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2 Preparing for „school life”
Żłobek (nursery) – place for children aged from 6 weeks to about 3 years, whose parents or guardians work outside home. The nursery children have food, constant care and participate in extra- curricular activities (e.g. swimming, foreign languages​​). Przedszkole (Kindergarten) – place for children aged from 3 years to the beginning of primary school. The purpose of kindergarten is preparing kids for school duties and providing physical, mental, emotional and social development.

3 KINDERGARtEN The kindergarten is the first step in our education
KINDERGARtEN The kindergarten is the first step in our education. Kids can start attending it at the age of three, but it is obligatory for six year old children. 3-6years old

4 Kindergarden Kindergarden

5 Organizing time of child who is in the Kindergarden.

6 Areas for nursery educational activities.
Implemention of child care Patriotic education Helping to understand atmospheric phenomena Development of learning, reading

7 Areas for nursery educational activities.
Education in respect to plants and animals Intelectual development with math education Education through art Physical development

8 The core curriculum in grades 1-3 include topics of:
Ethics Social education Physical education Natural education Computer classes

9 Primary school First step of official education. Primary school in Poland is compulsory. A child can go to primary school at 6 or 7 years. Learning in this school lasts 6 years. This is an introduction to further study on a much more difficult school level. During the first 3 years the child learns to write, read and also the foundations of mathematics, then takes to develop language skills and mathematics.

10 PRIMARY SCHOOL Attending primary school starts at the age of seven, but if parents decide their children can go there at the age of six. There are six years of education and at the end of it children have to take an exam. Of 6 6-13years old

11 LOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL (gimnazjum) After primary school children start learning at lower secondary school. The education here lasts three years. Students finish this school when they are sixteen years old and at the end of lower secondary school they have to take an exam. This exam includes three parts: math and science part, humanistic part and foreign languages part. It is important to obtain good results if you want to go to your dream school. There are several alternatives: three years in a liceum (high school), four years in a technikum (technical high school) or vocational school. 13-16years old

12 Secondary school (LICEUM) Liceums are attended by students aged from 16 to 19. They are attended by those who plan to further their academic education. After three years of education students have to write matura exam. Later they can go to universities. 16-19year old

13 TECHNICAL SCHOOL A technikum is designed for those who want to start working immediately after finishing their compulsory education. After four years of education students can write matura exam, but it is optional. 16-20years old

14 VOCATIONAL SCHOOL Vocational secondary school is the best alternative for students who want to obtain experience for their future jobs. 16-20years old

15 UNIVERSITIES Liceums and technikums end with a maturity examination and may be followed by several forms of university education, leading to Bachelor: licencjat or inżynier, master: magister and later doctor. 19-23years old

16 The most popular universities in Poland
Jagiellonian University in Krakow AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow The Warsaw University of Technology


18 Thanks for watching my presentation.
By group DO Yulianna Borys and Lesya Geryn We hope it wasn’t very boring.

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