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Presentation on theme: "Christmas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christmas

2 What is it? Christmas signifies the birth of Jesus
Orthodox churches celebrate it on the 7th of January Catholic celebrate mass on Christmas eve 2) Because of the historical differences in how their calendars were created They also fast for this day so that they appreciate it more 3) It is often at midnight and they take part in this ceremony because it remembers the last supper and everything that Jesus has done and it is especially special because it is when Jesus is supposed to have been born

3 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. Isiaih 7:14

4 Jesus' birth The magi bought Jesus 3 gifts – Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh He was born in a stable The son of Mary and Joseph Frankincense symbolises worship and the presence of god Gold- kingship Myrrh – prophesies Jesus' death

5 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 Shows the importance of Christmas and Jesus' birth For Christians it emphasises the magnitude of Gods live for his people

6 How is it celebrated At midnight on Christmas Eve, Christians often go to eucharist, also known as midnight mass, On Christmas Day , churches hold services, in which they would sing carols and have a sermon based around the Christmas story At lunch time, families will sometimes come together to enjoy presents and food. 1)this is a tradition with Roman Catholics and also some Anglicans. 2)it is eaten like this to signify the families gratefulness at having these luxuries at Christmas time.

7 The importance of Christmas
As a result of this, there is the hope of eternal life Also it encourages other Christians to keep persevering with the faith Christians believe that Jesus will one day come back to earth (parousia) The importance The possibility of a restored personal relationship The celebration of Jesus' incarnation/ birth on earth Parousia- chirustamas links to this because it was the first time that jesus came to earth


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