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Credentials, Licenses, Division WP

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2 Credentials, Licenses, Division WP

3 Objectives of this Presentation
Help the Division Secretariat to familiarize themselves with Credentials and Licences Assist the Division Secretariat in formulating their own Working Policy.

4 Credentials and Licenses
THE DIVISION SECRETARY: 1. Prepares names for credentials and licenses to be approved by the Executive Committee.

5 Credentials and Licenses Types
MINISTERIAL ➜ Ministerial Credential ➜ Ministerial License ➜ Commissioned Minister Credential ➜ Commissioned Minister License

6 Credentials and Licenses Types
NON-MINISTERIAL ➜ Missionary Credential ➜ Missionary License ➜ Commissioned Ministry of Teaching Credential ➜ Commissioned Ministry of Teaching License ➜ Ministry of Teaching License ➜ Literature Evangelist Credential ➜ Honorary Emeritus Credential

7 Credentials and Licenses
THE DIVISION SECRETARY: Prepares names for credentials and licenses to be approved by the Executive Committee; Updates list of credentials and licenses upon expirations. (During quinquennial session.)

8 Credentials and Licenses
THE DIVISION SECRETARY: Prepares names for credentials and licenses to be approved by the Executive Committee. Updates list of credentials and licenses upon expirations. (During quinquennial session.) Issues Credential Cards after approval.

9 Credentials and Licenses
THE DIVISION SECRETARY: Prepares names for credentials and licenses to be approved by the Executive Committee; Updates list of credentials and licenses upon expirations. (During quinquennial session.) Issues Credential Cards after approval; Advises unions and/or conferences in granting and withdrawing credentials and licenses as outlined in the GC Working Policy. (See the « L » Section of the Working Policy which relates to The Ministry and Ministerial Training)

10 Division Working Policy
1. Incorporate into Division Working Policy, amendments to GC Working Policy

11 The Process of Policy Development
Step 1 - Identify the issue to be addressed Step 2 - Assess whether existing policy is sufficient to address the issue Step 3 - Decide if a new policy is needed Step 4 - Identify the benefits that would be brought about by a new policy Step 5 - Work on guidelines that will ensure that the new policy conforms to the organization’s mission and philosophy.

12 The Process of Policy Development
Step 6 - Consult with the appropriate Dept. / Office Step 7 – Work with the in-house Policy Review Committee Step 7 – Write the new Policy a. Keep it simple b. Select words carefully c. Use few words (Fog Index) d. Keep it general but clear e. Keep it helpful


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