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Keyboarding & document processing

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1 Keyboarding & document processing

2 Objectives Correctly format a multipage letter.
Demonstrate acceptable language arts skills in using abbreviations . Correctly format correspondence with multiple addresses, one-arrival notations , and subject lines. Correctly format a table with document . Correctly format correspondence with a company name , delivery notation , blind copy notation and post copy

3 Multipage Letters To format a multipage letters :
Type the first page on letterhead stationery , and type continuation pages on plain paper that matches the letterhead. Insert a page number in the top right-hand corner of the page header of all continuing pages , and remove the page number from the first page .

4 Special Correspondence Features
ABBREVIATIONS :- In general business writing ,do not abbreviate common words (such as dept.) , compass point ,units of measure , or the name of months , day of the week , cities , or states (except in addresses). Example:- Correct errors: The planning committee will meet on Tue. ,Sept 26. Tuesday ,September 26.

5 Special Correspondence Features
MULTIPLE ADDRESSES Often a letter may be sent to two or more people at the same address or to different addresses : If a letter is addressed to two people at the same address , type each name on a separate line above the same inside address . Dr.Albert Russell, Professor Dr.Kay Smith ,Professor Department of English Appalachian State University Boone , NC28608

6 Special Correspondence Features
MULTIPLE ADDRESSES If a letter is addressed to two people at the different address , type each name and addressed ,one under the other . Press ENTER 2 times between the addresses. Dr.Albert Russell, Professor Department of English Appalachian State University Boone , NC28608 2X Dr.Kay Smith ,Professor Director of Business Grove City College Grove City, PA 1627

7 Special Correspondence Features
MULTIPLE ADDRESSES If a letter is addressed to three or more people, type the names and addresses side by side, with one at left margin and another beginning at the center-point. Press ENTER 2 before typing the third name and address at left margin. Dr.Albert Russell, Professor Mrs. Earl Walters Department of English Washington Boulevard Appalachian State University New Tripoli, PA 18066 Boone , NC28608 2X Dr.Kay Smith ,Professor Director of Business Grove City College Grove City, PA 1627

8 Special Correspondence Features
MULTIPLE ADDRESSES On –arrival notations (such as CONFIDENTIAL: use it when you want to share confidential information with another business) should type on the second line below the date , at left margin .type the notation in all-caps .press Enter 2 time to begin the inside address . 5X November 19,20— 2X CONFIDENTIAL Dr.Kay Smith ,Professor Director of Business Grove City College Grove City, PA 1627

9 Special Correspondence Features
SUBJECT LINES A subject line indicates what a letter is about . Type the subject line below the salutation at left margin. 5X November 19,20— 2X Dr.Kay Smith ,Professor Director of Business Grove City College Grove City, PA 1627 Dear Dr.Smith: Subject: Scholarship Awarded We are very pleased …………………………………………etc.

10 Special Correspondence Features
TABLE WITHIN DOCUMENTS To format a table that is part of letter, , or report : In document , press Enter 2 time after the table . Be sure you are outside the table structure before pressing Enter 1 time. Single space the body of the table. Adjust the column widths, and center the table within the margins of document. Never spilt a table between two page if it will fit on one page .if table will not fit at the bottom of the page on which it is first mentioned , place it at the top of next page.

11 Special Correspondence Features

12 Special Correspondence Features
Company names in closing line: Some business firms show the company name in the closing line of the letter . Type the company name in all-caps on the second line below the complimentary closing .then press Enter 4 times and type the writer’s name . Thank you for inviting me to participate in the discussion concerning this issue .it has been very informative and helpful . 2x Sincerely, HENDERSON AND SONS ,INC. 4x Mark Henderson, president mjd

13 Special Correspondence Features
Delivery notations : Type a delivery notation (such as By fax, By ,or By messenger ) On the line below the reference initials .A delivery notation comes before a copy notation . Thank you for inviting me to participate in the discussion concerning this issue .it has been very informative and helpful . 2x Sincerely, 4x Mark Henderson, president mjd By bC:Mary Stevenson

14 Special Correspondence Features
Blind copy notations : Using the blind copy (bc:) notation when the addressee is not intended to know that someone else is receiving a copy of the letter . Type the bc notation on file copy at left margin on second line after the last item in letter . When preparing a letter with a blind copy , print one copy of letter ; then add the blind copy notation and print another. Thank you for inviting me to participate in the discussion concerning this issue .it has been very informative and helpful . 2x Sincerely, 4x Mark Henderson, president mjd bc: Mary Stevenson

15 Special Correspondence Features
Post Script : - It is an expression meaning "written after".  - A business letter  postscript  is writing added after the main body of a business letter. - Normally, we do not put postscript in a business letter. - As the competition in business has become so tight that people begin to put personal touch in their services, including the way they communicate with their customers such as putting personal message in their business letters by using postscript. - In addition to that,  a business letter postscript may also be used as a tool to provide more information about the context of the letter

16 Special Correspondence Features
Post Script : If a postscript (PS) is added to a letter , it is type as last item in the letter . If a blind copy notation and postscript are used , the blind copy notation follows the postscript . Thank you for inviting me to participate in the discussion concerning this issue .it has been very informative and helpful . 2x Sincerely, 4x Mark Henderson, president mjd PS: you will be reimbursed for all expenses . Complete an expense report and submit it to your supervisor . bc: Mary Stevenson

17 Special Correspondence Features
with blind copies : Use the blind copy (bcc) feature when the addressee in the TO box is not intended to know that someone else is receiving a copy of the . To format an message with blind copy : Format the message as usual . No special formatting steps are needed when a blind copy is sent . Therefor , do not type a blind copy notation at the bottom of the message . Type addresses for recipients as desired in the Bcc box.

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