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Discussion Topics Lightning and Climate Change Thunderstorms

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion Topics Lightning and Climate Change Thunderstorms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion Topics Lightning and Climate Change Thunderstorms
Global circuit, fair weather field, lightning as a global thermometer, brief E&M review Thunderstorms Charge structures Charging theories, non-inductive and inductive Lightning mapping and detection Northeast Colorado Lightning Mapping Array Radar based lightning studies

2 Continued… Lightning in winter storms Transient Luminous Events
Sprites, elves, jets NOx production by lightning The CAPE vs. Aerosol debate for convective invigoration and lightning production Lightning in tropical cyclones Lightning and severe storms Characteristics of lightning; return stroke, stepped leader

3 Continued… Instrumentation; field mill, long range lightning detection
GOES-R and GLM, Geostationary Lightning Mapper We will use some of the recent AGU Franklin lectures to motivate some of our discussion section (Davis Sentmann, Earle Williams and Paul Krehbiel)

4 Class procedure Each student will give several in class presentations (review assigned papers). We will follow a particular theme for 2-3 class periods Grading based on in class presentations, participation in discussion times and a final paper Final paper—topic of your choice that was covered in class

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