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By: Samantha, Trace (Tod)

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1 By: Samantha, Trace (Tod)
Weed Collection Book By: Samantha, Trace (Tod)

2 Dandelions Scientific name: Taraxacum Common name: Dandelion
Control of weed: Postemergent herbicides that control broadleaf weeds (2,4-D, triclopyr, MCPA, and mecoprop) can control dandelion seedlings. Crabgrass preventers (Pre- emergent herbicides) applied in the spring before weed seeds germinate will also help to reduce the amount of dandelion weed seedlings that germinate and grow in lawns. Sex type: complete; the embryo in the seed forms without meiosis, thus the offspring are genetically identical to the parent Widespread perennial weed, with leaves growing from the base and yellow composite flowers. It reproduces by means of parachute seeds. The leaves are used in salads; the flowers in winemaking.

3 Dandelions

4 Chickweed Scientific name: Stellaria media Common name: Chickweed
Control of weed:Glyphosate herbicide (Round- up) can be used to eradicate chickweed, attacking the root system and killing the entire plant. Another option is to dust chickweed with ammonium sulfate while the morning dew is still on it. Sex type:The common chickweed reproduces through creeping stems (fibrous root system) and by seeds. is a cool-season annual plant native to Europe, but naturalized in many parts of North America. It is used as a cooling herbal remedy, and grown as a vegetable crop and ground cover for both human consumption and poultry.

5 Chickweed

6 Clover Scientific name: Trifolium Common name: clover Control of weed: Pre-emergent herbicide selections for pre-emergent clover control include isoxaben, napropamide, oxadiazon, oryzalin, pendimethalin and pronamide. Postemergent herbicides that offer clover control include clopyralid, dicamba, glyphosate, mecoprop, and quinclorac. Sex type: The plant is capable of both asexual (or vegetative) reproduction through the generation of stolons, and sexual reproduction through seed production and dispersal. Clover or trefoil are common names for plants of the genus Trifolium, consisting of about 300 species of plants in the leguminous pea family Fabaceae.

7 Clover

8 Ribwort Plantain Scientific name: Plantago lanceolata Common name: buckhorn plantain Control of weed: The preemergent herbicide isoxaben has been useful in limiting emergence of plantain seedlings. Postemergent spot treatment with glyphosate can control existing plantain plants Sex type: can reproduce vegetatively from buds on the rhizome and from root fragments. plantago lanceolata is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae. It is known by the common names English plantain, narrowleaf plantain, ribwort plantain, ribleaf and lamb's tongue. It is a common weed of cultivated land.

9 Ribwort Plantain

10 Sherardia arvensis Scientific name: Sherardia arvensis Common name: field madder Control of weed: Control with pre and post emergence herbicides like corn gluten meal. Sex type: reproduce from seed and from nodes along stem/stem fragments Sherardia is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the Rubiaceae family. The genus contains only one species, viz. Sherardia arvensis or field madder, which is widespread across most of Europe

11 Sherardia arvensis

12 Quackgrass Scientific name: Elymus repens Common name: Common couch Control of weed: Pre-emergence herbicides, such as crabgrass preventers, will inhibit germination of quackgrass seed. using Roundup or Finale to kill the quackgrass while it is actively growing. Sex type: Quackgrass propagates mainly by rhizomes but also reproduces by seed. Elymus repens, commonly known as couch grass, is a very common perennial species of grass native to most of Europe, Asia, the Arctic biome, and northwest Africa.

13 Quackgrass

14 Annual Sedge Scientific name: Cyperus compressus Common name: Annual Sedge Control of weed: postemergence control: msma, moa 17 (various brands) preemergence and postemergence control: sulfentrazone + prodiamine, MOA (Echelon 4 SC) 4 SC Sex type: these sedges are annual plants that reproduce by seed. Annual sedge is one of the only true annual sedge species, thus making it easier to control. It is characterized by it's large, spiked seedhead. Annual sedge has a more clumpy appearance than other sedge species and emerges later in the summer than other sedge species as well.

15 Annual Sedge

16 Cogon grass Scientific name: Imperata cylindrica Common name: cogon grass Control of weed: Pre‐emergent Out of dozens of herbicides tested for significant activity on cogongrass only two, the active ingredients glyphosate (Roundupa, Glypro, Accordb, etc) and imazapyr (Arsenal, Arsenal AC, and Chopperc) Sex type: sexual reproduction Cogongrass is a dense, erect, perennial grass that can grow up to 4 ft. high in open habitats. Long, yellowish-green leaves are very rigid and stiff to the touch. Leaves have a prominent white midrib that can be off-center. The seedheads are plumelike panicles and spikelets are often surrounded by long, silky hairs at the base. Cogongrass can become a fire hazard. Options to control cogongrass are extremely limited

17 Cogon grass

18 Dogfennel Scientific name: Eupatorium capillifolium Common name: dogfennel Control of weed: preemergence and postemergence control mesotrione, moa 27 (tenacity) 4 sc Sex type: reproduce themselves from the seeds only. Dogfennel is a an erect perennial weed that can grow up to 2 m tall; this weed doesn't tolerate frequent, close mowing and is therefore commonly found in abandoned fields, waster areas, and roadsides. It can also be a problem during turfgrass establishment. Leaves are deeply dissected (lobed) into fine, hair like segments that have a feathery appearance. Dogfennel has a woody crown and leaves that are strongly aromatic when crushed

19 Dogfennel

20 Henbit Scientific name: Lamium amplexicaule Common name: henbit Control of weed: Isoxaben is a pre- emergent herbicide often used in the lawn for helping to prevent the development of broadleaf weeds like henbit. Sex type: sexual reproduction Henbit is a common winter annual weed with a square stem that can be purplish in appearance. Henbit branches freely from the base stem, and its leaves are kidney shaped, serrated, and densely hairy. Uppermost leaves lack petioles. Flowers are purple in color and arranged in whorls. Henbit is similar in appearance to purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum); however, the uppermost leaves of purple deadnettle have a red- to purple- tinge and are affixed to petiole.

21 Henbit

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