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Agree Agenda Minute Taking

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1 Agree Agenda Minute Taking
Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: 12 June 2018 Agree Agenda Minute Taking Dohyeong Kim (GRWG Chair)

2 Ways of working Presenters have been asked to follow this format:
An overview of the task you have been asked to discuss The purpose of the presentation Some example requirements Propose 1 or 2 strawman solutions, outlining pros and cons A draft deliverable with your assessment of the priority, timescale and resources needed  Each presentation will lead directly into a discussion. Items c), d) and e) will then be edited on the fly by the chair during the discussion. Please keep presentations short - slots only 20 minutes, and we need to ensure plenty of time for discussion.

3 Outlook of Agenda AM PM GDWG Lunch box Monday (20 March) 0900-1800
Tuesday (21 March) Wednesday (22 March) Thursday (23 March) Friday (24 March) AM “Mini Conference” Plenary: Subgroup Reports Parallel Sessions (UVSG vs. MWSG) VIS/NIR-subgroup session (Lunar) Cross-cutting issues, GRWG & GDWG wrap-up PM Plenary: Agency Reports Plenary: (GRWG + GDWG) IR-subgroup session (DCC) Reporting Outcomes & Planning Future Meetings Bar Service (Reception) Working Groups’ Reception ("The University Club“) GDWG (breakout session) Lunch box (30 min lunch) (breakout session)

4 Coffee and Registration Reception (Bar Service)
Monday (day-1) Mon am Mini Conference Chair: David Tobin 8:45 Coffee and Registration 9:00 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT Introduction to Mini Conference & GSICS 9:15 Paul Menzel CIMSS/SSEC Welcome to SSEC 1a 0:15 9:25 Dave Tobin Agenda, Announcements, etc 1b 0:10 9:30 Constantine Lukashin NASA LaRC CLARREO Pathfinder inter-calibration in reflected solar: project status 1c 0:05 9:50 Joe Taylor CLARREO IR Sensor, Calibration Accuracy and Traceability 1d 0:20 10:10 CLARREO IR Intercalibration 1e 10:30 Coffee break 1f 10:50 Tony Reale NOAA GRUAN and GSICS 11:10 Wes Berg CSU GPM(TBD) 1g 11:30 Bob Holz UW/SSEC Intercal activities and products within the Atmospheres SIPs 1h 11:50 Andy Heidinger NOAA ASPB Update on PATMOS-X products 1i 12:10 Lunch Break 1:05 Mon pm Plenary - Reports Chair: Tim Hewison 13:15 All Round Table Introductions + Logistics Info 13:35 Doheyong Kim KMA Agree Agenda & Minute Taking 2a 13:50 Fred Wu NOAA Agency Report 2b 14:10 Bertrand Fougnie CNES CNES Agency Report 2c 14:30 Scott Hu (Remote) CMA CMA Agency Report 2d 14:50 Rose Munro EUMETSAT Agency Report 2e 15:10 Masaya Takahashi JMA JMA Agency Report 2f 15:30 0:30 16:00 Arata Okuyama - on behalf of JAXA JAXA Agency Report 2g 16:20 Ashim Mitra IMD IMD Agency Report 2h 16:40 Munn Shukla (Remote) ISRO ISRO Agency Report 2i 17:00 Hyesook Lee KMA Agency Report 2j 17:20 Jack Xiong NASA NASA Agency Report 2k 17:40 Tom Stone USGS USGS Agency Report 2l 18:00 Reception (Bar Service) Chair : David Tobin 02:00 20:00 END

5 Tuesday (day-2) Tues am Plenary - Reports Chair: Andrew Heidinger 8:30
Larry Flynn NOAA GCC Report 3a 0:30 9:00 Masaya Takahashi JMA GDWG Report 3b 9:30 Dohyeong Kim KMA GRWG Report 3c 10:00 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT GRWG IR Sub-Group Briefing Report 3d 0:20 10:20 Dave Doelling NASA GRWG VIS-NIR Sub-Group Briefing Report 3e 10:40 Coffee break 11:10 Rose Munro GRWG UV Sub-Group Briefing Report 3f 11:30 Ralph Ferraro GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Briefing Report 3g 11:50 3h 12:00 Lunch Break 1:00 Tues pm Plenary Briefings Chair: Dohyeong Kim 13:10 Fred Wu Advanced next generation GEO imagers 3j 13:40 Rob Roebeling GEO-Ring test dataset - including VIS 3k 14:40 All CGMS-45 working paper 3p 15:00 15:30 Viju John Update on FIDUCEO to address inter-calibration requirements & formats 3l 15:50 Seb Wagner Strategy for combining corrections for VIS/NIR+IR channels and plotting tool 3m 16:20 Use of NWP+RTM as inter-calibration tool 3n 16:40 GDWG Spectral Response Function file towards "GSICS Standard netCDF" 3o 17:00 Aid Users Selection of GSICS Products 3ka 0:40 17:40 END 18:00 Working Groups' Reception: "The University Club" 2:15

6 Coffee break - Reference Solar Spectrum Lunch Break (Lunch Box)
Wednesday (day-3) [Morning] Parallel Session 1 - GRWG: UV Sub-Group Wed am GRWG: UV Sub-Group Chair: Rose Munro 8:30 L. Flynn NOAA Using Version 8 Ozone Profile algorithm initial and final residuals to track calibration drift and estimate biases between instruments 4a 0:15 8:45 Match-ups and Tagets Sites: Vicarious calibration by using statistical properties for ozone, reflectivity and aerosol index products in a latitude/longitude box over the equatorial Pacific 4b 9:00 Discussion 9:15 S. Marchenko SSAI Project on Consistency of OMI and GOME-2 HCHO retrievals: overview and preliminary results 4c 9:30 R. Lang EUMETSAT White Paper on Ground-based Characterisation of UV/Vis/NIR/SWIR spectrometers 4d 9:45 10:00 Coffee break - Reference Solar Spectrum 0:30 10:30 Modeling OMPS Nadir Profiler solar measurements and comparisons to reference measurements 4e 10:45 UVN hyper-spectral Solar reference spectra: Comparison to GOME-2 BOL and Modelling 4f 11:00 M. Kang Ewha Women's Uni High resolution reference solar spectrum for GEMS and TEMPO 4g 11:15 K. Sun Harvard SAO Deriving the Instrument Transfer Function from OMI Solar Observations and its Implications for Ozone Retrievals 4h 11:30 Discussion and Wrap-up 12:00 Lunch Break (Lunch Box)

7 Chair: Masaya Takahashi Lunch Break (Lunch Box)
Wednesday (day-3) [Morning] Parallel Session 2 - GDWG Wed am GDWG Chair: Masaya Takahashi 9:00 Jin Woo KMA GDWG Baseline Reviews - website, products metadata and structures 5a 1:00 10:00 All GSICS Documentation Discussion, classification and storage 5b 0:30 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Peter Miu EUMETSAT GSICS Collaboration GSICS servers, configuration, products meta-data pages and data access services. 5c 11:30 Thomas Xu CMA GSICS Collaboration Servers Synchronisation and discussion of the netCDF generation framework 5d 12:30 Lunch Break (Lunch Box)

8 Lunch Break (Lunch Box)
Wednesday (day-3) [Morning] Parallel Session 3 - GRWG: MW Sub-Group Wed am GRWG: MW Sub-Group Chair: Ralph Ferraro 8:00 Martin Burgdorf (Remote) Lunar Calibration 6a 0:25 8:25 Ed Kim Update on JPSS-1 ATMS Calibration 6b 0:15 8:40 Karsten Fennig (Remote) Candidate GSICS products - Window Channels 6c 9:05 Cheng-Zhi Zou (Remote) Candidate GSICS products - Oxygen Channels 6d 9:30 Derek Houtz Blackbody targets - Future Reference Standard? 6e 0:30 10:00 Coffee break 10:30 All - Manik Bali to lead discussion Discussion on in-orbit references - participants prepare a single slide on potential reference insturments to stimulate subsequent discussion 1:00 11:30 All - Wes Berg to lead discussion Discussion on RTM Issues (emissivity models, water vapor bands, quality of input data, etc.) - participants prepare a single slide to stimulate subsequent discussion 6g 12:00 All Session Wrap Up 6h 0:20 Lunch Break (Lunch Box)  0:40

9 Wednesday (day-3) [Afternoon] Parallel Session 1 - GRWG: IR Sub-Group
Wed pm GRWG: IR Sub-Group Chair: Tim Hewison 12:30 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT Developing GSICS products for GEO imagers 7b 1:20 Fred Wu NOAA - including diurnal cycles 7bb Dohyeong Kim KMA - accounting for seasonal variations 7bc All (incl Na Xu) All - Review Plans for GEO-LEO IR products 7bd Arata Okuyama JMA - AHI IR bias diurnal & low temperature 7be - new algorithms 13:50 CMA? CMA Developing GSICS products for LEO imagers 7c 0:40 Aisheng Wu (Remote) NASA - including VIIRS/MODIS - extending coverage below 3.6 micron Tim + Igor - including SLSTR 14:30 Coffee break 0:30 15:00 Reference Traceability and Uncertainty 7d 1:00 Authors? - Developing Report - review actions Tony Reale - Comparisons with GRUAN sondes Dave Tobin? - CrIS Tom Pagano (remote) JPL - AIRS Error Budget 0:15 16:00 Chengli Qi Strategy for hyperspectral GEO sounders 7e 16:30 SRF retrievals 7f 17:00 Na Xu Prelaunch SRF evaluation and correction 7fa 17:15 Discussion - Plan product development 7g 17:45 END

10 Wednesday (day-3) [Afternoon] Parallel Session 2 - GDWG Wed pm GDWG
Chair: Peter Miu 13:00 Masaya Takahashi JMA Spectral Response Function file towards 5e 1:00 "GSICS Standard netCDF": requirements from GRWG and EUMETSAT 14:00 Jordan Yao NOAA GSICS Wiki Implementation overview, enhancements and future requirements. 5f 15:00 Coffee break 0:30 15:30 Manik Balli New GSICS product convention - MW 5g 16:30 GSICS Convention for FCDR 5h 17:30 Jin Woo KMA Use of gitHub for GSICS developments 5i 18:00 END

11 GRWG: VIS/NIR Sub-Group Chair: Sebastien Wagner
Thursday (day-4) [Morning/Afternoon] Parallel Session 1 - GRWG: VIS/NIR Sub-Group Thurs am GRWG: VIS/NIR Sub-Group Chair: Sebastien Wagner 8:30 X. Xiong NASA Moving from Aqua MODIS to NPP VIIRS as a new GSICS reference for VNIR 8a 0:20 8:50 Tom Stone USGS Update on lunar calibration development and applications 8b 9:10 A.K. Mitra IMD Progress on lunar calibration at IMD 8c 9:30 M.Takahashi/ A.Okuyama JMA Progress on Lunar calibration at JMA 8d 9:50 8e 10:10 Coffee break 0:30 10:40 S.Wagner/ M.Takahashi EUMETSAT/ JMA Moving toward inter-calibration using the Moon as a transfer 8f 11:00 Lin Chen CMA Prelimilary results of CMA ground-based Lunar observation 8g 11:20 LCWS organisers GSICS Workshop activities 8h 11:40 X. Hu Some info about the venue (TBC) 8ha 00:10 11:50 S. Wagner EUMETSAT Definition of GIRO benchmark 8i 12:00 All Discussion 8j 00:30 12:30 Lunch Break 1:00 Thurs pm Chair: Dave Doelling 13:30 Raj Bhatt Customising DCC method to all AHI VIS/NIR channels 8k 13:50 Seb Wagner DCC Progress - extension to IODC? 8l 14:10 Ronghua? Using DCC and multiple sites to calibrate MERSI and VIRR 8m 14:30 Dohyeong Kim KMA Sensitivity of BRDF model in RTM DCC calculation 8n 14:40 Ben Scarino Update on SBAF Tool - including GOME2 8o 15:00 Dave Doelling How to transfer DCC calibration MODIS-VIIRS 8p 15:20 15:50 X. Xiong/Chiang Status of S-NPP VIIRS L1B 8q 16:10 Kurt Thome Debrief on IVOS discussion on Reference Solar Spectrum 8r 16:30 Bertrand Fougnie CNES Vicarious Calibration for Sentinel-3 & Blending methods 8s 17:00 Merging products DCC+Lunar 8t 17:20 8u 17:40 Future Outlook 8v 18:00 END

12 Chair: Masaya Takahashi
Thursday (day-4) [Morning/Afternoon] Parallel Session 2 – GDWG Thurs am GDWG Chair: Peter Miu 9:00 Rob Roebeling EUMETSAT Event logging 6a 1:00 10:00 Manik Bali NOAA Action tracking 6b 11:00 Coffee break 0:30 11:30 Masaya Takahashi JMA Requirements for GSICS Plotting Tool to support VIS/NIR products 6c 12:00 Lunch Break Thurs pm Chair: Masaya Takahashi 13:00 Peter Miu Revisit of GDWG ToR - an action at EP-17 last June 6d 14:00 Future Chairing of the GDWG - overview, status and proposal to EP. 6e 14:30 15:00 Future products - VNIR+IR in one GSICS Correction 6f 16:00 All Wrap-up: Plan activities for 2016/2017 6g 17:00 END

13 Plenary - Briefs and De-briefs
Friday (day-5) Fri am Plenary - Briefs and De-briefs Chair : Larry Flynn 8:30 Rob Roebeling/Tim Hewison EUMETSAT Ongoing need for Re-Analysis Corrections 9a 0:20 8:50 Peter Miu GDWG Summary & Agree Actions 9b 00:30 9:20 GCC Action tracking 9c 9:50 Dohyeong Kim KMA GRWG Summary & Agree Actions 9d 0:25 10:15 Coffee break 0:30 10:45 Toshiyuki Kurino WMO WIGOS Vision/Space 2040 and OSCAR/Space v.2 9e 11:10 Ken Knapp Interaction with ISCCP 9f 1:00 12:10 Lunch Break Fri pm Plenary - Wrap-up Chair: Tim Hewison 13:10 Workshop on best practices on pre-flight and onboard calibration 9g 13:30 Manik Bali GSICS Quarterly Special Issues/Editors 9h 13:50 Larry Flynn Format for future GRWG/GDWG meetings + Users Workshops 9i 0:45 14:35 All Topics & Chairing next Web Meetings 9j 14:55 Date & Place of Next WG Meetings 9k 15:15 Any Other Business 9l 15:35 END

14 Agenda The Detailed Agenda was prepared using zoho docs
12/06/2018 Agenda The Detailed Agenda was prepared using zoho docs Accessible worldwide With hyperlinks added to presentations uploaded on Wiki Exported as HTML (via Excel  Google Drive) Embedded into GSICS Wiki: ent/

15 Minute Taking Minute URL on the “Wiki” by Masaya
12/06/2018 Minute Taking Minute URL on the “Wiki” by Masaya Minute link in “GoogleDocs” is : H4ayWNbZH3T6Q/edit?usp=sharing

16 Minute Taking For presenter, please filling the “overview” and “purpose”

17 Minute Taking Need volunteers to take minutes For each session
12/06/2018 Minute Taking Need volunteers to take minutes For each session Must be there for full session Should not be talking too much! Minute Taker should write Actions in Bold, precede with word ACTION: Will number later Will review new actions on Friday morning GCC to enter into action tracking tool

18 Minute Taker Session Chair Minute Taker 1: Plenary – Mini Conference
12/06/2018 Minute Taker Session Chair Minute Taker 1: Plenary – Mini Conference Day-1-AM Dave Tobin Seb Wagner 2: Plenary – Agencies Reports Day-1-PM Tim Hewison 2: Plenary – Chairs Reports Day-2-AM Andrew Heidinger 3: GRWG+GDWG plenary Day-2-PM Dohyeong Kim Hyesook Lee 4: GRWG – UV subgroup Day-3-AM Rose Munro Larry Flynn 5: GRWG – Microwave Sub-Group Ralph Ferraro 6: GRWG – IR Sub-Group Day-3-PM 7: GRWG – VIS/NIR (1) Day-4-AM Sebastien Wagner Dave Doelling 7: GRWG – VIS/NIR (2) Day-4-PM Andy Heidinger + Tim Hewison 8: GDWG Day-3 Day-4 Masaya Takahashi Peter Miu 9: Plenary – Cross cutting issue Day-5-AM Manik Bali 9: Plenary – Wrap-up Day-5-PM

19 Thank you

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