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I love portfolio! Nelly Zafeiriadou MA, EdD ELT School Advisor

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Presentation on theme: "I love portfolio! Nelly Zafeiriadou MA, EdD ELT School Advisor"— Presentation transcript:

1 I love portfolio! Nelly Zafeiriadou MA, EdD ELT School Advisor

2 Everybody, climb that tree!
In order to be equitable and just, the instructions for the task will be the same for all. Everybody, climb that tree! o o h h Reflect on the picture. How do we assess our students?

3 the new course books: introduce alternative ways of assessment
Self-assessment tests -Can do statements Portfolio use for assessing, learning and empowering In my presentation I argue for portfolio as a pedagogic tool for assessing for learning an student empowerment

4 What is a portfolio? a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of the student’s efforts, progress or achievement in (a) given area(s). This collection must include student participation in selection of portfolio content; the guidelines for selection; the criteria for judging merit; and evidence of student self-reflection. Arter and Spandel, 1992: 36

5 Why use portfolios? Produce an accurate and holistic portrait of the student. Involve students in decisions about the choice of inclusions and quality of work completed. Allow students to exhibit difference e.g. multiple intelligences, cultural diversity Serve as a language passport providing valuable information to aid transfer to the next class/ school

6 Why use portfolios? Process oriented portfolios tell a story about the growth of the learner. They document the processes of learning and creating, including earlier drafts, reflections on the process and barriers to learning throughout the course.

7 Why use portfolios? Product oriented portfolios require a student to document and reflect on the quality and range of accomplishments. Improve the quality of teaching by integrating assessment and teaching/learning. Facilitate the accountability of teachers and schools.

8 why do I love Portfolio? -1
I see it as a pedagogic tool that fosters the development of all learning strategies: Cognitive Metacognitive Social

9 Cognitive strategies:
Learning strategies Cognitive strategies: They involve interacting with the material to be learned, manipulating it mentally or physically, or applying a specific technique to a learning task Metacognitive strategies: They involve thinking about the learning process, planning for learning, monitoring the learning task, and evaluating how well one has learned Social affective strategies They involve interacting with another person to assist learning, or using affective control to assist a learning task.

10 why do I love Portfolio? -2
I regard it as a pedagogic tool that promotes a culture of Assessment for Learning in the EFL classroom

11 Ss assessment: some issues to problematise
‘Traditional’ or Alternative assessment? Which one to implement?

12 what is Assessment ? Assessment is the purposeful, systematic and ongoing collection of information as evidence for use in making judgments about student learning.

13 Assessment Purposes Promote, assist and improve students’ learning
Inform teaching and learning Provide data that can be communicated to a range of people about the progress and achievements of individual students or groups of students.

14 Formative and Summative Purposes
Assessment of learning equates to summative assessment. Process of summing up or checking what has been learned at the end of a particular stage of learning. Assessment for learning equates to formative assessment. Assessment that helps students learn. (Weeden, Winter and Broadfoot, 2002)

15 Assessment of Learning
Adds procedures or tests to existing work Involves only marking and feedback of grades or marks to students (The Assessment Reform Group.

16 portfolio use establishes Assessment for Learning
Involves students in self-assessment Provides feedback that leads to students’ recognition of their next steps and how to take them Is underpinned by confidence that every student can improve Involves both teacher and students in reviewing and reflecting on assessment data (The Assessment Reform Group.

17 Assessment for Learning -2
Is embedded in a view of teaching and learning of which it is an essential part Involves sharing learning goals with students Aims to help students know and recognise the standards for which they are aiming

18 So, following our assessment purposes : Formative Portfolios
The main role of a formative portfolio is to show the processes of learning in which a student has engaged. If the assessment is concerned with the learning process then assessment should be formative. (

19 Summative Portfolios Focus on learning outcomes and contain evidence that shows the range and extent of students’ skills. A summative portfolio demonstrates learning outcomes rather than the process of learning. If the intention is to assess a student’s skills or knowledge then the assessment is summative.

20 Research Evidence on Ss assessment
Negative impact on learning from: The emphasis on the giving of marks and grades rather than useful advice that emphasizes the learning function. The use of comparison that students perceive to be for competitive purposes rather than for personal improvement. Negative impact of assessment feedback for students with low attainments is that they believe that they lack ‘ability’ and are de-motivated thinking that they are not able to learn.

21 How We Teach Makes A Difference!
All these activities are useful in helping students develop, organize, strengthen, and expand their knowledge structures.

22 last but not least: Why do I love portfolio? -3
I see its potential to create circumstances in which my students can empower themselves.

23 The meaning of empowerment
To empower means to enable; to help people to develop a sense of self-confidence; to energize people to take action. It means to mobilize intrinsic motivation to accomplish a task. Empowered people not only possess the wherewithal to accomplish something, but they also think of themselves differently than they did before they were empowered. (Whetten & Cameron,2005)

24 Empowerment is different from giving power to someone
External source The capacity to have others do what you want To get more implies taking it away from someone else Ultimately few people have it Leads to competition EMPOWERMENT Internal source The capacity to have others do what they want To get more does not affect how much others have Ultimately, everyone can have it Leads to cooperation

25 “Are you a leader in your classroom?
POWER and EMPOWERMENT “The key gift that leaders can offer is power.” “Are you a leader in your classroom?

26 A culture that fosters self-empowerment is when my students believe
“I am a capable human being.” “I like the way I handle problems.” “I can show others a good example.” “My possibilities are endless.” “Taking risks is the path to growth.” “If I think I can, I can. And if I think I can’t, I’m right.”

27 Thanks and have a great day!
Nelly Zafeiriadou ,MA, Ed D ELT School Advisor

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