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Müjdat Çetin Stochastic Systems Group, M.I.T.

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1 A Sparse Signal Reconstruction Perspective for Source Localization with Sensor Arrays
Müjdat Çetin Stochastic Systems Group, M.I.T. SensorWeb MURI Review Meeting September 22, 2003

2 Problem setup Source localization based on passive sensor measurements
Context: Acoustic sensors, narrowband/wideband signals, sources in far-field/near-field, any array configuration Issues: Resolution Robustness to noise Limited observation time Multipath, correlated sources Model uncertainties Our approach: View the problem as one of imaging a “source density” over the field of regard Ill-posed inverse problem (overcomplete basis representation) Favor sparse fields with concentrated densities

3 What we presented last year
Source localization framework using lp-norm-based sparsity constraints (far and near-field) Special Quasi-Newton method for numerical solution Preliminary experimental performance analysis Joint source localization and self-calibration for moderate sensor location uncertainties

4 Source Localization Framework
Observation model: Noise Sensor measurements Array manifold matrix Unknown “source density” Cost functional (notional): Data fidelity Regularizing sparsity constraint Role of the regularizing constraint : Preservation of strong features (source densities) Preference of sparse source density field Can resolve closely-spaced radiating sources

5 An example Uniform linear array with 8 sensors Uncorrelated sources
- Uniform linear array with 8 sensors Uncorrelated sources DOAs: 50, 60 SNR = 5 dB

6 Progress since then Theoretical analysis of lp regularization
SVD-based approach for combining and summarizing multiple data samples Optimization based on Second Order Cone (SOC) Programming Adaptive grid refinement Detailed performance analysis Automatic parameter choice Improved self-calibration procedure Interactions ARL: Brian Sadler, Ananthram Swami Ohio State: Randy Moses

7 Theoretical analysis – setup
Basic problem: find an estimate of , where Underdetermined -- non-uniqueness of solutions Regularize by preferring sparse estimates When does lp regularization yield the right solution? Theoretical result: We can obtain the right solution by lp regularization if the actual spatial spectrum is sparse enough Significance: Conditions for performance guarantees and limits Conditions for tractable solution of a combinatorial problem Insights into the choice of regularizing constraints

8 l0 uniqueness conditions
Prefer the sparsest solution: Let (i.e. we have L point sources) When is ? Number of non-zero elements in s Definition: A is called rank-K unambiguous if any set of K columns is linearly independent, but this is not true for K+1. Assume A is rank-K unambiguous (for some K). Thm. 1: Small number of sources  exact solution by l0 optimization K ≈ number of sensors This is a hard combinatorial optimization problem. What can we say about more tractable formulations like l1 ?

9 l1 equivalence conditions
Consider the l1 problem: Can we ever hope to get ? Definition: Maximum absolute dot product of columns Thm. 2: Small number of sources  exact solution by l1 optimization More restrictive than the l0 condition Can solve a combinatorial optimization problem by linear programming!

10 lp (p≤1) equivalence conditions
Consider the lp problem: How about ? Definition: Thm. 3: Small number of sources  exact solution by lp optimization Less restrictive conditions for smaller p! Smaller p  more sources can be resolved As p0 we recover the l0 condition, namely

11 Multi-sample l0 condition
Multiple snapshots: Consider the l0 problem: When is ? Thm. 4: (assuming rank(Y)=L) Improves upon the single-sample l0 condition Implication for array processing: guarantee for exact solution if # sources < # sensors !

12 Dealing with multiple snapshots
How to process multiple time samples efficiently and synergistically? Similar problem of multiple frequency snapshots View data as cloud of T points in a Q-dimensional subspace Take the SVD of the data matrix Summarize data using Q largest singular vectors Best performance when Q is the number of sources (no catastrophic consequences in the case of other choices)

13 SVD-based formulation
Represent data by the largest Q singular vectors This leads to: Finally, we obtain the cost functional: Natural and effective way of summarizing information contained in multiple data samples

14 Optimization by SOCP (for p=1)
Express the optimization problem as a second order cone program: Solve by an efficient interior point algorithm Linear cost in auxiliary variables Quadratic, linear, and SOC constraints

15 Adaptive Grid Refinement
Goal: alleviate the effects of the grid, with reasonable computation Find initial location estimates on a coarse grid Make the grid finer around previous estimates and obtain source locations on the new grid Iterate to required precision

16 Narrowband, uncorrelated sources – high SNR
Far-field 200 time samples Uniform linear array with 8 sensors DOAs: 65, 70 SNR = 10 dB

17 Narrowband, uncorrelated sources – low SNR
Far-field 200 time samples Uniform linear array with 8 sensors DOAs: 65, 70 SNR = 0 dB

18 Narrowband, correlated sources
Far-field 200 time samples Uniform linear array with 8 sensors DOAs: 63, 73 SNR = 20 dB

19 Robustness to limitations in data quantity
Single time-sample processing Uncorrelated sources Uniform linear array with 8 sensors DOAs: 43, 73 SNR = 20 dB

20 Resolving many sources
7 uncorrelated sources Uniform linear array with 8 sensors

21 Estimator Variance and the CRB
Correlated sources Uniform linear array with 8 sensors DOAs: 43, 73 Each point on curve average of 50 trials

22 Multiband/wideband case
Formulate the source localization problem in the frequency domain Two options: Independent processing at each frequency Joint, coherent processing of all data Current wideband methods are mostly incoherent Our framework allows seamless coherent processing Uses all data in synergy Allows the incorporation of prior information about the temporal spectrum

23 Multiple harmonics – high SNR
Beamforming Underlying spectrum Proposed

24 Multiband example – low SNR
Beamforming MUSIC Capon’s method (MVDR) Proposed Each signal covers some narrow-band -– signals are NOT pure harmonics.

25 Summary Regularization-based framework for source localization with passive sensor arrays Superior source localization performance Superresolution Reduced artifacts Robustness to resource limitations SNR Observation time Available aperture Ability to handle correlated signals e.g. due to multipath effects Adaptation to signal structures of interest to the Army (including multiband harmonic sources)

26 Where to from here? Spatially-distributed sources
Extension through the use of a different overcomplete basis Dynamic environment, mobile sources Promising approach due to its robustness to limitations in observation time Incorporating prior information on more complicated wideband spectra Cyclostationary signals Experiments with measured data (possibly through ARL)

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