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Presentations Do’s and Don’ts for Successful Design Reviews

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Presentation on theme: "Presentations Do’s and Don’ts for Successful Design Reviews"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentations Do’s and Don’ts for Successful Design Reviews

2 Agenda Rules: Presentation Introduction
Turn off Cell Phones and Pagers or set them in the silent mode Please step outside to receive / place phone calls Presentation Presentation Goals Preparation and Delivery Power Point Recommendations

3 Objective Presentation Goals: Tell the audience about the success of your project Requirements Constraints Design approach Achievements Performance Results Did you meet all the requirements? How well?

4 Presentation Ultimate Goals:
Objective Presentation Ultimate Goals: Sell your successful project to the audience Convince the audience that the project is a winner because of your contribution Make sure that you have supporting facts … Requirements and Constraints Performance Reliability Manufacturability, Testability, Serviceability Cost

5 Prepare your Presentation:
Preparation Prepare your Presentation: Tailor it to the audience Do not overwhelm the audience with too much technical information But, be prepared to answer questions in detail Prepare support slides and bring them up if needed Have handouts available Above all, show results! It is what counts

6 Prepare your Audience:
Preparation Prepare your Audience: Distribute information ahead of the meeting Give them enough time to read it (one to two weeks)

7 Delivery Look good: The speaker/presenter must be properly dressed

8 Use a remote mouse for effective control of your slides
Delivery Speak to the audience: Always face the audience Do not look at the screen giving your back to the audience Speak to be heard Project your voice, be assertive, avoid mumbling Pause Give the audience time to absorb what you said Give your brain a chance to organize the next block of information (this will reduce the AH’s) Use a laser pointer Don’t wiggle the beam Be careful where you point the laser beam! Use a remote mouse for effective control of your slides Make sure that you know how to use it …

9 Visual Aids To help the speaker and the audience remain focused
Power Point Visual Aids To help the speaker and the audience remain focused Keep information to a minimum (avoid busy slides) Do not overwhelm the audience with excessive material, use of color and fonts

10 Power Point The Unreadable Slide This font is too small

Power Point THE OVERWHELMING SLIDE Avoid Presentation Tsunamis! Used wisely, this approach can help you capture the attention of the audience But, note that it will work only once…

12 The Busy Slide Power Point Avoid Busy Slides
Particularly with small fonts A Busy Slide is one that has too much information This slide is too busy. It has too much information. When there is too much information, the audience will spend too much time reading it and will not pay attention to the speaker. It is certainly an example of one type of slide to avoid. If it is necessary to present lots of information, it is better to break-up the presentation into shorter slides. Also, break-up long paragraphs into short bullets as they are easier to read.

13 Use Bullets as a Guide Use bullets with minimum text
Power Point Use Bullets as a Guide Use bullets with minimum text Use them to guide your presentation and to keep the audience focused Fill in the rest

14 The Weatherman Syndrome
Power Point The Weatherman Syndrome Do not read the slides word by word The audience can read Paraphrase and add information as needed

15 Power Point Fonts and Colors Keep the variety of fonts and colors to no more than three. Otherwise the audience will be distracted. Font consistency and balance is very important. Use variations of font and color for highlight purposes only! Some colors do not project well Too many fonts and colors will transform your beautiful slide into a ransom note …

16 Graphics Pictures can enhance a “dry”, “boring” presentation
Power Point Graphics Pictures can enhance a “dry”, “boring” presentation

17 Graphics Pictures can enhance a “dry”, “boring” presentation
Power Point Graphics Pictures can enhance a “dry”, “boring” presentation But, too many graphics could be distracting

18 Make the Slides more Meaningful
Power Point Make the Slides more Meaningful A basic chart

19 Make the Slides more Meaningful
Power Point Make the Slides more Meaningful Use Color to enhance the Message Make it easier for the audience to follow the flow

20 Make the Slides more Meaningful
Power Point Make the Slides more Meaningful Use Color to enhance the Message Make it easier for the audience to follow the flow

21 Make the Slides more Meaningful
Power Point Make the Slides more Meaningful Use Color to enhance the Message Make it easier for the audience to follow the flow

22 Animations Animations add impact
Power Point Animations Animations add impact Too much animation can have a negative impact (distraction) It can get much worse!

23 Keep it Short! Too many slides can easily tire the audience
Power Point Keep it Short! Too many slides can easily tire the audience But, have sufficient slides to support your information

24 Consistency Organization Use the slide Master Insert duplicate slides
Power Point Consistency Use the slide Master To insert new slides Insert duplicate slides Copy and edit Organization Number the slides Use the Slide Sorter View to re-arrange slides

25 Miskates Avoid embarrassing situations!
Power Point Miskates Avoid embarrassing situations! Use the speel checker to catch and correct errores Before the presentation …

26 Make your Presentation a Winner!!!
Conclusion Make your Presentation a Winner!!! You can do it …

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