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Saber vs Conocer “to know”.

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1 Saber vs Conocer “to know”

2 In Spanish, there are two words for the verb “to know”
Saber Conocer Yo sé Nosotros sabemos Tú sabes Él, ella, Usted sabe Ellos, ellas, Ustedes saben Yo conozco Nosotros conocemos Tú conoces Él, ella, Usted conoce Ellos, ellas, Ustedes conocen

3 Saber is intellectual/ factual.
“Saber” is to know information. -Yo sé los numeros en español. I know the numbers in Spanish. -Mi madre sabe que tengo que trabajar hoy. My mom knows that I have to work today. Saber is intellectual/ factual.

4 Conocer “Conocer” is to be acquainted with a person or place.
-Ella conoce bien la ciudad de Havana. She is well acquainted with the city of Havana. -Yo conozco a la chica en la iglesia. I know (I am acquainted with) the girl in the church. Conocer is personal.

5 Saber or conocer? We know the quadratic formula.

6 Saber or conocer? I know that girl’s cousin.

7 Saber or conocer? I know that street like the back of my hand.

8 Saber or conocer? He knows my phone number by heart.

9 Saber or conocer? Who knows?

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