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Water efficient showers

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Presentation on theme: "Water efficient showers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water efficient showers
Project Green : Water efficient showers Maria Cardenas Adriana Garcia Abraham Salvador Kristian Crump

2 What is Project Green? Find ways to improve school
How can it help the environment Save natural resources Help save money

3 Our Project Green Water Efficient Showers Provides better hygiene
Less use of paper towels

4 Why install Efficient Showers
We should install Water Efficient Showers for the following reasons: Hygiene Paper towel use P.E. Sports practices/Games

5 Hygiene Showers lead to better personal hygiene
Dirty clothes from P.E. wouldn’t be left on the floor Showers would lower paper towels use

6 Improve Hygiene Students won’t smell Won’t distract peers with smell
Students will concentrate more

7 Use of Paper Towels Wipe sweat after P.E. sports

8 Reduce of Paper Towels Won’t be dropped everywhere Won’t waste
Won’t be using for sweat

9 Future of Hand Dryers If hand dryers are installed
Won’t waste paper towels Won’t have any litter Won’t have a way to wipe sweat off

10 Water Efficiency Reduce water use Saves water for other uses
Watering plants

11 Where will they be installed
In both boys and girls bathroom side Already has tile Only has to be extended Won’t have to remove lockers

12 What it will improve Work ethic in Sports/P.E School cleanliness
Soccer Frisbee Basketball School cleanliness

13 How will it save money Will install efficient showers to use less water Paper towels won’t be wasted If hand dryers installed, No more use of paper towels

14 How will it help the environment
Litter will be reduced School will have nicer restrooms No paper towels on floor No dirty clothing Students personal hygiene will improved No distractions More concentration

15 Who has helped Ms.Davis- Biology Teacher
Helped direct in right direction with idea Mr.Craine- Physical Education Teacher Has agreed with plan Hoping plan will go through Suggested where to put showers

16 What we have done Talked to Mr. Craine
Made a plan to have the water efficient showers Have looked at an estimated price

17 What we plan to do Look up models of showers Find a price range
Reduce littering of clothes Reduce paper towel use

18 Water Efficient Shower Price
Showerhead $63.00 10 total Shower Model $163.00 4 in each gender bathroom

19 Water Efficient Shower Price
Disability Accessible Showers $1,031.00 2 total one in each gender bathroom Have a seat and handles to help Estimate Grand total $3,996

20 In order to accomplish we will :
Continue to push the project forward if chosen If not, ask other students to propose the idea for Project Green If students have the opportunity to participate

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