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The Recent Influx of Anglicisms into the French Language: a Cause of Semantic and Cultural Impoverishment? Presentation by Myriam de Beaulieu PhD Student.

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Presentation on theme: "The Recent Influx of Anglicisms into the French Language: a Cause of Semantic and Cultural Impoverishment? Presentation by Myriam de Beaulieu PhD Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Recent Influx of Anglicisms into the French Language: a Cause of Semantic and Cultural Impoverishment? Presentation by Myriam de Beaulieu PhD Student in Linguistics at Orléans University UN Conference Interpreter (French, Russian, English) October 11, 2012 OEP, Rome

2 Articles, Report and Glossary on the Internet
On the French page of the UN site Summary of my presentation made at OIF, March 22, 2012, NY« Anglicismes, nouveau moteur de l’évolution de la langue française ? » Glossary Glossaire of suggestions to avoid anglicisms in French (started in March 2011) Click here ici then on "Langues et diversité culturelle" to read the article "Les langues nous parlent,écoutons-les!"; click on- "Multimedia", and on, "Multilinguisme" to listen to the interview "Les langues nous parlent" explaining the speaker’s new status due to his/her deteriorated command of his/her mother tongue (March 2011);   Report: Multiplication des emprunts à l’anglais et accélération de l’évolution du français contemporain (January 2011) Article on the OEP site explaining the raison d’être of the glossary: « Conséquences sémantiques, syntaxiques, culturelles de l’emploi d’anglicismes » (February 2012) Summary of my presentation made at EHESS Résumé de l’exposé à l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris, May 2010).








10 The End Questions/comments?
For further information, please contact me at Thank you The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations.

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