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Chemical Reactions michelle16555.

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1 Chemical Reactions michelle16555

2 Chemical Reaction Basics
What part of atoms are affected? When different atoms and molecules combine together and split apart, chemical reactions occur. For example, a chemical reaction occurs if Carbon (C) is burnt in Oxygen (O2) to form carbon dioxide. So, old reactant atoms are not destroyed, and new product atoms are not created during chemical reactions. As bonds are formed and broken, atoms are rearranged. Mass is always conserved, in all chemical reactions. What happens during a Chemical Reaction? The specific thing that actually happens in a chemical reaction depends entirely on what reaction is happening, but, one or more bonds between atoms or molecules are either broken or new ones are formed for a chemical reaction to occur. The nuclei of the atoms involved in the bond, and the interaction of electrons with each other, break and form bonds.

3 Types of Chemical Reactions
Synthesis: To form a more complex substance, two or more simple substances combine, which also makes a synthesis reaction. Another way to identify a synthesis reaction is if two or more reactants are yielding one product. For example, a more complex substance, water, is made of a simple oxygen gas combined with simple hydrogen gas. The chemical equation for this synthesis reaction looks like: 2H2 + O2-----2H20 Decomposition: A more complex substance breaks down into its more simple parts in a decomposition reaction. One reactant yields 2 or more products. Decomposition and synthesis are exact opposites. Water can be broken down into oxygen has and hydrogen has. The chemical equation for this decomposition reaction looks like: 2H2 + O  2H2 + O2 Goalie4

4 Types of Chemical Reactions
Single Replacement: In a compound, a single uncombined element replaces another compound, creating a single replacement reaction. Two products are yielded by two reactants. For example the zinc replaces hydrogen when zinc combines with hydrochloric acid. The chemical equation for this single replacement reaction looks like: Zn + 2HCl ---- ZnCl2 + H2 Double Replacement: To form two new compounds, parts of two compounds switch places, to create a double replacement reaction. Two products are yielded by two reactants. For example silver and sodium switch places when silver nitrate combines with sodium chloride which forms silver chloride and sodium nitrate. The chemical equation for this double replacement reaction looks like: AgNO3 + NaCl ----- AgCl + NaNO3

5 Types of Chemical Reactions
Combustion: Water and carbon dioxide are produced when all substances in a compound are combined with oxygen which is a combustion reactions is. Burning is a common other name for combustion. Heat is produced and is easily distinguished, making it an exothermic reaction. Homes, automobiles, and factories are what combustion occurs mostly in. An example of a combustion reaction is as follows: CXHY + O  CO2 + H2O

6 Credits Created By: Rebecca Reinhard Artifact: Power Point

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