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Tracking Cargo from Foreign to U.S. Ports

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1 Tracking Cargo from Foreign to U.S. Ports
Port Security Tracking Cargo from Foreign to U.S. Ports

2 Before Departure Before Loading Begins in Foreign Port
Shipping company will transmit the shipping manifest the Homeland Security officials 24 hours before loading cargo

3 Before Departure Loading in Foreign Port
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at a foreign port check transmitted information and send the company an “OK to load” ü

4 Underway Before Entry into a U.S. Port
At sea, the final manifest information is transmitted to the U.S. Coast Guard and Transportation Security Administration “Notice of Arrival” data with the vessel’s and crew member information is required to be sent to the Coast Guard’s National Vessel Movement Center 96 hours before arriving in a U.S. Port

5 Underway Threat Risk Assessment
The Coast Guard assesses if the incoming vessels is a threat, and if so, will intercept it hundreds of miles from the U.S. coast

6 Underway Suspect Container Access and Inspection
SCENARIO: A container is identified as suspect and needs to be opened and inspected. However, the container could be in a inaccessible location. Unloading the ship in a port would bring considerable risk, plus the inconvenience to the shipping company in delays if the container eventually checks out.

7 Underway Container Access Solution: SafePort Concept
T-ACS (Crane Ship) vessel will allow access a suspect container and remove it from a post-Panamax containership at a safe anchorage location

8 Arrival at U.S. Port Inspections and Monitoring
Coast Guard inspect the ship, and Customs officers ensure only containers marked for delivery in the U.S. are unloaded. The containers’ movements within the Port are videotaped.

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