch it: Touchable

8 It’s possible to eat: Edible

9 It’s possible to hear: Audible

10 It’s possible to see: Visible

11 It’s impossible to see:

12 -ly How it is done Quality

13 The turtle moves: Slowly

14 He does it by being happy:

15 She does it every week: Weekly

16 It is done in a clever way:

17 He fights a bear: Bravely

18 She speaks so that he can hear:

19 -ful What it is known for Full of _____.

20 Full of beauty: Beautiful

21 It has a lot of color: Colorful

22 It has many uses: Useful

23 She said thank you a lot:

24 -less Without

25 No fear: Fearless

26 No home: Homeless

27 No brain: Brainless

28 It doesn’t have a name: Nameless

29 It doesn’t have a taste:



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