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Status Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Status Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.

2 ASTRO-G current status
Budget Request to the government. (July, 2007) Approved as a new project. (not a full) Project team formation Project Manager: Hirobumi SAITO + ~20 engineering staffs Edwards Akihiro DOI (April~) Hirabayashi Masato TSUBOI (April~) NAOJ: Kameno is now in Kagoshima-U.    Hagiwara (Nov.~) New Post-Doc in JAXA and NAOJ Contractor Selection. Bus system, Main Antenna, Coolers On going : Thrusters, Low Noise Receivers I/F control document (ICD) preparation. (March-May, 2007) Preparation of stating the project from April, 2007 System Definition Review (March, 2007) Review for Project Starting. (March, 2007) Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.

3 Deployment of ETS-VIII antenna (Dec. 25-26, 2006)
We use … NASDA HPでcheck!

4 Deployment of ETS-VIII antenna (Dec. 25-26, 2006)
We use … NASDA HPでcheck!



7 VSOP-2 System Block Diagram
Observing System Telemetry handling/heater control system Telecommunication/ Command System Attitude and orbit Control system GPS + 加速時計 での高精度軌道決定(3cm以下の精度) 4リアクションホイール+2CMGで高速姿勢変更に対応 Power supply system

8 VSOP-2 “Latest” Block diagram of the observation system
Antenna, I talked ahead. Frontend, horn, LNA, BPF I show the development of some systems in briefly.

9 ASTRO-G GPSR status 3 candidates
JPL GPS receiver. Blackjack : ~ IGOR, Blackjack New development for including Galileo IDC (I/F control Document) -> Need JAXA/JPL contract BRE IGOR ~ Blackjack: 4 RF ch, 48 tracking ch., L1, L2, GPS only Pyxis: 4 RF ch. 96 tracking ch, L1, L2, L5, GPS/Galileo Domestic JAXA/NEC-Toshiba Space GPSR 2 Ch RF, 8 ch, L1, L2, GPS only Need do decide weather we need Galileo or not ? (Feb. 2007) Need ICD for ASTRO-G soon (April 2007) Budget source ? JPL ? / ISAS (JAXA) Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.

10 ASTRO-G LNA status Accelerometer : Decided not to use for ASTRO-G
Study of SLR possibility. candidates Domestic Development EUDYNA(Former Fujitsu) Device (Baseline) Discrete HEMT for 8 GHz. MMIC HEMT (InGaP/InGaAs p-HEMT) development (22, 43 GHz) InP development (other budget) NRAO RX European RX Need to discuss cost, schedule, ICD for possible laboratory. Need ICD for ASTRO-G soon (April 2007??) Budget source ? ISAS (JAXA)/ JPL or ESA/EC … Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.

11 Design of the frontend LNA MMIC HEMT LNAs
Wide band, low loss feed and polarizer studies Cryogenic studies Space-qualified cryogenic coolers ASTRO-E2 (Xray) ASTRO-F(Infrared) PLANET-C(Vinus) SMILES (Earth Obs.)

12 Current status of Front-end Developments
22/43 GHz Cooled Receiver MMIC Device High Quality & Reliability GaAs MMIC HEMT device Low Power Consumption Microwave components Low Thermal Conductivity WG Circular Polarizer Horn Possibility of design without isolator Thermal Shield at horn window Layout components 110 K 30K 2 coolers ? ASTRO-F type Observing frequencies of VSOP-2 are these. We revenge the 22GHz of HALCA. For now, 22 and 43 GHz receivers are cooled. But 8GHz is not cooled because of the restriction of mass and power budget. Wide band data downlink is one of technical challenges. These bring the improvement of sensitivity. Apogee height is about 25000km, so we can get the resolution of 75 mas for 22GHz and… And other option are these. Phase-ref brings more higher sensitivity and astrometric observation. Dual polarization bring us the studies of magnetic field.

13 Schedule Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.

14 ASTRO-G Development schedule
Financial Year (Apr-Mar) 2000~ 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Spacecraft Development Phase Events Tracking Stations Ground Radio Telescopes. Concept Design Basic Design Detailed D. Manufacture and Test Operation WG phase Pre-Project PM FM Design FM Manu I/F test Unit test Final Test FOp Operation Phase -E Pre Phase -A Phase -A Phase -B Phase -C Phase -D Launch △ Project starts △ Review △ Review △ Review △ Review More than 5 years operation △Budget Request Selection of the science mission in ISAS △System I/F Fixed Approval of project preparation Design of PFM Structure Antenna, Obs.system Attidute control system NEXT (X) Solarsail (Jupiter) △Selection of contractors Ground Tracking Stations Developments Op. Test

15 ASTRO-G Development schedule (Observing system)
Financial Year (Apr-Mar) 2000~ 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Spacecraft Development Phase System HW Main Antenna GPS, LNA, other Units Observing System Ground System (USUDA) Concept Design Basic Design Detailed D. Manufacture and Test Operation WG phase Pre-Project PM FM D. FM M. I/F T Unit test Final T. FOp Operation △7B Phase -E Pre Phase -A Phase -A Phase -B Phase -C Phase -D Launch ICD FIX △Review △Review △Review Concept D. Basic D. MTM/TTM Detailed D. MTM/ TTM M. MTM/ TTM T. PFM R. I/F T. Final T. F Op In Orbit Operation △11B △10B △7B △2B △8M △2B △7B △12B 10B△ △2B Concept D. 1 Module Basic D. Main Str. Detailed D. Main Str. M. PFM R. Antenna T. I/F T. Final T. F Op In Orbit Operation ICD FIX 6M △ FM D. FIX △ I/F Test (11) S/C simulator EM D. EM M. EM T. Concept Design △3B △1B △7B △11B FM D. FM M. FM T △3B Freq Control Doppler Mes. AUX data extract (When? -TBD) △7B △5B △10B IF I/F QPSK DEM VSI I/F D M. T D M. T △9B △6B

16 ASTRO-G TS Development schedule (DRAFT)
Financial Year (Apr-Mar) 2000~ 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Spacecraft Development Phase Observing System Usuda TS US budget & TS (GB?) European budget & TS (YEBES) Other TS Southern H. Concept Design Basic Design Detailed D. Manufacture and Test Operation WG phase Pre-Project PM FM D. FM M. I/F T Unit test Final T. FOp Operation △7B Phase -E Pre Phase -A Phase -A Phase -B Phase -C Phase -D Launch ICD FIX △Review △Review △Review FM △ I/F Test (11) S/C simulator EM D. EM M. EM T. △Ready for TS (9) Concept Design △3B △1B △7B △11B D M. T D M. T IF I/F QPSK DEM VSI I/F Freq Control Doppler Mes. AUX data extract (When? -TBD) △9B △6B request△11 △3 review △8 MoO deadline △9 MoO deadline Concept Study money GTS GRT Op. Test D M. T EC FP7 deadline Budget National Agency To ESA D M. T D M. T

17 VSOP-2 international collaborations
VSOP-2 collaboration Based on VSOP type collaboration Tracking stations (1 JAXA, 1-2 NASA, 1 ESA) Compatibility test at 2010 GRT(Ground Radio Telescope)’s and Correlater (GVWG) E-ASIA Collaborations: GRT, Correlater, Receiver ? EVN, SKA, VLBA, Australia, Asia… GRT test observation at 2011. Pre-launch survey Navigation On-borad instruments (Not in VSOP) GPSR, Accelerometer, Transmitter LNA Simulator, AIPS(++?) update. Forming International WG. International Science Team (Survey etc..) Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.

18 Mission Responsibility Plan (DRAFT)
Budget Oper. Spacecraft JAXA GPSR JPL Or JAXA (TBD) LNAs TBD JAXA+NAOJ in current plan, Add better one? NAVIGATION JAXA and JPL? GTS: Usuda GTS: Greenbank NRAO GTS: Yebes ESA OAN GTS: Southern H. GRT: EAVN J+K+C each Japanese/Korean/Chinese antennas GRT: VLBA GRT: EVN JIVE EVN GRT: others Cor: Korea-Japan J+K KASI J+K=NAOJ+KASI Cor: VLBA Cor: JIVE TBD? Others Simulator, AIPS’, International WG (VISC2, GVWG), Science Center?, Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.

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