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Geographer’s View of the World

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Presentation on theme: "Geographer’s View of the World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geographer’s View of the World

2 Objectives I can identify what Geography consists of and its importance. I can examine the tools of Geography, types of maps and uses of Geography.

3 Geography Why we need to teach Geography
What is it a study of and why is it important to study? Why we need to teach Geography

4 Geography Geography is the study of land and people.
Geographers study physical and human characteristics of places. It also includes how people react to their environment.

5 Physical Geography

6 Human Geography

7 Geography 5 Themes of Geography Geography consists of five themes: 1) Location 2) Place 3) Human-Environment Interaction 4) Movement 5) Regions It is divided into two categories. They are human and physical geography. Throughout this school year we will look at both aspects of geography.

8 Song 5 Themes of Geography

9 1. Location: where something is {Absolute(exact) Relative(near) }

10 2. Place: physical & human characteristics that make location unique

11 3. Regions: areas that share common characteristics

12 4. Movement: explains how &why people and things move and are connected

13 5. Human-Environment Interaction: peoples role in the environment

14 Tools of Geography Geographers use photographic maps called LANDSAT photos, and globes. They also use Global Positioning System (GPS) to find exact location.

15 Geographer’s Tools And they use Geographic information systems (GIS) to make maps.

16 Earth The earth is divided into four different sections called spheres. The spheres are: Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western. The United States is located in the Northern and Western Hemispheres.

17 Dividing Imaginary Lines
The equator divides the earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The prime meridian divides the earth into the Western and Eastern Hemispheres.

18 Finding Exact Location
In order to find exact location you have to use lines of latitude and longitude. Latitude runs east and west but measures north and south.

19 Exact Location Longitude runs north and south but measures east and west. In order to find exact location both latitude and longitude lines have to meet or intersect.

20 Map Key: Why is it important?
Map keys tell us what lines, symbols and colors represent on a map. Keys are important to unlock information.

21 Compass Rose Tells what direction one place is from another.
Cardinal directions: N, S, W, E Intermediate directions: NW, NE, SW, SE

22 Scale: Oops Wrong One

23 Maybe this one? No.

24 Example of a map scale

25 Now we have it a MAP SCALE
A map scale tells what distance on earth is represented by the measurement on the scale bar.

26 Major lines of Latitude and Longitude

27 Prime Meridian

28 Equator

29 Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn

30 Arctic Circle

31 Antarctic Circle

32 Different Types of Maps

33 Political Map Shows the names and boundaries of countries and identify only major physical features.

34 Physical Maps Call out landforms and water features. They usually include relief( how flat or rugged an area is) and elevation (height above sea level).

35 Thematic/Special Purpose Maps
Only focus on one feature. Examples: population, climate, natural resources.

36 Contour Map: shows differences in elevation (height)

37 Topographical Map: map with large scale details

38 Uses of Geography

39 Is it fun and games?

40 World Wide Web (INTERNET)

41 From This

42 To This (Outhouse to the BATHROOM)

43 Any ideas what this picture may be?

44 What we know today as a computer

45 Air Conditioner

46 Do you know how geography affects you?


48 Can you think of other ways it may affect you?

49 Uses It is used by government leaders and business people to plan services and business expansions.

50 Uses It helps people make sound decisions based on the amount of geographic info.

51 Uses It can also be used to help manage resources in order to eliminate waste.

52 Closure: Write down 4 things you learned about Geography today.

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