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Marine Biology  Caroline King, Aria Lusk, Klara Garing , Kaleigh Washburn, Madison Orient-Burden 

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Biology  Caroline King, Aria Lusk, Klara Garing , Kaleigh Washburn, Madison Orient-Burden "— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Biology  Caroline King, Aria Lusk, Klara Garing , Kaleigh Washburn, Madison Orient-Burden 

2 Fauna Puffer Fish/they puff for self defense cause they are bad swimmers a-z Orca or killer whale Sea Horse/ they prefer to swim in pairs with there tails linked together, one kind .com

3 Fauna Hammerhead shark/80% of hammerhead sharks lost
   Baby seal/hunters are allowed to kill 350,000 young seal in a year  Whale shark

4 Kelp is like aforest in the ocean
Flora Kelp is like aforest in the ocean Coral Reef is a thing of plants that can be homes for tiny fish or  creatures. Soures Google sites Geysers are hot springs under in the sea that spring hot water into the air

5 Climate January: Average temp ° F Low temp ° F Precipitation 2 57/64 inches February: Average temp ° F Low temp ° F Precipitation 4 31/64 inches March: Average temp ° F Low temp ° F Precipitation 5 inches April: Average temp ° F Low temp ° F Precipitation 5 7/8 May: Average temp ° F Low temp ° F Precipitation 3 7/8 June: Average temp ° F Low temp ° F Precipitation 1 7/16 July: Average temp ° F Low temp ° F Precipitation 1 August: Average temp. 59° F Low temp ° F Precipitation 1 1/4 September: Average temp ° F Low temp ° F Precipitation 3 1/8 October: Average temp Low temp ° F Precipitation 4 35/64 November: Average temp Low temp ° F Precipitation 3 7/64 December Average temp Low temp ° F Precipitation 3 17/64

6 Climate The annual climate is 39° Fahrenheit. The temperatures can range anywhere from –40° F to above 100°F.

7 Charts

8 Regions                                  There are marine biomes touching every continent. Artic ocean, Pacific  ocean, Indian ocean, and Atlantic ocean are all marine biomes.

9 Sources


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