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ALA Annual Conference Chicago, IL 2017
WEST Members Meeting ALA Annual Conference Chicago, IL 2017
Topics Introductions and Welcome, Alison Wohlers! WEST Program Update
New Service Explorations Update Special Celebration – Brian Schottlaender farewell
WEST Program Update Archiving Progress and Collections Analysis Update
AGUA Systems Development Update Membership Update Future plans
Archive Cycles 6 and 7 Progress
Two cycles worth of archiving was identified during the 2015 collections analysis Now: Wrapping up the end of disclosures for Cycle 6 31 disclosure files received; 5 more disclosure files expected Archiving Progress Journal Backfiles Volumes (estimated) Cycle 1 7,082 157,188 Cycle 2 2,962 114,064 Cycle 3 2,615 87,267 Cycle 4 2,068 86,212 Cycle 5 1,607 70,473 Cycle 6/7* 3,354 136,117 Total 19,688 651,321 Table Source: WEST Mellon Phase 2 Farther WEST grant final report v3. Cycle 6/7 Statistics come from our BronzeSilverGold_tracking_2016 file. Tracking Commitments. Total Journal Backfiles: 1,265 (Bronze) + 2,089 (Silver&Gold) = 3,354 (half: 1,672) Total Estimated Volumes: 41,311 (Bronze) + 94,806 (Silver&Gold) = 136,117 (68,058) NOTE: Cycle 1 figures and Cycle 5 estimated volumes figures are based on member exhibits. Notes: #1: Journal backfiles refer to journal families. #2: Totals for Cycle 6/7 represent material committed to for both cycles. The totals actually retained for Cycle 6 will be available after we have completed the disclosure process and gather final statistics. NEXT UP: Archive holders and builders will continue to work through Cycle 7 to complete their retention commitments and disclose their final commitments next June. *Commitment figures for Cycles 6 and 7.
Collections Analysis for Cycles 8 and 9
Collections Analysis for Cycles 8 and 9 will begin in the Fall, 2017 WEST Members will be asked in October to provide fresh holdings files for unarchived journals General Timeline: October, 2017 Ingest of Unarchived Holdings February, 2018 Group Analysis April, 2018 Proposed Commitments Posted May, 2018 Libraries Declare Commitments
AGUA Systems Enhancements and Release Update
Enhancement Description Purpose Development Complete On Demand Collection Comparison Report Support Serial Review and Overlap Analysis Re-propose to Other Institutions Strategically Propose Journals to Maximize Commitments Download/Display Summary by Institution and Summary by Category Reports Allow Non-Administrator WEST Member Users to Download Reports ISSN Retrieval Reveal Additional Holdings for Group Analysis Additional Bibliographic Fields for Group Analysis Additional Data to Determine Priority of Selections All & Others Report for Collections Analysis Analysis for Distribution of Member Holdings, Space Availability, and Last Copies WEST Member Collection Management AGUA is the information center for WEST retention decisions. It provides: 1. Group and local collections analysis 2. Support for Archive Holder retention decisions 3. Gap filling, archive creation and collection comparison reports for serials projects The top three, blue bracketed entries are enhancements really focused toward the WEST members as users. Whereas, the lower three, orange-bracketed, entries are targeted towards “back-end” activities, thought their effects reach the members in significant ways. COMPLETE! On Demand Collection Comparison Report: Will return to this momentarily in more details. In Testing Phase! Re-Propose to Other Institutions: For archive holders and builders, now when you go into AGUA to commit to journal families for the WEST archive you will now be able to nuance your choices not to commit to material. You will have the choice to have that material re-proposed to you, or you can specify that the tool should re-propose a journal family to you in the future. We are excited that this enhancement will add another lay of intelligence to how proposals and re-proposals are made, but, of course (!), our hope is that archive holders and builders will commit to everything that is proposed! COMPLETE! Download/Display Summary by Institution and Summary by Category Reports. This was previously only accessible to administrators on the analysis side of WEST. Now, these reports are available to all members – to track the scope of WEST unarchived material. COMPLETE! ISSN Retrieval: An exciting addition to our group analysis capabilities, which I will go into in the next few slides. In Testing Phase! For Additional Bibliographic Information Enhancement (EXAMPLE, refer to Functional Requirements for full details): Data to incorporate into UC 13 pt. 2 reports, the All & Others report, and the GCA12 Lock and Exclude functionality: Primary Language of Publication (Ulrich’s) Country of Publication (Ulrich’s) Status, i.e. publication status (Ulrich’s) Frequency (Ulrich’s) Local location This is the ability to prefer (i.e. lock/protect) titles that have holdings in either a storage location or campus location. This may be a lock scenario only, and not part of exclude criteria. This data may be collected on a location code basis using the storage and exclusion mapping spreadsheet. 6. COMPLETE! All & Others Report for Collections/Space Analysis: This is a comprehensive report across the region that will allow WEST to do larger-scale analysis. WEST Back-End Collection Analysis
Highlights: On Demand Collection Comparison Report
Available to both full and supporting WEST members The new On Demand Collection Comparison Report is built directly into AGUA and allows any user to upload a locally prepared list of journals to be compared against the WEST archives in the registry. With deselection and digitization projects picking up, this tool will facilitate serial comparison and review anytime – for multiple projects. This enhancement will be available to all WEST members (both full and supporting). This will be particularly significant for the inclusion of supporting members who are not part of the WEST collections analysis. Reports are generated on the fly (immediately following upload of the local list), and can be run as often as needed anytime throughout the year. Reports generated on the fly inputting a locally-prepared file of title records. Requires OCLC number or ISSN to match local lists to WEST’s registry of archived titles. Libraries can choose to include four additional columns of information from their holdings to be included in the resulting report. The locally-prepared file of title records can contain all local journal holdings or a subset; the comparison only requires 1-2 identifiers (OCLC number or ISSN) to match your local list to WEST’s registry of archived titles. The on demand report will help member libraries produce a comparison report whenever they need it and with the most recent archived holdings data available. The on demand report will also include contact information for the institution responsible for each archived backfile, allowing members to more easily offer volumes to fill gaps. For the contact information: we are hoping to connect staff across the region to work together to gap-fill the archives and facilitate deselection projects. Like the annual Collection Comparison Report, the On Demand report may produce multiple rows for a single journal. This is because some archives are held across multiple locations and holdings records. An example of this can be found on page six in the screenshot for Test File #4’s On Demand Collection Comparison Report. CDL is planning to host a webinar as an orientation for anyone interested in using the tool. Stay tuned! Webinar may be as early as July. Resulting report includes contact information for the institution(s) responsible for each archived backfile allowing members to easily offer volumes for gap-filling
Highlights: ISSN Retrieval and Improved Matching
Detects ISSNs in record fields beyond 022 Uses OCLC numbers, if they are available, to retrieve and/or correct ISSNs in submitted records Based on testing… 55,248 Added Holdings with Journal Family ID Matches 7,110 Unique Titles within the Added Holdings 1,956 Unique Journal Family IDs Assigned When we identify journals for archiving in WEST we depend on ISSNs to match titles to an Ulrich’s Journal Family ID. Previously, the AGUA tool looked for an ISSN in only the 022 field, which excluded some WEST library records because they lack an ISSN in that field. Fields searched for the ISSN include: 022$a$l, 780$x, 785$x. A match on OCLC number using the OCLC WorldCat API will populate the ISSN fields where data is available. Testing: We returned complex data, but… Re-running 2015 ingested records with the new tool; comparing against 2015 results. Calculations for the table: Journal Family IDs Assigned (non-unique): 1,003, ,492 = 55,248 added holdings (the number of additional records assigned a JID) IMPACT Unique Titles Assigned a Journal Family ID: 146, ,215 = 7,110 unique titles within the added holdings QUALITY OF ARCHIVE Unique Journal Family IDs Assigned: 83, ,436 = 1,956 unique journal family IDs assigned within the added holdings QUALITY OF ARCHIVE 55,248 Added Holdings: 55,248 records that had previously not been able to match to a JID and therefore were not included in the analysis, were matched with the tool. This means added impact throughout the WEST program – more overlap identified that can fuel deselection processes. 7,110 Unique Titles: Of those 55,248 records, 7,110 of them represented unique titles (as determined by OCLC number de-duplication). 1,956 Unique JIDs: Within those 55,248 added records, there were 1,956 unique JIDs. Now, these JIDs are likely composed of a combination completely new ones for the archive and probably more that exist within the archive, but now have added holdings connected to them through the ISSN retrieval process. We think we've been able to match up another 55k holdings records for analysis...within those...that west archive stands to gain 7K unique titles and 2K JIDs. Biggest impact: understanding of overlap...but it will also contribute to collection growth in archive. Additionally, what else did we learn?...our metadata analyst has begged us to send a message that the more we can update OCLC...the more we can connect...we don't need you to do large-scale record remediation (in terms of ISSNs), we can work with records now using OCLC.
Sustainability this year!
WEST Membership Update Members and Services Budget and Fees Sustainability this year!
WEST Members • Direct Member • Consortium Member
69 institutions west of the Mississippi Membership changes (July 2016-June 2017) New members California State University, East Bay California State University, Dominguez Hills Terminating members University of Hawaii U New Mexico Loma Linda U (SCELC) • Direct Member • Consortium Member
Shared Responsibility WEST Archiver Holders
< 100 volumes 101-1,000 volumes 1,001 – 3,000 volumes 3,000 – 10,000 volumes 10,001 + volumes Green = Archive Builders (storage) Orange = Archive Holders (open stacks)
Budget and Fees Budget Services supported
2017 will be the last year of fee increases to replace grant funding (planned 28%) Base program budget approx. $770,000 3% fee increases thereafter Services supported Decision-support service: AGUA and JRNL systems, Archive Holder and Collections Officer engagement Active Archive Creation Silver/Gold titles, 6 storage facilities Program and membership administration
Member Types and Services
Benefits Access to archived titles AGUA On-Demand collection comparison reports Can nominate titles Full Members Use AGUA and JRNL to expose and fill gaps Collections Analysis eligible Archive Holder eligible Archive Builders receive subsidies
What’s next? Past, Present, Future
Implementation 3 archive cycles Establish program Mellon/Member supported Sustainability 2 archive cycles System enhancements Program assessment P1&P2 Strategic Planning for sustainability Future Biennial collections analyses Program adjustments New service explorations Fully member supported
Cumulative Archive Growth 2011-2016
Print Titles with E-Availability Print Only Titles (with Limited/No Full Text) Although we have 6 title categories, they can broadly be divided into two groups: print titles with electronic availability, and print only titles with limited/no full text. Here we see the growth of the WEST archives over the past 5 years, from cycle 1 through to cycle 5. Interestingly, after an initial burst of activity – archive growth for print titles with electronic availability has steadily declined (and this is due to our progress on Portico, CLOCKSS and JSTOR titles, completion of which is a goal for WEST. Growth for our print only archives has increased since cycle 1 – in cycles 3-5, we archived $300,000 worth. And starting in cycle 6, we’ll be archiving $250,000 worth of print only titles each cycle.
Total WEST Archives by LC Class
WEST does not take a subject-specific approach in selecting print backlines to archive. Since the onset, journal publications on water resources and latin american studies has been preferred – as general collection strengths of the region – but besides this, archive selection has been subject neutral. We haven’t really taken a look at the breakdown of our disclosed archives by LC class before – for archives completed in cycle 1 through to our most recent disclosures for cycle 5, the top 8 LC classifications are… Top 8 Classifications Q – Science H – Social Science R – Medicine T - Technology P – Language & Literature B – Philosophy, Psychology, Religion D – World History L – Education If WEST were to begin selecting by subject – knowing this might inform how and where we start.
What’s Next? 18,000 unarchived backfiles (580,000 vols.)
70% are print only Upcoming policy decisions in our region Distribution of print only proposals Adjustments to collections model (# copies or amount of active archive creation) Last or scarce copy policy to ensure preservation; relationships with storage facilities Blindspots in our analyses Serials without ISSNS Scope of print only titles not held by 6 Builders
New Service Explorations Update
+ 86% of WEST members want to continue to explore digitization of Gold (print only) backfiles WEST adds about 700 Gold titles annually to its collections, some may be candidates for digitization Goals: Improve access to print only titles Explore models for shared print program collaboration with a trusted digitization service Explore models for ascertaining rights status and engaging rights holders Observe increase in use as digital version becomes available Explore Royalty free standard license, types of publishers likely to agree to a standard Rubric for ascertaining rights status Observe increase in usage as digital version becomes available
WEST and JSTOR exploring interest with the Arcadia Foundation (UK)
+ WEST and JSTOR exploring interest with the Arcadia Foundation (UK) Initial demonstration project Mid-sized, society, academic, trade publishers or titles with no known rights holder Ceased publications Open access availability and digital preservation Explore Royalty free standard license, types of publishers likely to agree to a standard Rubric for ascertaining rights status Observe increase in usage as digital version becomes available
Collaboration with other programs An alliance of shared print journal programs FLorida Academic REpository
Common vision To ensure the preservation and availability of print journal literature. To collaboratively develop, manage and coordinate the identification, retention, registration, discovery of and access to a shared, distributed collection of print journals in the United States.
Strategic Directions and RoadMap
Collection Growth Shared Policies/Guidelines Engagement with other programs and service providers RoadMap for implementation
Strategic Direction: Collection Growth
Collection Growth (5 years) 3 copies of print journals 100,000 new print journals Last Copy Initiative
Share information, expertise with other programs
Develop a participation model Eventually engage other groups Support Sustainable Collection Services as they explore and develop decision-support services and tools for journals AGUA and JRNL transfer of expertise Metadata and holdings sharing Business modeling Strategic Direction: Engagement with other programs and service providers
Current activities Branding, website, email lists
Establish governance (endorsed yesterday) Executive Committee and Operations Committee Representatives from participating programs Responsible for guiding collective efforts among regions, consortia and member libraries and with other organizations Next Steps Define basis for measuring progress: new titles vs added copies Develop access guidelines Last copy initiative Explore decision-support services with SCS Next Steps Create a presence and communications infrastructure Develop a RoadMAP Establish program governance
Explore Analytics and Decision-Support for Journals
Knowledge exchange and relationships Spring 2017 CDL – AGUA -WEST JRNL (delayed) CRL ETL service provider? OCLC KB provider Service and Business Model Definition Summer/Fall 2017 Define scope of service Develop Business Model options Rosemont Shared Print Alliance helps to refine scope Engagement with WEST OCC? Members? Webinars? OCLC EMT approval RoadMap for phased development OCLC Budget request (December-February 2018)
Service Elements Under Consideration
ETL Depth Estimation Risk Ranking Retention Proposals Registration Deselection Needs & Offers CRL GreenGlass-like tool for journals OCLC WorldCat GreenGlass-like tool CRL PAPR Rules defined by shared print program
Thank you! Emily Stambaugh
WEST Program Manager Alison Wohlers WEST Operations and Collections Analyst
Congratulations, Brian Schottlaender!
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