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Concrete Strength Testing

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1 Concrete Strength Testing
Name____________________________ Tutor Group _____ Concrete Concrete is a combination of four materials, cement, sand, gravel and water. It is commonly used for the foundations of a building. When mixed concrete remains in fluid form for a period of time (depending on the amount of water added). This means it can flow into a space such a trench that has been dug for foundations. Strength Concrete is very strong in in compression, which means that it can withstand a force that is trying to squash it, such as the weight of a building. It can be made stronger by adding steel to it, this is done when concrete is used for floors or walls. The strength of concrete is measured in PSI (Pounds per Square Inch). Testing Concrete can be tested by performing a slump test, this is like building a sand castle on a beach, the amount of slump or drop from the original height of the bucket is measured to calculate the slump. 1 . What are the four ingredients of concrete? 2. What would happen to concrete is the temperature was below freezing? 3. What would happen if too much water was added when mixing concrete? 4. How is concrete transported to building sites? 5. Why might you steel bars inside concrete?

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