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Credit for Patients.

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1 Credit for Patients

2 David Aged 67 Left school at 14 Coal miner for 33 years
Labourer for 10 years Heart condition and long term breathing problems

3 Credit for Patients Using the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (CQFW) to enable patients to earn learning credit in managing their own long term conditions so that They can be better motivated to keep well Learning is better embedded Credits can be used for Lifelong Learning and Further Education

4 Pilot Study 2007/8 NHS Wales in partnership with the Open College Network Wales Patients/Carers earning credit in managing their: Diabetes Cardiac Rehabilitation Depression Stroke carers Cancer carers (2008) OT in Mental Health (2008)

5 Credit for Patients with Depression
Routes to recovery programme Patients in Pontypridd and Rhondda In partnership with the Voluntary Sector First patients earning credit in understanding and managing depression in January 2008

6 Credit for Managing Diabetes
In partnership with the Gwent NHS Trust and Torfaen LHB Blood chemistry monitored throughout to check link between learning and better health Staff earning credits as trainers and educators

7 Credit for Carers of People With Strokes
Credit for Carers learning to care for older relatives who have had strokes Credit linked to National Occupational Standards Carers able to use the credit towards NVQ 2

8 Celebrating Learning Achievement
All patients, carers and staff receiving their credits at ceremony in Newport – April 17th 2008 OCN Wales/NLIAH joint hosting Planning for roll out of programmes across LHBs and Trusts plus a new suite of programmes for 2008/9

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