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Question and answer session

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1 Question and answer session
Gas DPP 2017 reset August 2016 policy paper Question and answer session 10 am, 14 September 2016 #

2 Agenda Purpose of today’s session Overview of August policy paper
Quality of service (20 minutes) CPRG (20 minutes) Supplier-based expenditure forecasting (30 minutes) Other policy paper topics (20 minutes) Next steps (10 minutes)

3 Purpose of today’s session
Go over key points from policy paper Answer any questions to assist with preparation of submissions Confirm next steps in the IM review and Gas DPP reset process

4 Overview of August policy paper
In scope Regulatory framework Non-IM-related topics, such as supplier forecasting, quality of service, CPRG, productivity Out of scope IM-related issues, such as form of control, pricing methodologies, WACC, asset beta, asset lives

5 Quality of service Interruptions standard
High level of ‘business as usual’ reliability Major interruptions an area of concern Reporting obligation with the possibility of further enforcement Response times to emergencies Propose retaining existing standard - Ultimately, what we want to achieve is an industry where risks are minimised or mitigated in the most cost effective way. - That depends on businesses having sound asset management strategies, and for the costs of doing so to be met by consumers. - On the other hand, HILP risk can never be completely eliminated (even if possible, it won't always be cost effective). - For situations where significant disruptions do occur, it is better to have a pre-deterimed regulatory response to identify what happens and why, than a reactive approach responding to the particular circumstances, potentially in counter productive ways.

6 Constant price revenue growth
We plan to apply the same fundamental approach Early exposure CPRG model on website Tailor CPRG forecasts to better reflect operating environments of individual GDBs Supplier’s geographic footprint GasNet Tauranga investment We have assumed the Draft IM Review Form of Control decisions

7 Constant price revenue growth
[TBC: notes outlining details behind this: assumptions, data sources, etc.]

8 Constant price revenue growth
[TBC: notes outlining details behind this: assumptions, data sources, etc.]

9 Expenditure objective
Supplier-based expenditure forecasting Key considerations Tailoring Low-cost Proportionate scrutiny Incentives Applicability Transparency Expenditure objective Expenditure reflects the efficient costs that a prudent non-exempt business would require to meet demand CPP alignment Low cost assessment Assessment framework Compliance BAU variance check AMP scrutiny Supplier scrutiny Decision

10 Draft expenditure assessment framework
AMP Scrutiny Decision Compliance BAU Variance Check Allowable expenditure (within BAU variance or explained/justified) CapEx Variance within BAU range +/- % of previous year Qualitative assessment Variances fully justified and clearly explained in AMP Excluded expenditure (unsupported non-BAU reverts to an extrapolation of ID actuals) Quantitative assessment Historical trend, metrics and ratios Variance outside BAU range i.e. non-BAU +/-% of previous year Qualitative assessment Variances not supported and clearly explained in AMP CPP recommendation (expenditure requires greater level of scrutiny) Supplier ID & AMP Compliance checks Variance within BAU range +/-% of Step-and-Trend Supplier Scrutiny Qualitative assessment Variances fully justified and clearly explained in AMP Quantitative assessment Step-and-Trend, metrics and ratios Supplier explanation Supplier provides necessary information to explain/justify BAU variance. We expect this will comprise pre-existing information, such as board papers and business cases. Variance outside BAU range i.e. non-BAU +/-% of Step-and-Trend Qualitative assessment Variances not supported and clearly explained in AMP OpEx

11 Other topics Compliance, eg, major transaction provisions
First Gas merger GasNet expansion Modelling and data Productivity/X-factor Process

12 Next steps Process update – 14 September 2016
IM review Process update – 14 September 2016 Technical consultation – October 2016 Final decision – December 2016 Gas DPP reset Policy paper – submissions due 28 September 2016, cross- submissions due 12 October 2016 Draft decision – February 2017 Technical consultation – TBD Final decision – end May 2017


14 Forecast Variance and reliability
Variance boundary can be set to reflect the Commission’s view of a reasonable level of variation that does not require explanation The information is also displayed on a bar chart for faster referencing and comparison across multiple prediction pairs (e.g comparing the 2013 – 14 variance with the 2014 – 15 variance)

15 Additional granular metrics and ratios provide context for expenditure
Chart features are controlled by the dashboard user using drop down boxes Variable Line chart can show Capex and Opex changes alongside changes in Network, ICPs or Gas Supply

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