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Presentation on theme: "THE BIBLE... BASICALLY ©2006 TBBMI"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE BIBLE... BASICALLY ©2006 TBBMI Designed by Dr. John Fryman, Texas, USA • Taught by Dr. Rick Griffith, Singapore Bible College All files in many languages for free download at

2 (It's organized by the STORY LINE.)
THE BIBLE… BASICALLY Now we move on to what we call SETTING UP THE BOOKS. This is Part 7 of THE BIBLE...BASICALLY. Since we are dealing with filing systems and file folders, we'll remain with that same idea. Because, we are going to discover how the Bible's shape and structure IS organized by the story line of Scripture… extending across thousands and thousands of years. A subtitle might be “Lining Up the Books.” PART SEVEN Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament 02 ©2006 TBBMI

3 / / 4 5 3 6 2 7 8 1 The “Opened” Bible 27 Books Hebrew Greek
1600 years A 40 authors B “OLD” Testament “ ” “NEW” Testament “ ” D(OT) C D(NT) ONE THEME: The Glory of God “ ” 39 Books “ ” 27 Books E(OT) E(NT) Hebrew Greek F(OT) F(NT) 4 5 3 / / Law Promise Grace Fulfillment G(OT) GOSPELS G(NT) PROPHETS 6 2 POETRY ACTS Here is the familiar “OPENED BIBLE,” we just explored…some of the basic facts about the overall structure, languages and objectives of the Scriptures. 7 HISTORY EPISTLES 1 LAW 8 REVELATION Telescope Telescope H(OT) H(NT) 2 Telescopes 1 Microscope Eternity Past Microscope J I(OT) Eternity Future The “Opened” Bible ©2006 TBBMI 03

4 4 5 3 6 2 7 8 1 The “Opened” Bible PROPHETS POETRY HISTORY LAW
Of that “OPENED BIBLE”…we'll now call out its Old Testament section, the first 39 books of Scripture…Law, History, Poetry, and Prophets. POETRY 7 HISTORY 1 LAW 8 The “Opened” Bible ©2006 TBBMI 04

5 Setting Up The Books of the Old Testament STUDY HELP #19
The Study Help for Setting Up The Books Study Help #19 will be useful to you now. You'll notice that it's organized in four columns. Looking at each column. _________ Note to Translators: Please find the English version of this graphic in the Student Workbook Study Helps PPT file called “Study_Helps_Answered_10_ed-45.pptx” at slide 41. Translate it there and then take a screen shot of it to put here and in the subsequent slides. of the Old Testament STUDY HELP #19 05

Beginning with the one on the far left…is THE BIBLE FILE briefly arranged in its proper ten-file order. There you see the C7SJ…the four people and three societies…together with small file folder images and the basic items we learned for each file folder. This is THE QUICK CHRONOLOGY from THE BIBLE…BASICALLY. A MEMORY TOOL 06

Now look at the building plan of the book itself. Our Bible is divided into four traditional sections: the second column, vertically, shows us the first two, arranged in boxes. The first box is THE LAW. Directly below that is the second traditional section called HISTORY. A MEMORY TOOL 07

Now the remaining two sections of the Old Testament, the third column: in the top box: POETRY, and below that, THE PROPHETS. So the complete Old Testament is presented in its traditional four sections…although, through the centuries, others have divided it in somewhat different ways…depending on their own religious traditions. However, these divisions are widely held around the world. A MEMORY TOOL 08

Finally, the outer box on the right side presents a special memory tool for working with the prophets. We'll explain it shortly. It's a tool specifically designed to help you "straighten out all those prophets." A MEMORY TOOL 09

10 Think horizontally to the left!
THE CHRONOLOGY LAW & HISTORIES POETRY & PROPHETS The design of this worksheet is based on this one idea: every item in the two center columns is arranged horizontally…so think horizontally in relation to the biblical storyline of THE QUICK CHRONOLOGY on the far left column. SO THINK HORIZONTALLY TO THE LEFT. A MEMORY TOOL 10

The Glory of God THE CHRONOLOGY LAW & HISTORIES POETRY & PROPHETS A MEMORY TOOL TIME REQUIRED FOR WRITING: ABOUT 1,500 YEARS (OT) As we work through this correlation of books alongside the time-frame of the Biblical chronology and the four Old Testament sections...keep in mind one basic historical fact about this Old Testament book: //// about 1,500 years were required to write the complete collection. And we discovered in "The Opened Bible"… //// …it's written with one message...from Genesis all the way to Revelation...that one theme: The Glory of God! Paul teaches this in 1 Cor. 10:31. 2 11

First, look at the box that includes the first five books of the Old Testament, //// the first traditional grouping of the Biblical books greatly enlarged on the left of the graphic LC 1 12

Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament THE 5 BOOKS OF “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” THE LAW (5) OR They are called the books of THE LAW. As we add each book to the list, you'll see that it will line up chronologically with the events of THE BIBLE FILE printed on the far-left column of the work sheet. we go. The block arrows will guide you as you move through the first block, especially the one pointing down. //// The one pointing to the left will be used later. LC Approximate Biblical Timeline: Pre-Abraham to 1400 B.C. 1 13

Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament THE 5 BOOKS OF “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” THE LAW (5) OR These five books…called the Torah in the Jewish Scripture…recount events that occurred roughly between 2000 B.C. and 1400 B.C. Remember that these numbers are highly rounded for ease of memory. LC Approximate Biblical Timeline: Pre-Abraham to 1400 B.C. 14

Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Genesis THE 5 BOOKS OF “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” THE LAW (5) OR First in the collection of THE LAW is the book of GENESIS. Horizontally, GENESIS is associated with the CREATION folder directly to the left on your Study Help sheet. Notice the large arrow pointing downward….telling you that GENESIS is the source of all information concerning CREATION…then ABRAHAM through JOSEPH in the chronology files on the left. You might want to abbreviate these book titles for later fill-in of the complete words. LC Approximate Biblical Timeline: Pre-Abraham to 1400 B.C. 15

16 “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” Genesis Exodus AC LC THE 5 BOOKS OF THE LAW (5)
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Genesis THE 5 BOOKS OF “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” THE LAW (5) OR Then we add EXODUS. Exodus LC Approximate Biblical Timeline: Pre-Abraham to 1400 B.C. 16

17 “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” Genesis Exodus Leviticus AC LC THE 5 BOOKS OF
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Genesis THE 5 BOOKS OF “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” THE LAW (5) OR LEVITICUS. Exodus Leviticus LC Approximate Biblical Timeline: Pre-Abraham to 1400 B.C. 17

18 “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers AC LC
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Genesis THE 5 BOOKS OF “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” THE LAW (5) OR NUMBERS. Exodus Leviticus LC Numbers Approximate Biblical Timeline: Pre-Abraham to 1400 B.C. 18

19 “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers AC LC
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Genesis THE 5 BOOKS OF “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” THE LAW (5) OR ...DEUTERONOMY.In these last four books, we have the entire life and work of Moses, along with the Mosaic Law, the story of the Exodus out of Egypt and the beginnings of the Israelite nation. With the conclusion of DEUTERONOMY, we have only one more of the four great named people beyond the five books of the Law. That would be, of course, JOSHUA. Exodus Leviticus LC Numbers Approximate Biblical Timeline: Pre-Abraham to 1400 B.C. Deuteronomy 19

20 “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers AC LC
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Genesis THE 5 BOOKS OF “THE LAW” “THE TORAH” THE LAW (5) OR The collection of Old Testament Books of the Law…the Jewish Torah…is complete. Five books…Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Exodus Leviticus LC Numbers Approximate Biblical Timeline: Pre-Abraham to 1400 B.C. Deuteronomy 20

21 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
AC Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Genesis ABRAHAMIC COVENANT Gen. 12:1-3 THE LAW (5) Now notice the AC scroll next to GENESIS and the LC scroll to the right of DEUTERONOMY. //// As we know…here in the Abrahamic Covenant is the location of the first Great Promise to Abraham, laying out the basic elements of the Land, Seed and Blessing contract in Genesis 12. //// Later in Deuteronomy….is the first amplification of that covenant or contract...that of the Land the Land Covenant recounted in Deuteronomy 30. LAND COVENANT Deut. 30:1-10 Exodus Leviticus LC Numbers Deuteronomy 3 21

22 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
DC HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF (D) } Now let's move to the next set of books, traditionally organized in the //// group of 12 books called HISTORY. //// Pay close attention to the wedge shaped piece cut out of the HISTORY block. We'll explain its use shortly because it is extremely important in organizing your thinking about the Old Testament. Once again the books listed here will line up horizontally with the file folders of the chronology in THE BIBLE FILE. The time line for the HISTORY extends from around 1400 B.C. to 500 B.C. (S) “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) REMEMBER THAT WEDGE! 2 22

23 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF (D) } First, the book of JOSHUA...directly opposite from the JOSHUA folder in THE BIBLE FILE LINEUP. Here is the beginning of the life of Israel in the land of its ancient promise. And remember, too, that JOSHUA is the last of the group of FOUR GREAT PEOPLE…moving now into… (S) “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) Approximate Biblical Timeline: 1400 B.C. to 1350 B.C. 23

24 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF (D) } the THREE SOCIETIES on the Bible File folder line to the left. JUDGES is the first book of THE HISTORY for THREE SOCIETIES, that time of national apostasy…ANARCHY! JUDGES is the time of Gideon, Samson and other famous names. (S) “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) Approximate Biblical Timeline: 1400 B.C. to 1050 B.C. 24

25 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF (D) } Also in the ANARCHY period, we have the lovely little story of RUTH, her relationship with her mother-in-law, Naomi, and their life in the land of ancient Israel. (S) “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) Approximate Biblical Timeline: 1100 B.C. 25

26 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament SAUL Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DAVID DC HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF SOLOMON DC (D) } Samuel now arises to become that hinge character that bridges Israel from its ANARCHY period into ROYALTY. This is that time of ancient Israel's maximum international prestige, wealth and political power. And for this section of THE HISTORY, we have a group of four books…. their lines provided on your worksheet. And in parenthesis, notice that the //// first line has an S in parenthesis, //// the next a D, //// then another S, //// and on the fourth line CW. //// Those letters stand for the kings SAUL, DAVID AND SOLOMON, as shown on the ROYALTY folder, followed by CIVIL WAR -- CW in parenthesis, the time of Israel's national SPLIT. Now let's add the books (S) “HISTORY” (CW) CIVIL WAR ( ) Approximate Biblical Timeline: 1050 B.C. to 600 B.C. 5 26

27 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF 2 Sam (D) } In the first two lines, opposite the ROYALTY file folder, write in FIRST SAMUEL and SECOND SAMUEL…abbreviating, of course, to save space. (S) “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) Approximate Biblical Timeline: 1050 B.C. to 970 B.C. 27

28 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF 2 Sam'l (D) 1 Kings } The next two lines, FIRST KINGS and SECOND KINGS. (S) 2 Kin “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) Approximate Biblical Timeline: 970 B.C. to 600 B.C. 28

29 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF 2 Sam (D) 1 Kings } Now, please, look at this group of four books. Here in one collection is the entire history of the only time that Israel was united as a single kingdom under a succession of three single kings...prior to its national SPLIT. Again…that SPLIT is represented here by the term and abbreviation CW for CIVIL WAR. (S) 2 Ki “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) Approximate Biblical Timeline: 1050 B.C. to 600 B.C. 29

30 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua (S) (D) (CW) SAUL DAVID SOLOMON CIVIL WAR Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF 2 Sam (D) 1 Kings } And here is the same idea seen in larger print. S-D-S-CW...STANDING FOR SAUL...DAVID...SOLOMON...and CIVIL WAR. (S) 2 Ki “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) Approximate Biblical Timeline: 1050 B.C. to 600 B.C. 30

31 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
2 SAMUEL 1 SAMUEL DAVID SAUL D 1 KINGS SETTING UP THE BOOKS S SOLOMON S 2 KINGS CIVIL WAR CW THE 12 BOOKS OF Here is an interesting mental tool to keep these things in order. If you hold up the four fingers of one hand, you can then use each finger to illustrate, first, the order of the kings...FROM THE QUICK CHRONOLOGY...Here are their abbreviations: //// S... //// D... //// CW… Representing their full names... //// SAUL, //// DAVID, //// SOLOMON, and....after Solomon... //// CIVIL WAR… Now here is the interesting guideline. //// FIRST finger...FIRST SAMUEL ...almost entirely about the life of King Saul...first in that united kingly lin //// Second finger...SECOND SAMUEL...almost entirely about the life of KING DAVID. //// Third finger...FIRST KINGS...almost entirely about the life and works of KING SOLOMON. //// And the fourth finger...last in the order of things here...THE CIVIL WAR...THE NATIONAL SPLIT…SECOND KINGS. This is history as it was recorded in those ancient days. Now with this simple idea, you know that, for instance, if a… //// Scripture text comes from, let's say, Second Samuel, you know with high assurance that the text is probably concerning the life and times of King David. And if you wish to read about that era coming AFTER King Solomon, in other words, //// THE NATIONAL SPLIT, or the civil war...almost always, that time of Israel and Judah's story during that time is found in 2 Kings. “HISTORY” Approximate Biblical Timeline: 1050 B.C. to 600 B.C. 14 31

32 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
2 SAMUEL 1 KINGS 1 SAMUEL 2 KINGS SAUL DAVID SOLOMON CIVIL WAR D S CW SETTING UP THE BOOKS THE 12 BOOKS OF See how it works? review.... //// ….S...D...S...CW...... //// SAUL...DAVID...SOLOMON...CIVIL WAR... //// FIRST AND SECOND SAMUEL...FIRST AND SECOND KINGS. //// Focus for a moment on 1 Samuel...if 1 Samuel, then probably the time of Saul, right?... //// And then, if your concern is for one of the many kings who followed Solomon...then almost always, those references will be found in 2 Kings. A little practice and you'll find this a remarkable little tool for straightening out that complex ROYALTY period of ancient Israel and Judah -- both United AND Divided. “HISTORY” Approximate Biblical Timeline: 1050 B.C. to 600 B.C. 5 32

33 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC DAVIDIC COVENANT 2 Sam. 7:16 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) (S) 2 Sam (D) 1 Kings } Then...on the line of HISTORY, notice the scroll shape next to Second Samuel. We know from the four-finger test that 2 Samuel contains all that information about King David. //// And it is in 2 Samuel 7, in and around verse 16 that we find recorded all the details of that great Davidic Covenant. (S) 2 Ki (CW) ( ) Approximate Biblical Timeline: 1000 B.C. 33 1

34 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF 2 Sam (D) 1 Kings } Now...the next two lines...are ready for two books that are confusing to a lot of people. Let's straighten them out this way.... //// First…notice the black arrow pointing from SECOND KINGS downward...and then two lines bordered by a large set of parentheses. (S) 2 Ki “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) Approximate Biblical Timeline: 970 B.C. to 550 B.C. 1 34

35 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) HISTORY (12) (S) 2 Samuel Kings } 2 Sam (D) 1 Kings } Fill in the book names...FIRST CHRONICLES and SECOND CHRONICLES. //// The point here…First and Second Chronicles contain generally the same material…. //// ….and time frame as Second Samuel through Second Kings. But is there a difference? (S) 2 Ki (CW) The Chronicles: Generally: same material as... ( 1 Chron. 2 Chron. ) Approximate Biblical Timeline: 970 B.C. to 550 B.C. 2 35

36 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS THE PROPHETIC VIEWPOINT DC 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) HISTORY (12) (S) A Fascinating Parenthesis: 2 Sam (D) 1 Kings } Yes…quite a difference! //// Second Samuel and First and Second Kings are written from a strongly prophetical viewpoint…while also providing a basic historical record of that period of the divided kingdom, //// Both Chronicles, however, recount that same Davidic, Solomonic and Civil War period from a distinctly priestly viewpoint. And interestingly, much of the text of the Chronicles duplicates…some of it word for word…that found in the Samuels and the Kings. //// So…same time frame… //// Many of the same events… //// And much of the same text. (S) Same Time Frame 2 Kin Many of the Same Events (CW) THE PRIESTLY VIEWPOINT ( ) Much of the Same Text 1 Chron 2 Chron Approximate Biblical Timeline: 970 B.C. to 550 B.C. 5 36

37 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges THE GREAT KINGDOM SPLIT: A UNITED KINGDOM BECOMES TWO DIVIDED KINGDOMS! Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF 2 Sam (D) 1 Kings } So here in one neat package of Scripture, we have an enormous store of recorded history of the united kingdom of Israel under Saul, David, and Solomon, and then that incredibly difficult time following Solomon's reign when //// the united kingdom split apart into the two divided kingdoms of Israel in the North and Judah in the South. (S) 2 Ki “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) 1 Chron 2 Chron Approximate Biblical Timeline: 1050 B.C. to 550 B.C. 1 37

38 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF 2 Sam (D) 1 Kings } Continue to keep in mind that wedge shape cut into THE HISTORY block. We'll fit that idea into place shortly. Now we come to the last of the historical books of the Old Testament. //// First comes EZRA, the leader of the second group of Jews to return to Jerusalem from the Babylonian captivity. He was a highly educated scribe, commissioned to administer God's Law in the new Temple that had been rebuilt –– on a much smaller scale than Solomon's. This great man of God brought about many reforms in the lives of the returned Jewish population. (S) 2 Kin “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) 1 Chron 2 Chron Ezra Approximate Biblical Timeline: 550 B.C. to 450 B.C. 1 38

39 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF 2 Sam (D) 1 Kings } Then comes NEHEMIAH and the story of his massive rebuilding program for the destroyed walls and gates of Jerusalem and – also – the renewal of the covenant. (S) 2 Kin “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) 1 Chron 2 Chron Ezra Approximate Biblical Timeline: 450 B.C. Nehemiah 39

40 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF 2 Sam (D) 1 Kings } And finally ESTHER, that unusual biblical work that does not mention God's name a single time! However, we know this colossal fact: because of ESTHER'S courage in the king's court, she saved her people. By her actions, she guaranteed the future of her Jewish descendants, through whom Messiah was destined to arrive centuries later. (S) 2 Kin “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) 1 Chron 2 Chron Ezra Approximate Biblical Timeline: 480 B.C. Nehemiah Esther 40

41 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Joshua Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Judges Ruth SETTING UP THE BOOKS DC 1 Samuel HISTORY (12) (S) THE 12 BOOKS OF 2 Sam (D) 1 Kings } Now we've completed the second column of Study Help #19 –– first… the books of the Law...then followed by the books of The History. Once again, remember that the sheet is organized so that in every way possible, the names of the books are associated with the chronological events of the biblical story line – THE QUICK CHRONOLOGY FILE FOLDERS --running down the far left side of the study help sheet. (S) 2 Ki “HISTORY” (CW) ( ) 1 Chron 2 Chron Ezra Approximate Biblical Timeline: 1400 B.C. to 440 B.C. Nehemiah Esther 41

Now we move to the third column of the worksheet for “Setting Up The Books” ...containing the book collections known as POETRY and THE PROPHETS. //// Beginning with the collection of works known as THE 5 BOOKS OF POETRY. As to their place in the order of things....think of it this way... //// …just as we did back in THE OPENED BIBLE section of THE BIBLE…BASICALLY. This thought: only after a culture has become rather settled can an atmosphere of intellectuality and introspection begin to settle in. In other words, there is time for thinkers to think. That is the circumstance with books of POETRY. Except for the Book of Job! //// Each of the remaining five books in this group were penned when Israel was at the height of her international prestige and political power. So, to begin with the books of POETRY… A MEMORY TOOL 4 42

43 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Abraham 2. Job “POETRY” ALL OTHER “POETICAL BOOKS” ARE FROM THE “ROYALTY” PERIOD ABRAHAM CIRCA: JOB 7. “JOB” WAS WRITTEN WELL BEFORE THE ROYALTY PERIOD POETRY (5) 7. Here is the POETRY box greatly enlarged. Each entry has two short lines... //// one for the name of the book, and to the side, a line for a short identification phrase about it. You'll also see thick arrows and some numbers. You'll learn about each of those as we get to them. To begin....the top line...with the number 2....the 2 referring to file folder number which is the first of THE FOUR GREAT PEOPLE on the left side of the sheet…ABRAHAM. The thick arrow crosses the page to direct your attention to that folder. So…In THE POETRY BOX, first line, //// write in JOB...and next to it, you see the word "circa" meaning "around the time of..." then… add ABRAHAM. //// Next to these words, you'll also see that the lines and the fill-ins have been enlarged for clarity. Even here, please abbreviate the information to fit it all in. //// Many scholars tell us that the book of JOB was written far earlier than the other POETRY BOOKS. In fact, from certain linguistic clues in the text, they are quite sure that JOB was living in the same general time period as ABRAHAM. (Thus…the arrow pointing straight across to THE BIBLE FILE folders on the left.) Which only means, then, that GOD was also carrying on His work in other places for which we have little knowledge. But He HAS told us about his work with old and faithful JOB. That's the other arrow we mentioned earlier. 7. 7. 4 43

44 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Abraham 2. Job “POETRY” ALL OTHER “POETICAL BOOKS” ARE FROM THE “ROYALTY” PERIOD ABRAHAM CIRCA: JOB 7. POETRY (5) 7. ALL OTHER “POETICAL BOOKS” ARE FROM THE “ROYALTY” PERIOD Next...except for JOB, all of the other books of POETRY come from the time of DAVID, SOLOMON and the ROYALTY period. Now follow the thick arrow down from the POETRY box... 7. 7. . 44

Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament Joshua TO ISRAEL (N. KINGDOM) (N) Amos “POETRY” Judges Hosea (Nineveh) Jonah Ruth (S) TO JUDAH:                           (IN DECLINE) * ABRAHAM CIRCA: Isaiah JOB HISTORY (12) Joel (S) 1 Samuel NC } DC Micah (D) 2 Samuel Obadiah (Edom) (S) 1 Kings TO JUDAH:  (IN CRISIS)                           * (S) ALL OTHER “WRITINGS” ARE FROM THE “ROYALTY” PERIOD Jere-miah (CW) 2 Kings PROPHETS WROTE IN A FOUR HUNDRED YEAR PERIOD AFTER “THE SPLIT” Lamenta-tions ( ) 1 Chron. ALL OTHER “POETICAL BOOKS” ARE FROM THE “ROYALTY” PERIOD 2 Chron. Habakkuk Nahum (Nineveh) Ezra You'll also see that there is a thick arrow coming to an end at the bracket of SECOND SAMUEL and FIRST KINGS, right there at the DAVIDIC COVENANT scroll. Nehemiah Zephaniah Esther TO JUDAH:                           (IN CAPTIVITY) * (S) * Ezekiel Daniel TO JUDAH:                           (IN RETURN) (S) Haggai Zechariah Malachi 45

46 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Abraham 2. Job “POETRY” ALL OTHER “POETICAL BOOKS” ARE FROM THE “ROYALTY” PERIOD ABRAHAM CIRCA: JOB Praise 7. Ps POETRY (5) PSALMS PRAISE 7. Next in the POETRY collection comes the book of PSALMS. The number 7 identifies it with the ROYALTY folder on the left. Magnified off to the side…its identifying phrase...PRAISE...because half of the PSALMS are specifically designed as praise psalms. Also, most are written by KING DAVID. The remainder of the PSALMS are the work of various persons associated with the worship services of the Temple. Remember that the main purpose of a Psalm is for a musical experience in the worship of God. In the Psalms also, reference is made again to the Davidic promises from God to David, assuring him that there would always be a king of his line to sit on that Davidic throne. 7. 7. 46 1

47 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Abraham 2. Job “POETRY” ALL OTHER “POETICAL BOOKS” ARE FROM THE “ROYALTY” PERIOD ABRAHAM CIRCA: JOB Praise 7. Ps POETRY (5) PSALMS PRAISE On wisdom Solomon 7. Prov Next comes the PROVERBS...some by Solomon, some by others…identified with a short phrase such as SOLOMON ON WISDOM. These were brief, pithy phrases widely known in SOLOMON's day…common sense ideas about living peacefully with one's family and neighbors…and in conducting a life of high character and devotion to God. We are quite sure that many of them were from the culture of Solomon's day, collected by him into this single group. SOLOMON ON WISDOM PROV 7. 7. 47

48 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Abraham 2. Job “POETRY” ALL OTHER “POETICAL BOOKS” ARE FROM THE “ROYALTY” PERIOD CIRCA: JOB The Mount of Olives ABRAHAM 7. Ps Praise POETRY (5) PSALMS PRAISE The Temple Mount on wisdom Solomon 7. Prov And then…ECCLESIASTES. Granted, it's a long abbreviate it ECCL. This is SOLOMON ON LIFE...and, frankly, to many it's a rather depressing book. And why shouldn't it be. Here are the thoughts of a man with all the wealth and wisdom in the world. However –– you'll remember from earlier –– with all the treaties he made with neighboring kings, once a treaty was signed he also brought back to Jerusalem a foreign wife from that foreign kingdom. Culturally, perhaps it was the thing to do. But, in the reality of Israel's life, it provided deadly poison for the united kingdom. Why? Because the foreign wives… //// ….in turn, brought along their foreign gods –– Ashtoreth and Molech –– setting up their idols on the Mount of Olives in plain site from Solomon's great Temple and his Palace. //// In his latter years, he is known to have worshipped God on the Temple Mount …then to proceed down the Kidron Valley, across to the Mount of Olives, and there to fall at the feet of the foreign idols. So...many believe that ECCLESIASTES was written by a man of advanced age who had tried it all...and after all is said and he writes...all is vanity...nothing remains for him but for the worship of the one true God – the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. SOLOMON ON WISDOM PROV 7. Eccl on life Solomon SOLOMON ON LIFE ECCL 7. 1 48

49 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Abraham 2. Job “POETRY” ALL OTHER “POETICAL BOOKS” ARE FROM THE “ROYALTY” PERIOD ABRAHAM CIRCA: JOB Praise 7. Ps POETRY (5) PSALMS PRAISE on wisdom Solomon 7. Prov Then comes THE SONG OF SOLOMON...a completely different literary atmosphere here. This is SOLOMON ON MARRIAGE. True, it is a book of literary intimacy concerning the relationship between a man and his bride, written with some striking detail. However, its meaning goes much farther than that. It is also a metaphor for the relationship between the coming Messiah and HIS bride, the Church...that mysterious organism yet to be revealed one thousand years later. SOLOMON ON WISDOM PROV 7. Eccl On life Solomon SOLOMON ON LIFE ECCL 7. Sol. on marriage S'Sol SOLOMON ON MARRIAGE S'SOL 49

50 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament

51 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
JOB Abraham 2. Job “POETRY” ALL ALL PSALMS OTHER OTHER “WRITINGS” ARE “WRITINGS” ARE ABRAHAM CIRCA: FROM THE FROM THE JOB “ROYALTY” PERIOD “ROYALTY” PERIOD 1 Moses 1/2 David 7. Psal 1/2 DAVID 1 MOSES POETRY (5) PROVERBS PSAL on living Solomon 7. Prov A marvelous collection of inspiration, worship and Godly instruction… mostly originating at the height of Israel's ancient history. Books of enormous value toward holy and abundant living…with many references to the coming Messiah. SOLOMON ON LIVING PROV 7. Eccl on LIFE Solomon ECCLESIASTES SOLOMON ON LIFE ECCL 7. Sol. on marriage S'Sol SONG OF SOLOMON SOLOMON ON MARRIAGE S'SOL 51

THANK YOU VERY MUCH... NOW… WHAT DO I DO ABOUT ALL THOSE PROPHETS? BUT... I'LL JUST LET THE PASTOR DO IT! Now we come to that part of the Old Testament that, quite frankly, causes many people to simply close the Bible. And that's THE 17 BOOKS OF THE PROPHETS. What to do with all those prophets? //// As we said much earlier in this study...many people just say... "THANK YOU VERY MUCH...BUT I'LL JUST LET THE PASTOR DO IT." Well, if you fall in that category of Bible readers, let's help you through that problem… ©2006 TBBMI 52 1

53 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
“THE PROPHETS” THE BOOKS OF REARRANGING (S) * I Samuel (S) II Samuel (D) } I Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) (S) II Kings (CW) * ( ) I Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” … right here. On the Study Help worksheet,… //// …you have probably noticed that wedge shape cut into the HISTORY block. It has been mentioned before. Now notice that in THE PROPHETS block -- with its 17 lines for the book titles -- there is a protruding shape that fits exactly into the wedge shape cut out of THE HISTORY block on its left. * II Chron Notice  that    WEDGE! Ezra Nehemiah . (S) Esther * * (S) Approximate Timeline: From 840 B.C. to 430 B.C. © 2006 TBBMI 53 1

54 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
“THE PROPHETS” THE BOOKS OF REARRANGING (S) * 1 Samuel (S) THE PROPHETS WROTE IN A 400-YEAR PERIOD AFTER THE NATIONAL “SPLIT.” 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) (S) 2 Kings (CW) * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” Inside the wedge shape...notice the statement: "Prophets wrote in a 400 year period after “The Split." And that is true. Except for Samuel…who is considered a writing prophet…and Moses…far, far earlier in Israel's history. ALL OF ANCIENT ISRAEL'S OTHER WRITING PROPHETS OPERATED IN THAT 400 YEARS AFTER THE KINGDOM SPLIT APART. * 2 Chron Notice that WEDGE! Ezra Nehemiah . (S) Esther * * (S) Approximate Timeline: From 840 B.C. to 430 B.C. © 2006 TBBMI 54

55 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
The Prophets were NOT just wandering all over the Bible… …from the first page to the last! * 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) (S) 2 Kings (CW) * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” So this means that the Old Testament prophets were NOT wandering all over the place throughout the Bible. It IS possible for every Bible reader to get all this information in order. It can be done! And their time period is only from 760 B.C. to about 430 B.C. -- not a very long time by Biblical dimensions. * 2 Chron Ezra Nehemiah . (S) Esther * * (S) Approximate Timeline: From 840 B.C. to 430 B.C. 55

56 ( ) * * * * * Problem #1: No apparent order.
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament (N) Two problems... (S) * 1 Samuel (S) Problem #1: No apparent order. 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) (S) 2 Kings (CW) * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” There are two problems involved here. //// First problem is this: In your Bible, the prophets are not arranged in any particular order. Their chronological order was not always a consideration as the groupings came into being. //// However, in one important way, they ARE ordered. You will find them grouped by what are called the MAJOR PROPHETS and the MINOR PROPHETS. * 2 Chron Grouped only by MAJOR prophets and MINOR prophets. Ezra Nehemiah . (S) Esther * * (S) 2 56

57 ( ) * * * * * MAJOR PROPHETS: Very long works.
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament (e.g., Isaiah) (N) (S) MAJOR PROPHETS: Very long works. * 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) (e.g., Jonah) (S) 2 Kings (CW) * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” MINOR PROPHETS: Much shorter works. And what makes a PROPHET a MAJOR PROPHET? The “majors” simply wrote much longer works than the MINOR PROPHETS. Just look in your Bible and compare the length of, say, the monumental work of ISAIAH –– a major prophet –– with its 66 chapters, with… //// …the tiny book of JONAH…a much shorter work…a MINOR PROPHET, comprised of only 4 chapters. JONAH is every bit as important in God's view as is ISAIAH. It just fell to ISAIAH to preach at greater length and to a different audience than was JONAH'S commission. * 2 Chron Ezra Nehemiah . (S) Esther * * (S) 1 57

58 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Two problems... (S) * 1 Samuel (S) Problem #2: 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) The progress of Israel's history does not match the order of the prophetical books. (S) 2 Kings (CW) * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” Second problem: The progress of ancient Israel's history does not match the order of the prophetical books. And for that reason, because our contemporary literary expectations are different, many people have great difficulty in putting the prophets together – mentally and in some kind of order that seems reasonable to us today. * 2 Chron Ezra Nehemiah . (S) Esther * * (S) 58

59 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
SO… (S) * Why not place the prophets in an order that matches the historical order of events as the biblical record (and other history) tell us? 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) (S) 2 Kings (CW) * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” So...let's take the prophets apart and put them back together in a different way. //// Why not place the prophets in an order that matches the historical order of events as the biblical record...and other historical sources...tell us. In other words, we will rearrange them chronologically according to the parade of historic events TO WHICH each writer was responding in his individual lifetime. That should help. * 2 Chron Ezra Nehemiah . (S) Esther * * (S) 1 59

60 ( ) * * * * * REARRANGING “THE PROPHETS” }
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament (N) (N) “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING (S) * 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) (S) 2 Kings (CW) * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” So, here we go. Just remember that the order of OUR prophets will be different from the established order in the table of contents of your Bible.... Because we will be arranging them according to the chronological order of the time of their writers – according to the study and research of many Biblical scholars around the world. /// The overall time line here is approximately 760 B.C. to about 430 B.C. It is impossible to pin it down more precisely than that. * LOOK AT THEM CHRONOLOGICALLY! 2 Chron Ezra Nehemiah . (S) Esther * * Approximate Timeline: From 760 B.C. to 430 B.C. (S) 1 60

61 ( ) * * * * * REARRANGING “THE PROPHETS” }
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament (N) (N) “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING (S) * 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) (S) 2 Kings (CW) * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” THE PROPHETS block on the Study Help #19 worksheet splits into five sections: //// at the top is a section labeled TO ISRAEL (THE NORTHERN KINGDOM), the letter N in parenthesis. There are only three prophetical books written to the Israel, the Northern Kingdom. //// ALL the other prophetical books are written to the Southern Kingdom – the parentheses with the letter S as a reminder. Why? Because the Messiah is expected to arrive through the SOUTHERN Kingdom. * LOOK AT THEM CHRONOLOGICALLY! 2 Chron Ezra Nehemiah . (S) Esther * * Approximate Timeline: From 760 B.C. to 430 B.C. (S) 2 61

62 ( ) * * * * * REARRANGING “THE PROPHETS” }
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N. KINGDOM) (N) “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING (S) * 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) (S) 2 Kings (CW) * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” The top of the PROPHETS block then will show us places for three prophets…and those three are to the NORTHERN KINGDOM OF ISRAEL…just three. * LOOK AT THEM CHRONOLOGICALLY! 2 Chron Ezra Nehemiah . (S) FIRST… THOSE TO ISRAEL (NORTHERN KINGDOM) Esther * * (S) 62

63 ( ) * * * * * REARRANGING “THE PROPHETS” }
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N. KINGDOM) (N) “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) (S) 2 Kings (CW) * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” With that in mind, look at the section of the PROPHETS BLOCK concerning only the SOUTHERN KINGDOM OF JUDAH. So, we'll divide the period AFTER Israel's national split -- remember the wedge! -- into four sections. Follow this on your Study Help 19. Those to JUDAH in four stages of its biblical history... //// First...TO JUDAH IN events are beginning to turn negative toward the Southern Kingdom... * LOOK AT THEM CHRONOLOGICALLY! 2 Chron Ezra Nehemiah . (S) SECOND… THOSE TO JUDAH (SOUTHERN KINGDOM) Esther * * (S) 1 63

64 ( ) * * * * * REARRANGING “THE PROPHETS” }
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N) (N. KINGDOM) (N) “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) 2 Kings (CW)   IN   CRISIS: * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” Second...TO JUDAH IN Nebudchadnezzar's invasion approaches...with difficulties in Jerusalem becoming the most fierce in anyone's memory… * LOOK AT THEM CHRONOLOGICALLY! 2 Chron Ezra Nehemiah . (S) SECOND… THOSE TO JUDAH (SOUTHERN KINGDOM) Esther * * (S) 64

65 ( ) * * * * * REARRANGING “THE PROPHETS” }
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N) (N. KINGDOM) (N) “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) 2 Kings (CW)   IN   CRISIS: * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” Third...TO JUDAH IN Nebuchadnezzar's forces destroy Jerusalem and the Southern Kingdom, carrying much of its population into captivity in the far-away city of Babylon... * LOOK AT THEM CHRONOLOGICALLY! 2 Chron Ezra Nehemiah . TO JUDAH (S) SECOND… THOSE TO JUDAH (SOUTHERN KINGDOM) Esther IN CAPTIVITY: * * (S) 65

66 ( ) * * * * * REARRANGING “THE PROPHETS” }
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N) (N. KINGDOM) (N) “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) 2 Kings (CW)   IN   CRISIS: * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” And finally...TO JUDAH IN RETURN...when 50,000 Jews are allowed to return and rebuild Jerusalem and their country. * LOOK AT THEM CHRONOLOGICALLY! 2 Chron Ezra Nehemiah . TO JUDAH (S) SECOND… THOSE TO JUDAH (SOUTHERN KINGDOM) Esther IN CAPTIVITY: * * JUDAH TO (S) IN RETURN: 66

67 ( ) SETTING UP THE BOOKS * * * * * “The Prophecies” }
THE 17 BOOKS OF SETTING UP THE BOOKS Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N) (N. KINGDOM) TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) 2 Kings (CW)   IN   CRISIS: * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” Remember, also, that these were the WRITING prophets. There were others, such as ELIJAH and ELISHA – along with others – whom we read about in Scripture, but who did not commit their work to writing. * 2 Chron Ezra The Non-Writing Prophets Examples: ELIJAH ELISHA (Others) Nehemiah . TO JUDAH (S) Esther IN CAPTIVITY: * * JUDAH TO (S) IN RETURN: 67

68 ( ) The Asterisks: Major Prophets * * * * * REARRANGING “THE PROPHETS”
Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N) (N. KINGDOM) (N) “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) 2 Kings (CW)   IN   CRISIS: * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” This one final note: each prophet listed with an ASTERISK by his name is A MAJOR PROPHET. Those without asterisks are MINOR PROPHETS. Now, let's break apart the prophets and reassemble them according to their chronological order. * 2 Chron The Asterisks: Major Prophets Ezra Nehemiah . TO JUDAH (S) Esther IN CAPTIVITY: * * JUDAH TO (S) IN RETURN: 68

Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N) (N. KINGDOM) Amos Hosea (NINEVEH) (N) Jonah “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * 1 Samuel (S) 2 Samuel (D) } 1 Kings NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) 2 Kings TO the “Northern” Kingdom …ISRAEL: The Diaspora… (CW)   IN   CRISIS: * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” In that top group of PROPHETS -- grouped as the three writers who addressed only the Northern Kingdom of Israel are these three: AMOS, HOSEA, AND JONAH (that one written specifically regarding the city of Nineveh in the far region of Assyria--remember that location on your hand-drawn map?). These are messages addressed to Israel, the Northern Kingdom, which later ended up in the Diaspora or Dispersion that followed the collapse of the Northern Kingdom. Those are the only prophecies directed toward the rebellious and evil Northern Kingdom of Israel. In no way is this a nation of people matching the character of the earlier UNITED Israel –– of the same name –– under the united kingships of Saul, David, and Solomon. Dates: between 760 and 730 B.C. (if you are interested in historical dating). * 2 Chron AMOS HOSEA JONAH (to Nineveh) Ezra Nehemiah . TO JUDAH (S) Esther IN CAPTIVITY: * * JUDAH TO (S) Approximate Timeline: 760 B.C. to 730 B.C. IN RETURN: 69

Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N. KINGDOM) Amos Hosea (NINEVEH) (N) Jonah “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * Isaiah 1 Samuel (S) Joel 2 Samuel Micah (D) } (EDOM) 1 Kings Obadiah NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) 2 Kings To the “Southern” Kingdom …Judah in DECLINE… (CW)   IN   CRISIS: * ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” Now we move down to the remainder of the PROPHETS...each of which is written to the interests of the Southern Kingdom of Judah -- the tribal line through which Messiah will eventually appear "in the fullness of time." ….First in the chronological order -- broken into its four main sections -- are those addressing Judah in DECLINE. Four Prophets here: ISAIAH (a MAJOR prophet), along with JOEL, MICAH and OBADIAH with his message specifically to Edom, a people dwelling southeast of Jerusalem and the Dead Sea region. At this time in history, Judah is sinking rapidly in its life of sin and dissolution. The Southern Kingdom is truly in a time of national decline. Timeline: between 830 and 590 B.C.. * 2 Chron ISAIAH JOEL MICAH OBADIAH (To Edom) Ezra Nehemiah . TO JUDAH (S) Esther IN CAPTIVITY: * * JUDAH TO (S) Approximate Timeline: 830 B.C. to 590 B.C. IN RETURN: 1 70

Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N. KINGDOM) Amos Hosea (NINEVEH) (N) Jonah “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * Isaiah 1 Samuel (S) Joel 2 Samuel Micah (D) } (EDOM) 1 Kings Obadiah NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) 2 Kings   IN   CRISIS: To the “Southern” Kingdom …JUDAH in CRISIS… (CW) * Jeremiah ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” Judah continues on her path toward collapse. As the next group of prophets appears Judah enters a period of national crisis; national disaster and the judgment of God is looming for his Chosen People. //// At this time of JUDAH IN CRISIS we find the one MAJOR PROPHET, JEREMIAH, followed by his LAMENTATIONS over Jerusalem where he writes about those horrible events he foresees, pleading with his people to return to God and the ways prescribed by the Mosaic Law for holy living. Then follow HABAKKAK, NAHUM – with his own letter of denouncement to the people of Nineveh – and ZEPHANIAH, all written between 630 and 600 B.C. * Lamenta-tions 2 Chron JEREMIAH LAMENTATIONS HABAKKUK NAHUM (To Nineveh) ZEPHANIAH Habakkuk (NINEVEH) Ezra Nahum Zephaniah Nehemiah . TO JUDAH (S) Esther IN CAPTIVITY: * * JUDAH TO (S) Approximate Timeline: 630 B.C. to 600 B.C. IN RETURN: 1 71

Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N. KINGDOM) Amos Hosea (NINEVEH) (N) Jonah “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING TO JUDAH (S) (S) IN DECLINE: * Isaiah NC 1 Samuel (S) Joel 2 Samuel Micah (D) } (EDOM) 1 Kings Obadiah NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) (S) 2 Kings (CW)   IN   CRISIS: * To the “Southern” Kingdom: Jeremiah ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” However…look at the scroll beside his name; it's another covenant event as we learned in Biblical Bedrock. Through JEREMIAH, the MAJOR PROPHET, the great NEW COVENANT is announced in Jeremiah's 31st chapter…time frame about 595 B.C. * Lamenta-tions 2 Chron The NEW COVENANT is announced in Jeremiah 31:31 Habakkuk (NINEVEH) Ezra Nahum Zephaniah Nehemiah . TO JUDAH (S) (S) Esther IN CAPTIVITY: * * JUDAH TO (S) (S) Approximate Timeline: About 595 B.C. IN RETURN: 72

Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N. KINGDOM) Amos Hosea (NINEVEH) (N) Jonah “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * Isaiah 1 Samuel (S) Joel 2 Samuel Micah (D) } (EDOM) 1 Kings Obadiah NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) 2 Kings (CW)   IN   CRISIS: * To the “Southern” Kingdom …JUDAH in CAPTIVITY… Jeremiah ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” And then the nation collapses. Nebuchadnezzar invades from Babylon, taking Judah into the well-known Babylonian Exile. Two of the MAJOR PROPHETS mark this period: …the works of EZEKIEL and DANIEL, both writing in Babylon during the Exile. Timeline: about 600 B.C. * Lamenta-tions 2 Chron Habakkuk (NINEVEH) Ezra Nahum Zephaniah EZEKIEL DANIEL Nehemiah . TO JUDAH (S) Esther IN CAPTIVITY: * Ezekiel * Daniel JUDAH TO (S) Approximate Timeline: About 600 B.C. IN RETURN: 73

Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N) (N. KINGDOM) Amos Hosea (NINEVEH) (N) Jonah “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * Isaiah 1 Samuel (S) Joel 2 Samuel Micah (D) } (EDOM) 1 Kings Obadiah NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) 2 Kings (CW)   IN   CRISIS: To the “Southern” Kingdom …JUDAH in RETURN… * Jeremiah ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” And finally, the Old Testament prophets end with those connected to JUDAH IN RETURN. They are HAGGAI, ZECHARIAH, and MALACHI. Time period: 520 to 430 B.C. * Lamenta-tions 2 Chron Habakkuk (NINEVEH) HAGGAI ZECHARIAH MALACHI Ezra Nahum Zephaniah Nehemiah . TO JUDAH (S) Esther IN CAPTIVITY: * Ezekiel * Daniel JUDAH TO (S) Approximate Timeline: 520 B.C. to 430 B.C. IN RETURN: Haggai Zechariah Malachi 74

Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N) (N. KINGDOM) Amos Hosea (NINEVEH) (N) Jonah “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF REARRANGING TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * Isaiah 1 Samuel (S) Joel 2 Samuel Micah (D) } (EDOM) 1 Kings Obadiah NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) To the NORTHERN Kingdom 3 BOOKS 2 Kings (CW)   IN   CRISIS: * Jeremiah ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” So here we have three prophets writing to the Northern Kingdom of Israel...followed by the /// 14 prophets writing to the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Notice, again, that all these prophets wrote in that relatively brief period of only four centuries beginning about the time of the national SPLIT or CIVIL WAR after the death of Solomon. Also, the Major Prophets actually appear in chronological order in our Bibles—and the Minor Prophets also are roughly in historical order too * Lamenta-tions 2 Chron Habakkuk (NINEVEH) Ezra Nahum Zephaniah Nehemiah . TO JUDAH (S) To the SOUTHERN Kingdom 14 BOOKS Esther IN CAPTIVITY: * Ezekiel * Daniel JUDAH TO (S) IN RETURN: Haggai Zechariah Malachi 1 75

J I M O L N Z E D TO ISRAEL : N.KINGDOM Amos Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament JUDAH: DECLINE RETURN ISRAEL: (N.) ONLY CRISIS CAPTIVE Hosea Jonah (Nineveh) TO JUDAH IN DECLINE * Isaiah “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF UNTANGLING Joel Micah Obadiah (Edom) NC IN TO JUDAH CRISIS : * Jeremiah NC PROPHETS (17) * Lamentations Habakkuk Nahum Now another tool…helpful in keeping in mind the order of all these strange and exotic names. We call this //// UNTANGLING ALL THOSE PROPHETS. (Niveveh) A Helpful Memory Tool For... Zephaniah TO JUDAH IN CAPTIVITY: * Ezekiel UNTANGLING ALL THOSE PROPHETS! * Daniel TO JUDAH IN RETURN Haggai Zechariah Malachi 76 1

77 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
TO ISRAEL : N.KINGDOM Amos A RABIA Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament JUDAH: DECLINE RETURN ISRAEL: (N.) ONLY CRISIS CAPTIVE Hosea H AD Jonah J EWELS (Nineveh) TO JUDAH IN DECLINE * Isaiah “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF UNTANGLING Joel Micah Obadiah (Edom) NC IN TO JUDAH CRISIS : * Jeremiah NC PROPHETS (17) * Lamentations Habakkuk Nahum Let's begin with the prophecies to THE NORTHERN KINGDOM OF ISRAEL. Here is a sentence: //// "ARABIA HAD JEWELS." The sentence is true, of course. But the first letters of each word, A-H-J, clue your mind to remember AMOS, HOSEA, and JONAH. Do you see how the mnemonic works? MEMORY TOOL: (Niveveh) Zephaniah “Arabia Had Jewels.” TO JUDAH IN CAPTIVITY: * Ezekiel * Daniel TO JUDAH IN RETURN Haggai Zechariah Malachi 77

78 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Untangling The Prophets! TO ISRAEL : N.KINGDOM Amos A RABIA Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament JUDAH: DECLINE RETURN ISRAEL: (N.) ONLY CRISIS CAPTIVE Hosea H AD Jonah J EWELS (Nineveh) TO JUDAH IN DECLINE * Isaiah I SRAEL “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF UNTANGLING Joel J UST Micah M UST Obadiah O BEY (Edom) NC IN TO JUDAH CRISIS : * PROPHETS (17) Jeremiah NC * Lamentations Habakkuk MEMORY TOOL: Nahum Move now to the prophets writing TO JUDAH IN DECLINE. The sentence: "ISRAEL JUST MUST OBEY." And indeed that is a fundamental message that every prophet proposes. The first letters of each word: I-J-M-O lead us to remember ISAIAH, JOEL, MICAH, and OBADIAH. (Niveveh) “Israel Just Must            Obey!” Zephaniah TO JUDAH IN CAPTIVITY: * Ezekiel * Daniel TO JUDAH IN RETURN Haggai Zechariah Malachi 78

79 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Untangling The Prophets! TO ISRAEL : N.KINGDOM Amos A RABIA Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament JUDAH: DECLINE RETURN ISRAEL: (N.) ONLY CRISIS CAPTIVE Hosea H AD Jonah J EWELS (Nineveh) TO JUDAH IN DECLINE * Isaiah I SRAEL “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF UNTANGLING Joel J UST Micah M UST Obadiah O BEY (Edom) NC IN TO JUDAH CRISIS : * NC J PROPHETS (17) Jeremiah ERUSALEM * L Lamentations ITERALLY Habakkuk H MEMORY TOOL: AD Nahum “Jerusalem Literally Had Noisy Zones.” Next: TO JUDAH IN CRISIS...and Judah truly was. What do you think a chaotic city would be like under such circumstances? Just think about it.So...the sentence: "Jerusalem Literally Had Noisy Zones." The letters of the words...J-L-H-N-Z...for the prophets JEREMIAH, LAMENTATIONS, HABAKKUK, NAHUM, and ZEPHANIAH. N (Niveveh) OISY Zephaniah ONES Z TO JUDAH IN CAPTIVITY: * Ezekiel * Daniel TO JUDAH IN RETURN Haggai Zechariah Malachi 79

80 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Untangling The Prophets! TO ISRAEL : N.KINGDOM Amos A RABIA Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament JUDAH: DECLINE RETURN ISRAEL: (N.) ONLY CRISIS CAPTIVE Hosea H AD Jonah J EWELS (Nineveh) TO JUDAH IN DECLINE * Isaiah I SRAEL “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF UNTANGLING Joel J UST Micah M UST Obadiah O BEY (Edom) NC IN TO JUDAH CRISIS : * J PROPHETS (17) Jeremiah NC ERUSALEM * L Lamentations ITERALLY Habakkuk H AD Nahum JUDAH then goes INTO CAPTIVITY. Only two writers here; and we know that Judah will eventually return… //// …. so the sentence: "ESCAPE DAWNED." E-D for the two great prophets, EZEKIEL and DANIEL. MEMORY TOOL: N (Niveveh) OISY Zephaniah ONES Z “Escape Dawned!” TO JUDAH IN CAPTIVITY: * E Ezekiel SCAPE * Daniel D AWNED TO JUDAH IN RETURN Haggai Zechariah Malachi 80

81 Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament
Untangling The Prophets! TO ISRAEL : N.KINGDOM Amos A RABIA Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament JUDAH: DECLINE RETURN ISRAEL: (N.) ONLY CRISIS CAPTIVE Hosea H AD Jonah J EWELS (Nineveh) TO JUDAH IN DECLINE * Isaiah I SRAEL “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF UNTANGLING Joel J UST Micah M UST Obadiah O BEY (Edom) NC IN TO JUDAH CRISIS : * NC J PROPHETS (17) Jeremiah ERUSALEM * L Lamentations ITERALLY Habakkuk H AD Nahum And finally...TO JUDAH IN RETURN...although many people know the three final books of the Old Testament anyway --- this short phrase might help… …."HEAVEN'S ZEALOUS MEN." H-Z-M... standing for HAGGAI, ZECHARIAH and MALACHI MEMORY TOOL: (Niveveh) OISY N Zephaniah ONES Z “Heaven's Zealous Men” TO JUDAH IN CAPTIVITY: * E Ezekiel SCAPE * Daniel D AWNED TO JUDAH IN RETURN H Haggai EAVEN'S Zechariah Z EALOUS Malachi M EN 81

TO ISRAEL : N.KINGDOM Amos A RABIA Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament JUDAH: DECLINE RETURN ISRAEL: (N.) ONLY CRISIS CAPTIVE Hosea H AD Jonah J EWELS (Nineveh) TO JUDAH IN DECLINE * Isaiah I SRAEL “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF UNTANGLING Joel J UST Micah M UST Obadiah O BEY (Edom) NC IN TO JUDAH CRISIS : * Jeremiah NC J PROPHETS (17) ERUSALEM * L Lamentations ITERALLY Habakkuk H AD Nahum And so…the prophets are untangled by using another set of mental tools…tools that – when learned and exercised – open up the meaning and the order of the prophets in a new and insightful way…tied to history…woven into reason…and interconnected in the great Biblical drama and its time line. N (Niveveh) OISY PRESENTED IN THEIR CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER Zephaniah ONES Z TO JUDAH IN CAPTIVITY: * E Ezekiel SCAPE * Daniel D AWNED TO JUDAH IN RETURN H Haggai EAVEN'S Zechariah Z EALOUS Malachi M EN 82

Setting Up The Books: Lining Up The Old Testament TO ISRAEL (N) V (N. KINGDOM) Amos Hosea (N) (NINEVEH) Jonah “THE PROPHETS” THE 17 BOOKS OF UNTANGLING TO JUDAH (S) IN DECLINE: * Isaiah 1 Samuel (S) Joel (S) 2 Samuel Micah (D) } (EDOM) 1 Kings Obadiah NC (S) PROPHETS (17) TO JUDAH (S) 2 Kings (CW)   IN   CRISIS: * Jeremiah ( ) 1 Chron PROPHETS WROTE ACROSS FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AFTER “ THE SPLIT” And that finishes the entire collection of the Old Testament prophets, rearranged in a way that links each one to the historic events that give great meaning and nuance to the message of each ageless speaker and writer. //// 3 books to the Northern Kingdom, Israel, //// 14 books to the Southern Kingdom, Judah. * Lamenta-tions (S) 2 Chron Habakkuk To the NORTHERN Kingdom 3 BOOKS (NINEVEH) Ezra Nahum Zephaniah Nehemiah . TO JUDAH (S) Esther IN CAPTIVITY: * Ezekiel (S) * Daniel To the SOUTHERN Kingdom 14 BOOKS JUDAH TO (S) IN RETURN: Haggai (S) Zechariah Malachi 2 83

SETTING UP ORGANIZED THE BOOKS CHRONOLOGICAL THE 39 BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT REASONS CONNECTIONS So...there is our Old Testament, its 39 books, with a completed Study Help #34. //// It's total timeline ranging from all time before Abraham up through 430 B.C. //// ORGANIZED, rearranged somewhat, but presented in a //// chronological manner that gives greater clarity to each one... //// especially the reason for each book, //// some connecting circumstances surrounding each writing, and perhaps most importantly, //// making each one more mentally accessible to every Bible reader. And this foundational factor in Biblical understanding... //// we have added a measure of CONTEXT to each book handed down to us. NEXT…we'll turn to the New Testament…drawing around it a reasonable structure along with the dramatic story line of Scripture, the life of Our Lord, and the development of the Early Church…all leading directly to our own day and our commitment to the Great Commission. ACCESSIBILITY Approximate Biblical Timeline: Pre-Abraham to 430 B.C. CONTEXT STUDY HELP #34 84 7

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