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Sustainable Energy Technologies

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1 Sustainable Energy Technologies
Sustainable Energy Technologies Dr. Gautam Goswami, Sc-F & Head Vision 2035 Sustainable Lifestyle = Positive Climate Action

2 Key Facts By 2035 India has to fulfil the aspirations of 1.53 billion people and to reach to the bottom of the pyramid India has taken up a fast growing path with target to achieve double digit growth in next few years Manufacturing sector to contribute around % of national GDP in 2035 from the current level of around 15%. India is committed to protect environment, has taken up eight Mission Mode projects Per capita CO2 emissions in India is extremely low i.e. just one-quarter of China’s and the European Union’s and one-tenth the level in the United States. India’s urbanisation is a key driver of energy trends: an additional 315 million people – almost the population of the United States today – are expected to live in India’s cities by 2040

3 Issues in Indian Energy Sector
Issues in Indian Energy Sector Post CoP 21 in Paris, it has become more crucial to ensure that the energy and lifestyle aspirations of the Indian’s are met through clean and sustainable forms of energy. India’s energy demand will increase 3 to 4 fold from the existing by 2035. Over 300 million people living in country still do not have access to electricity while over 800 million still depends on traditional fuel and practices for their cooking and other needs. Securing our energy needs and bringing down our import bill is one of the key focuses. Putting manufacturing at the heart of India’s growth model means a large rise in the energy needed to fuel India’s development. Expanding the nuclear power capacity with greater safety standard to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and clear energy. “Making India non-fossil fuel based” – a grand challenge for India at 2035

4 Agenda for Discussion INDIA@COP22 Focus of Discussion
Technology needs identified in the TV document wrt Climate Resilience Indian achievement so far, gaps and challenges, technologies that are required in the areas renewable, nuclear and energy efficient and low carbon cement manufacturing. Technology need in above sectors Availability of funds for technology development and deployment, technology transfer, capacity building and moving ahead to find new R&D collaboration with international partners Modality to facilitate faster deployment and diffusion of the technology by leveraging international partnerships Topic for Discussion Relevant Mitigation & Adaptation technology from Technology Vision 2035 Preparing for sustainable and clean energy supply in India through nuclear Sustainability in Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy: Technology Requirements for India’s NDC Low carbon and energy efficient cement manufacturing


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