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Formal Modeling Concepts

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1 Formal Modeling Concepts
Quick Review Akram Salah ISSR 2013

2 Modeling What is a Model?
A Model is a purposeful abstract representation of reality Purpose You may have more than one model for the same reality for different purpose Abstract Does not represent instances Schematic description Review

3 Models Textual Visual Formal Pseuducode, structured English
Flow charts, UML, ERD Formal Mathematics, logic, graphs Review

4 Models Enhance better understanding Higher level of thinking
Important in design Better communication Review

5 Sets Review

6 Sets A set is a collection (group) of elements Tuple (List)
Notation { }, {a, x, book} {s | student (s)} Ordering Repetition Explicit/ Implicit Cardinality (Function) F : Empty Set Tuple (List) Notation( ) Review

7 Relationships Membership: Subset: Equivalence:
(I: Element & Set, O: Boolean) Subset: (I: Two Sets, O: Boolean) Equivalence: Note: Subset & Equivalence Review

8 Operations Union: Intersection Difference (I: Two Sets, O: a Set)
Commutative Intersection Difference Not Commutative Review

9 Operations Cartesian Product S x R = {(s, r) | s e S & r e R}
Cardinality Order Review

10 Relation A relation, R, between two sets S and T
Meaningful association A set of pairs, one from S and one from T R = {(s, t) | s e S & t e T} A subset from Cartesian Product Properties Order or Arity Review

11 Functions F: X -> Y or y = f (x). Domain X Co-domain Y
Image of x under f is y Range A relation with unique images Cardinality as a function Review

12 Graph theory Review

13 Graphs A graph G is a construct of two finite sets, V={v1, v2, …, vn} of vertices and a set E={e1, e2, …, em} of edges. Each edge is a pair of vertices from V: ei=(vj, vk), where vj and vk e V. Review

14 Graphs An edge can be directed or undirected
A directed graph is a type of graph in which each edge (vi , vj) is directed, otherwise it is undirected. Review

15 Graphs A path, from v1 to vk in a graph G(V, E) is a sequence of vertices (v1, v2, …, vk-1, vk) such that {(v1, v2), (v2, v3), …, (vk-1, vk)} exist in E. Review

16 Graphs A cycle in a graph G is a path (vi, …, vi)
Cyclic graph is a graph in which there is any cycle, otherwise it is acyclic. Review

17 Graphs Connected graph is a graph in which there is a path from every vertix to all other vertices, otherwise it is disconnected. Review

18 Trees A tree is a connected acyclic graph. Root (out edges)
Leaves (in edges) Height (length of the path from root to a leaf) Review

19 Logic Review

20 Logic Logic is the branch of science that studies the relationship between premises (Assumptions) & results (Conclusion). Symbolic Logic Well-Formed-Formulae Propositional Predicate Review

21 Propositional Logic Atomic Formula is a proposition.
A proposition is a statement that can be either true or false, but not both. P: It is hot Q: The air condition is on R: Lights are on Review

22 Propositional Logic WFF in Propositional Logic:
A proposition is a formula (Atomic Formula) If F is a formula, then ~F (not F) is also a formula If F & G are Formulae, then F and G (Conjunction) is a formula F or G (Disjunction) is a formula If F then G is a formula F iff G is a formula (if and only if) Nothing Else is a formula Note: Algebraic rules & DeMorgan’s Review

23 Evaluation of a Formula
A Proposition has a value (True or False) A formula has a values ( true or false) under each of its interpretations. An interpretation of a formula is the result of each of its atoms by a true or false. Review

24 Evaluation of a Formula
A formula is said to be valid if it is true under all its interpretations, otherwise it is invalid. A formula is said to be inconsistent if it is false under all its interpretations, otherwise it is consistent. Review

25 Predicate Logic A predicate is a logic statement that has an argument. Usually the predicate applies to the argument(s). Student (John): John is a student Has-book(John): John has book Likes(John, Mary): John Likes Mary Student(x) has x as a variable When x is substituted with a value, it is called an interpretation of F Review

26 Predicate Logic WFF in Predicate Logic
A predicate is a formula (Atomic Formula) If F is a formula, then ~F (not F) is also a formula If F & G are Formulae, then F and G (Conjunction) is a formula F or G (Disjunction) is a formula If F then G is a formula F iff G is a formula Review

27 Predicate Logic If F is a formula that contains a variable x defined over a domain D, then (“For All” x) F is evaluated as true only if it is true for each x e D. (“There Exists” x) F is evaluated as true if at least one value of x e D makes F true. Nothing Else is a formula Review

28 Notes on Quantifiers For All & There Exists are the quantifiers.
A quantifier has a scope. If all the variables in a formula are quantified, it is called bound, otherwise it is loose. Review

29 Evaluation of Formula The same definitions of Validity and Consistency apply in general. “For all x” F(x) is true if F is true for all values of x e D “There Exists x” F(x) is true if any value of x e D makes F true Review

30 Logical Consequence Given a set of formulae, G, F is a logical consequence from G, G |= F, if we can prove F using a subset of G. {F u G} is consistent {~F u G} is inconsistent Review

31 Proof Procedure The path from the assumption to the result is called the proof procedure. Review

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