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12.1 Sex Linkage Thomas Hunt Morgan: Sex Determination:

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1 12.1 Sex Linkage Thomas Hunt Morgan: Sex Determination:
Studied fruit flies – 4 pairs of homologous chromosomes but one pair was different between Male and Female. - Female had 4 identical pairs - Male had 3 identical pairs and 1 pair that was different (XY) Morgan’s Hypothesis – A pair of chromosomes determines sex  XX (female); XY (male) – Called sex chromosomes

2 Morgan’s rationale: In meiosis each gamete gets only 1 sex chromosome – either X or Y in males only X in females. Egg (1 sex chromo) + Sperm (1 s.c. ) = Zygote (2 s.c.) Because of this sex determination is 50/50 male : female in sexual reproduction. Male determines the sex of the offspring (can give X or Y)

3 Sex Linkage Morgan thought more genes can be held on X than Y
X-linked Genes – genes on X chromosome Y-linked Gene – genes on Y chromosome Sex-linked Genes – genes carried on sex chromosomes

4 Morgan’s Experiment Morgan found that most fruit flies had red eyes but some MALES had white eyes Crossed a red eyed female x white eyed male

5 Morgan’s Results F1: All red eyed fruit flies P1: P2:
He let the F1 offspring mate F2: 3:1 red eyed to white eyed  but all white eyed ff were males. Morgan proved that the gene for eye color is carried on the X chromosome P1: P2:

6 Linkage Groups Each chromosome carries many genes
Genes on 1 chromosome form linkage groups 2 or more genes on the same chromosome are said to be linked  tend to be inherited together

7 Morgan’s Work on Linkage
G = Gray L = Long g = Black l = Short P1 : GGLL x ggll F1G: All GgLl F1P: All Gray Long P2: GgLl x GgLl He knew if genes were on different chromosomes phenotype would be 9:3:3:1 Found F2 results were 3:1 (3 gray long) (1 black short) Hypothesis: body color and wing length were linked

8 Also produced gray short (Ggll) and black long (ggLl) – found that this occurred because of crossing over of the homologous chromosomes Crossing over does not create delete genes – it does change location on chromosomes  leads to new gene combinations (genetic recombination) Genes closer together are more likely to cross over than genes that are far apart.

9 Linkage Maps Use recombination frequencies to determine where genes are on chromosomes. Use frequencies (%) to lay out where each gene is located on the chromosome. Higher % - further the 2 genes are and less likely to cross over together. Outliers – 2 genes that are furthest apart (highest %) Each % = 1 map unit

10 Types of Mutations Germ Cell Mutation – mutation that occurs in the gametes. Somatic Cell Mutation – mutation that occurs in the somatic cells. All mutations fall under the 2 above: - Lethal Mutations – causes death - Silent Mutations – not on a gene – does not harm the organism - Nonsense Mutation - is a point mutation in a sequence of DNA that results in a premature stop codon.

11 Chromosome Mutations Deletion – loss of piece of chromosome due to breakage Inversion – piece of chromosome breaks off, flips, and attaches to that chromosome backwards Translocation – piece of chromosome breaks off and attaches to a non-homologue Nondisjunction – homologous chromosomes fail to separate during gamete formation examples   

12 1 gamete gets 2 copies of a chromosome and the other gamete gets no copy.
At fertilization: the zygote gets 3 H. C. = Down’s Syndrome (Trisomy 21) At fertilization: the zygote gets H. C. = Turner’s Syndrome (Monosomy)

13 Gene Mutations Could be : - Large segments of DNA
- Single nucleotide in a codon Point Mutations – Addition, Subtraction (removal), or substitution of nucleotide(s) in a codon

14 3 Types of Point Mutations
Substitution Point Mutation: (Missense Mutation) 1 nucleotide is replaced by a different nucleotide, results in a new codon. It COULD affect one amino acid. - If substituted nucleotide does not change AA, no affect on organism - If substituted nucleotide does change AA, resulting protein will be altered, affecting the organism.

15 Insertion – A single nucleotide is added to DNA
Deletion – A single nucleotide is removed from DNA Both are more serious than substitution By gaining or losing a nucleotide causes all codons after this point to be altered (incorrectly grouped) and affects the AA chain This (#2,#3) is called a Frame Shift Mutations – causes all AA from this point to be different than intended by DNA template.

16 Example: Sickle Cell Anemia
Caused by Substitution Point Mutation Adenine is substituted for uricil in 1 codon  causes defective hemoglobin This is a recessive allele disorder so you must have 2 copies of the defective allele to have Sickle Cell (aa) Affects circulation of blood Heterozygous for Sickle Cell (Aa) = Carrier, do not have Sickle Cell but can pass defective allele to offspring. The carrier is phenotypically normal

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