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First Grade Parent Orientation

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1 First Grade Parent Orientation
Thursday, September 8, 2016 6:00-7:30

2 Schedules Although we try to be consistent, sometimes our schedule changes. We must be flexible in first grade!

3 Planner / Binder Reminders will be written in the planner daily.
Parents are asked to initial the planner daily. The binder must be brought back to school daily. The green and yellow homework sheets will be in the inserted pockets of the binder each week.

4 Ticket System / rewards
Students receive ‘tickets’ for behavior such as returning homework, signing papers, following directions, etc. On Thursdays we will exchange our tickets for passes Example. No track pass, Stuffed animal pass, Eat lunch with the teacher on Fridays). Students are responsible for keeping up with their tickets and passes.

5 Behavior Folder The orange behavior folder is kept in the binder.
The STOP BOX is used after 3 warnings. A check will be marked if behavior continues. Sign at the bottom weekly. Organizational skills vs. citizenship

6 Detention Lab Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 to 4:30
3 checks in one day = detention 5 checks in one week = detention For checks given in citizenship section Please sign and return detention forms. Teachers reserve the right to give additional detentions for severe behaviors occurred at school.

7 Social Studies Math/Science teachers will teach Social studies.
Social Studies is 4 days a week for 25 minutes. Students will be graded in Social Studies based on an E, S, N, or U.


9 Junior Achievement Thursday, November 3
Students will learn about family and how we use math and reading in the real world. Parent volunteers will lead us in Junior Achievement. We will need VOLUNTEERS! Please sign up today!

10 Handwriting Zaner - Bloser
Students are expected to write in correct formation neatly on the line. Students are expected to write legibly. Students will receive an E, S, N or U grade for handwriting.

11 Readers Workshop 45 minutes to an hour
Begins with a mini-lesson that teaches a reading skill or strategy Independent reading time in Book Nooks Teacher meets with small groups and will communicate this through planners Conferences Rubric grades

12 High Frequency Words Four different “sets” given throughout the year (one per grading period) Baggie and assessment date note stays at home Practice reading ALL of the words Focus on spelling the *starred* words Refer to the packet that came home the first week for more information, a list of all the words, and a way to practice spelling

13 Fountas and Pinnell Every child will be assessed on their reading levels. Beginning of the year – Level D End of the year goal – Level J Students must pass the accuracy and comprehension sections of the assessment in order to be on that independent level. Reading level will be discussed during Parent Teacher conferences

14 Science / Science Labs We will have Science 5 days a week for 25 minutes. We will visit the Science lab for experiments. Students will receive a grade of E, S, N, or U in science.

15 Math Workshop 5 days a week for 75 minutes
Students will receive a numerical grade in math. Students will participate in a whole group mini lesson and math share each day and work in small groups 2-3 times/week. Small Groups will rotate between partner games, independent work, technology, teacher table

16 Each month, your child’s teacher will send home a menu of math activities that helps to build his/her number sense. Your child will have the opportunity to earn a mighty mathematician tag in grades K-2 or a teacher designated reward in grades 3-5 for completing 4 out 6 of the activities each month. If your child completes the activities each month throughout the school year, he/she will be rewarded with an extra recess and treat in May. The activities and recording sheets can be downloaded from and may be completed with a family member, friends, or other caregivers. Pattison Elementary

17 Mighty Mathematicians Reward Program
Each month, your child’s teacher will send home a menu of math activities that helps to build his/her number sense. Your child will have the opportunity to earn a mighty mathematician tag in grades K-2 or for completing 4 out 6 of the activities each month. If your child completes the activities each month throughout the school year, he/she will be rewarded with an extra recess and treat in May. The activities and recording sheets can be downloaded from

18 Computer lab Students will visit the Computer lab once a week.
Students will complete activities and visit websites in the computer lab. We will vary our activities between reading, writing, math, science, and social studies.

19 Technology In first grade, we will participate in the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program. We are lucky to have five “classroom” iPads this year for the students to use. There are various apps that are assisting the students with reading, writing, creative thinking, math, and much more. You can find these apps on the Weebly

20 Challenge Screenings Our Challenge teacher is Mrs. Virginia Schreiner – Neville First Grade challenge days are Fridays. Students are expected to complete assignments that are missed that day. Challenge screenings occur later in the school year (Spring) for new first grade students. Paperwork for the challenge screenings is due sometime in November – more info to come in Tuesday folders.

21 Writer’s Workshop 5 days a week 45 minutes to an hour
As we build stamina, students are expected to write independently during that time. Students will receive rubric grades on writing pieces.

22 Reteach/Retest Students will receive numerical grades in math, reading and writing. If a student scores below a 70 on a x2 grade they are eligible to retake the test. Highest score on a retest = 70%

23 Report Cards Report cards are sent home the following week after the end of each grading period. A progress report is just a snapshot and students have time to improve their grade. Teachers will write additional comments on report cards for grades that are 74 and below. Report Cards need to be signed and returned each grading period with the envelope. Grades can be viewed online in the Home Access Center (HAC). Contact the front office (Claire Loria) if you need account information for HAC

24 Word Study Students will practice creating words from different word families. Students will receive grades in word study. The Green Word Study booklet must be kept in the binder. The pages in the booklet are to be done in class and reviewed at home.

25 Homework Goes home MONDAY and is due THURSDAY
For each day that homework is late, 10 points will be taken off. Homework sheets will be graded. Please allow your child to complete their homework independently. Homework free nights

26 Change of Transportation
All changes in transportation must be written or typed, signed and dated. We can NOT receive changes of transportation via or phone call. Students without a change of transportation note will be sent home the regular way. No changes of transportation after 3:00pm.

27 Lunch money Send your cash or check in an envelope to school with your child’s name, grade, and teacher’s name. You can send in a large sum of money to be deposited to your child’s meal account. Children are allowed to purchase snacks. Our rule is only ONE extra snack item. If you do not want them to purchase snacks, please let them know. You can pay into your account online at (on our First Grade Weebly)

28 Scholastic book orders
Students/Families will have the option to purchase books through Scholastic. This helps us build our classroom libraries. This is completely optional. In the weekly , I will let you know of the deadline. You can use our class code and view the catalogs on the website.

29 Conferences Parents will set up conferences with both teachers at the same time. We will send home a web-based sign up via . We have three conference days: Friday Oct. 21 and Friday, Nov. 4 all in the afternoon. Conferences will last 20 minutes. We will be as thorough as possible.

Birthday treats Please bring in birthday treats in the morning. We will enjoy our birthday snacks after our lunch. No peanut products please. Please send napkins or wet wipes with your birthday treats. Birthday treats need to be individually packaged (such as cupcakes, brownies, muffins, rice krispy treats, glazed donuts) Please do not send in drinks. We can not pass out birthday invitations! ALL TREATS MUST BE DELIVERED BY 10AM

31 PT-Avenue is a new central software platform for communicating PTA and school news, events and opportunities to any family who registers (not just members).   Please register as a family (at least one adult + Pattison students). Parents select which information to include in directory (toggle between Yes/No for each field (name, address, phone & ) Select areas in which you might like to volunteer.  Actual sign ups will come later. Register by September 11th to avoid missing out! See PTA welcome packet for instructions at


33 October 10th



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