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Control group = no treatment Experimental Design Control group = no treatment.

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3 Control group = no treatment
Experimental Design Control group = no treatment


5 *IQ tests: mean =100 Standard deviation = 15
Z score *IQ tests: mean =100 Standard deviation = 15

6 Measures of Central Tendency

7 *medulla


9 The Neuron


11 Agonists and Antagonists
Agonists - drugs that mimic or copy neurotransmitters, make it MORE likely the next neuron will fire. Fit into receptor cells. Antagonists - drugs that BLOCK neurotransmitters. Fill the receptor sites on the dendrites. Prevent the *real* neurotransmitter from working.

12 Endocrine System





17 Opponent Process Theory
Color Vision Trichromatic Theory Opponent Process Theory (*explains afterimage)

18 Closure - closing up the spaces
Symmetry - similar parts face each other Proximity - close things must be together Continuity - things continue in a fluid line (even if blocked) Figure Ground (black space/white space) Similarity - things that are alike are together

19 Parts of the Ear

20 Properties of Sound

21 The Senses




25 Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning

26 Watson’s Little Albert Experiment (Classical Conditioning)

27 Skinner’s Operant Conditioning

28 Premack Principle You can operantly condition someone to do something they don’t like by providing an incentive they do. Want the car?

29 Aversive Conditioning
Pairs a habit (smoking) with something unpleasant (nausea) to stop the behavior. Aversive = means sucky

30 Language Acquisition Device
Noam Chomsky Language in innate We have a innate ability to learn language Evidence: most people learn language in recognizable steps We learn language so easily is must be inborn a.k.a. - Nativist Theory of Language Acquisition

31 Linguistic Relativity
Whorf-Sapir Hypothesis Whorf Hypothesis Linguistic Determinism Languages we use control and limits our thinking Definitely influences it

32 Bandura’s Observational Learning

33 Lev Vygotsky Culture influences development, cognitive development
The ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT Scaffolding What you can accomplish with the help of a more experienced person

34 Memory Long Term Memories Declarative/Explicit
Semantic Memory - general facts, not personal Episodic - personal, biographical events Prospective Memory - memory for a future event Implicit/Non-declarative Procedural - how to do something Emotional Memories Flashbulb Memories

35 Projective Tests Rorschach Inkblot Thematic Apperception Test

36 Defense Mechanisms Repression Regression Sublimation Denial
Reaction Formation Displacement Projection Rationalization

37 Theories of Emotion

38 Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

39 No conservation No object permanence egocentrism

40 Piaget’s Assimilation + Accommodation


42 Big Five Personality Traits (McCrae and Costa)

43 Rotter’s Locus of Control

44 Freud’s Components of Personality

45 Defense Mechanisms


47 Milgram Experiment

48 *Asch experiment

49 Fundamental Attribution Error

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