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Issues of privacy and ethics for computer programmers

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Presentation on theme: "Issues of privacy and ethics for computer programmers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Issues of privacy and ethics for computer programmers
How to integrate ‘core values’ into the teaching of computer science at USF?

2 ‘hub-and-spokes’ connection
PC PC PC NIC NIC NIC hub Local network domain

3 Hardware components TX FIFO nic RX FIFO CPU packet main memory
transceiver buffer LAN cable B U S RX FIFO CPU

4 USF Course Elective CS 486: Ethernet Interface Programming
Course prerequisites: Knowledge of C programming language Experience with UNIX operating system Upper-Division standing in computer science And permission of the course instructor Offered Fall 1999: 11 students enrolled 1 sophomore, 3 juniors, 5 seniors, 2 grads

5 Some ‘core values’ of USF Mission
Freedom to pursue truth Social responsibility Diversity of perspectives Moral dimensions of every human choice Respect for the dignity of every person

6 Ethics Discussion Discussion Panelists Fr. John Koeplin, S.J.
Accounting Professor Dr. Jane Corbett Nursing Professor Fr. Peter Togni, S.J. Associate Dean Mr. Stephen Fisher Network Administrator

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