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IFR Status Summary W. Baldini on behalf of the IFR Group

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1 IFR Status Summary W. Baldini on behalf of the IFR Group
XXVII SuperB Workshop and Kick off Meeting La Biodola, Isola d’Elba May 28 - June

2 Overview Short introduction to the IFR
Activities related to the prototype: Dec beam test data analysis and comparison with cosmic data taking in Ferrara preparation of the next beam test (July 2011) Mechanics of the detector and the flux return Conclusions and next steps

3 IFR Baseline DetectionTechnique
Plan to re-use BaBar IFR structure, adding iron to improve μ-ID Extruded Scintillator as active material to cope with higher flux of particles Minos-like scintillator bars readout through 3 WLS fibers and Silicon Photo-Multipliers (SiPM) 82 or 92cm of Iron interleaved by 8-9 active layers (under study with simulations and testbeam) Two readout options under study: Time readout (TDC-RO) barrel Binary readout (BI-RO) endcaps These detection techniques are being tested on a full depth prototype, tested on beam in Dec and on the next test foreseen July Prototype scintillator bar + WLS fibers SiPM

4 Test Beam at Fermilab Dec 1-7 2010 first data taking
The prototype (only active layers) has then been shipped back to Ferrara, reassembled and we are now taking cosmic data Next beam data taking: July 20 – Aug Fermilab Test Beam Facility (FTBF) in the Meson Area Extracted beam from Main Injector IFR detector prototype beam Cherenkov S1, S2 18cm of Iron S3, S4 (scintillators): all layers hit

5 Beam Test data analysis: detector performances
Efficiencies around 95% for both : the OR of the two ends (TDC-RO) the and of the two BIRO layers Detection efficiency Time resolution Layer # The time resolution is in agreement with what expected from first R&D results, For layers with shorter fibers not yet completely understood (next testbeam…)

6 detector performances comparison beam-cosmic
Dead channels Cosmic data in good agreement with testbeam data

7 detector performances: comparison beam-cosmic
Beam: muon + pions Shower time evolution Cosmics: only muons Muons pions no pions May 31st, 2011 SuperB Workshop and Kick Off Meeting 7

8 Temperature in Ferrara….
During the cosmic data taking temperature rised up to more than 32 in our lab…. no air conditioning yet (!!) Part of the effect on SiPM due to rising of temperature can be recovered by rising the Vbias voltage This increase the Dark Count rate to work in safe conditions we will have to keep them in an environment where T< C°

9 Muon Identification Number of hits/layer for events tagged as muons and as pion: Transverse cluster size vs layer # The Cherenkov is not very efficient at low momentum (4GeV), For the next test beam (July!) we will use a new gas (C4F8O) to improve the efficiency

10 Preparation for the next testbeam
The next testbeam will be from July 20 to Aug 3 Since the Dec. testbeam we have made many improvements, and have understood many things Exploit the previous experience to optimize the next data taking: Cherenkov cables: prepare 75W  50W adapters New Cherenkov gas larger S3,S4 scintillator Faster S1-S2 scintillator (or use the TOF) Prepare a cooling system to keep temperature possibly below °C

11 Detector and Flux Return Mechanics

12 Mechanics of the Active Layers
endcap Barrel The mechanics of the active layers for the barrel and the endcaps is under definition The active material has to be protected and light shielded, keeping a max thickness of ≈ 23mm The SiPM have to be properly placed and shielded The basic idea is to prepare an aluminum box (0.5mm aluminum foil) fix on it the scintillator bars (with fibers already glued and polished) Weight of a module 4m long and 10 scint. bars: ~ 40Kg, but not self sustaining Proper moving/installation tools have to be designed and built For BIRO readout the mechanics is more complex but the basic idea is the same Routing of fibers and signal cables have to be carefully studied Scintill. bars Closed module

13 Mechanics of the Flux Return

14 Conclusions and next steps
Many activities ongoing Beam and cosmic data show good performances of the prototype (eff ~ 95%, time resolution ≈ 1.2 ns) More informations needed for low momentum muons, TDC performances, so we will take more data in July New testbeam preparation Study and definition of the mechanical structure of the active modules (both TDC and BIRO readout) Definition of the structure for the flux return Services and integration After all activities ready for TDR New groups from Krakow (AGH, CUT and INP-PAN) joined the IFR group, their contributions are being discussed

15 Backup slides

16 Readout Options Time readout Option (TDC-RO): the hit bar gives the first coordinate while the signal arrival time provides the second measure the 2 coordinate at the same time 1ns time resolution  ~ 20cm need TDC readout for each channel relatively simple to be constructed res~20cm Binary readout Option: (BI-RO): the two coordinates are given by two planes of orthogonal scintillator bars: high combinatorial simpler (and cheaper) electronics more complex construction Both option are being tested on beam thanks to a full depth prototype

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