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NGSS Assessments in the Classroom: Update on the Development of the California Science Test (CAST) and California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for Science.

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Presentation on theme: "NGSS Assessments in the Classroom: Update on the Development of the California Science Test (CAST) and California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 NGSS Assessments in the Classroom: Update on the Development of the California Science Test (CAST) and California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for Science 2017 San Diego Science Education Conference April 29, 2017 San Diego, CA Linda Hooper, Administrator California Department of Education Scott Maderer, Assessment Specialist IV Educational Testing Service

2 Goals What is CAST and CAA for Science anyway?
What is different about the items for CAST? What are CAA for Science embedded performance tasks? How can teachers prepare students for CAST and the CAA for Science? How can you get involved? California Department of Education

3 California Science TEST (CAST)
California Department of Education

4 California Science Test (CAST) Implementation Timeline
Pilot test (census) Spring 2017 Field test (census) Spring 2018 Operational administration Spring 2019 California Department of Education

5 Role of Stakeholders in the Test Design Process
CAST and CAA for Science designs were informed by feedback from: California science teachers, including representatives of the California Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Higher education officials, including representatives of Stanford University’s Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Assessment Program (SNAP) STEM reform experts, including representatives from the National Research Council (NRC), which developed A Framework for K–12 Science Education Representatives from various other advocacy groups California Department of Education

6 CAST Operational Design
and 2017 Pilot, 2018 Field Tests California Department of Education

7 CAST Full Census Pilot/Field Tests
Participation required for all students in grades five and eight High school sampling: All high schools Each high school assigned a single grade All students enrolled in that grade are required to participate California Department of Education

8 Purposes of CAST Pilot and Field Tests
Pilot Test Try out newly developed item types Test system functionality Collect participation status of students Field Test Administer full-length test Calibrate items for operational testing California Department of Education

9 CAST Design Goals Provide models of high quality, CA NGSS–aligned assessment items and performance tasks (PTs). Emphasize the importance of group-level results to promote improvements to teaching and learning. Create incentives for schools to provide science instruction in every grade, not just in tested grades. Measure the range and depth of CA NGSS performance expectations (PEs) by leveraging the state’s distinctly large student population. Minimize testing time and costs. California Department of Education

10 CAST Operational Design Features: Part 1
Assessment design measures the range and depth of the CA NGSS performance expectations over a three year cycle Includes the three dimensions: Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) Includes the four science domains: Life Sciences; Physical Sciences; Earth and Space Sciences; and Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science Assessment design makes use of a diverse range of item types Both discrete items as well as performance tasks California Department of Education

11 CAST Operational Design Features: Part 2
The operational administration will be a two-stage adaptive assessment, and use partial matrix sampling of content. This approach provides group-level feedback while ensuring individual student performance is measured fairly and comparably. The operational assessment is designed to be administered in two hours or less. The operational assessment is administered at grades five and eight, and once in high school. The design requires that all students in the tested grades participate in three segments (A, B, and C) of the test. California Department of Education

12 Operational: Segment A
Segment A is a two-stage adaptive segment. Segment A combines machine-scorable short answer and selected response items that cover a very broad range of the CA NGSS performance expectations. Segment A contributes to student and group scores. Stage 2: Second Set of Items Stage 1: First Set of Items Mix of Difficulty Levels Easy Difficulty Level Medium Difficulty Level Hard Difficulty Level California Department of Education

13 Operational: Transition from Segment A to Segment B
Selected Science Domains via Performance Tasks Earth and Space Sciences Physical Sciences Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science Life Sciences Screener Segment A: All Science Domains via Discrete Items Transition Example Performance in Segment A guides the selection of science domains presented in Segment B. The assignment of the science domains in Segment B will be random unless performance on a particular science domain in Segment A is weak. California Department of Education

14 Operational: Segment B
Segment B includes performance tasks that require students to solve a series of complex problems set in domain-specific contexts, Which deeply measure a student’s command of selected CA NGSS performance expectations. Segment B contributes to student and group scores. California Department of Education

15 Operational: Segment C
Segment C includes a range of items that, collectively, broadly and deeply measure the CA NGSS performance expectations associated with the tested grade span. Encourages the teaching of science at all grade levels Contributes to group-level scores California Department of Education

16 Plan for CAST Accessibility
Pilot test and field test will include limited accessibility features Operational test will include a full suite of accessibility features Operational accessibility features will be determined by CAASPP regulations In March 2017, the State Board of Education approved the CDE to begin rulemaking process to make changes to the permanent regulations California Department of Education

17 Overview of Accessibility Features for the Pilot and Field Tests
Purpose: Evaluate functionality of some accessibility features American Sign Language Text-to-speech Braille (refreshable and embosser) Print on demand Student eligibility will be determined by the accommodations identified as required in the student’s IEP and/or Section 504 plan. California Department of Education

18 CAST Item Writing Challenges
Align to the CA NGSS Performance Expectations Multidimensional and broad focus of Performance Expectations Accessibility Appropriate rigor Content coverage Depth of knowledge California Department of Education

19 Integrating Aspects of the CA NGSS into Item Development
Items are being developed to assess the performance expectations and incorporate at least two of the three intertwined dimensions of knowledge. Performance tasks may integrate two of the four science domains. California Department of Education

20 CAST Training Test: The Next Step in Developing California’s New Science Test
Educator, students, parents, and stakeholders are encouraged to try out a small number of sample tasks and questions in preparation for the statewide pilot test in the spring. Training test is available but will be modified over time. Scoring rubric will be provided. California Department of Education

21 CAST Demo Discrete Item
Side by side comparison of items Sample Grade 10 CST Item Sample Grade 8 CAST Item – MS-LS2-1 Correct Answer: D California Department of Education

22 CAST Demo Performance Task
Side by side comparison of items Sample High School CAST Item – HS-LS4-3 Sample Biology CST Item Correct Answer: C California Department of Education

23 What is different? “Teaching and learning are at the heart of quality science education. All students can develop science proficiency if the instruction provides them with opportunities for a range of scientific investigations and thinking, including—but not limited to—inquiry and investigation, collection and analysis of evidence, logical reasoning, and communication and application of information.” From NSTA Position Statement on NGSS 2013 California Department of Education

24 What is different? Important to realize the Performance Expectations are not curriculum, they are descriptions of what students should be able to do. A Scientific & Engineering Practice is the deep application of real world scientific or engineering activities. It’s the do. A Disciplinary Core Idea is concepts in science and engineering that have broad importance within and across disciplines. A Crosscutting Concept is the ideas that are not specific to a discipline but cut across all disciplines. California Department of Education

25 What is different? Less of this:
Students following step-by-step instructions Teachers presenting explanations and models of what happens in the natural world Teachers presenting material with one right answer Students learning facts not connected to real world phenomena More of this: Students creating their own investigations Students developing models to explain phenomena and solve problems Students being given opportunity to support conclusions with evidence Students developing connections to real world phenomena Adapted from A New Vision for Science Education at California Department of Education

26 California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for Science: Operational Concept
Embedded Performance Tasks California Department of Education

27 CAA for Science Implementation Timeline
Pilot Test (census) Spring 2017 Field Test (census) Spring 2019 Operational Administration Spring 2020 Spring 2018 California Department of Education

28 Guiding Principles of the California Alternate Assessment for Science
Provide meaningful information to both students and educators Support and promote educators’ implementation of the CA NGSS Embed assessment into instructional cycle Offer a developmentally appropriate opportunity for students with significant cognitive disabilities to be assessed California Department of Education

29 Benefits of Collecting Embedded Performance Tasks
Shows student progress over time when collecting student work samples throughout the school year Provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate performance “in real time” Conforms to the principles of universal design Offers the least restrictive environment for teacher/students to select/produce evidence Supports the improvement of teaching and learning Provides a minimally stressful and burdensome process for students Promotes the delivery of challenging, yet developmentally appropriate, academic content to students California Department of Education

30 CAA for Science: Grade 5 Example
CAA for Science Training Test is on the Portal on the California Alternate Assessments Web page at California Department of Education

31 How to Get Involved in the Development of the CAST and the CAA for Science
Opportunities for California educator involvement may include: Item writing Item review Form review Scoring Data review Rangefinding To get involved, complete the content reviewer application at California Department of Education

32 Contact Information California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress—Science and Alternate Assessment Office Phone California Department of Education

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