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Midterm Total points: 75 Total points graded: 36 Median: 31/36

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm Total points: 75 Total points graded: 36 Median: 31/36"— Presentation transcript:

1 Midterm Total points: 75 Total points graded: 36 Median: 31/36
Mean: 28.23/36 4 students have full marks (36) thus far 25 students have >90%*36 marks thus far

2 Final project: Each diving in-depth to a sub-area of computer vision
Read a research paper Present it twice First round: 3 mins (presentation) + 2 mins (taking questions) Second round: 5 mins (presentation) + 3 mins (taking questions) Write a report (Due: 11/22/16, 11:59PM) >= 1 page Letter page (8 ½ x 11 in), 1 inch margin, single spacing, 12 point Times New Roman 40% of overall grade

3 Logistics Find your paper and when to present here:
Paper Assignments: Papers:

4 Logistics Upload slides to webcourses before the class (Important)

5 How to read research papers? (1)
Ask questions before you start What are the motivations for this paper? What problem is being solved? What is the proposed solution? What experiments are designed to test the solution? What are the evaluation methods and metrics What are the contributions? What are the future directions? How is the paper related to what you previously knew? How is the paper related to other works?

6 How to read research papers? (2)
Repeat: decreasing marginal gain until convergence? Get the general idea first What problem is being solved? What are the main steps in the solution? What is the high-level idea of the solution? Draw analogies to what you know well Read in order: Abstract, conclusion, problem statement if it exists, intro, approach, experiments Divide and conquer How to read research papers by Dr. Mubarak Shah: The three-pass approach by Dr. Srinivasan Keshav:

7 How to present research papers (in class)?
Title, authors (full name), authors’ institutes, your name and Motivation of the research (1 slide) Problem statement (1 slide) What is being solved? Why is it an important problem? Main contributions of the paper (1 slide) Studied a new and important problem Proposed a novel approach Improved or extended existing methods Compared several popular methods Explored a variety of use cases (many datasets of different kinds) Presented new theories Introduced new methodologies or tools to computer vision

8 How to present research papers? (3)
Title, authors (full name), authors’ institutes, your name and Motivation of the research (1 slide) Problem statement (1 slide) Main contributions of the paper (1 slide) Some details of the proposed approach Experiments Data, features, baselines, evaluation metrics, results

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