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1-2-3 Magic Effective Discipline for Children 2-12

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1 1-2-3 Magic Effective Discipline for Children 2-12
Based on Thomas W. Phelan , PhD’s Award Winning Book Presented by Kellie Hill, MS, LPC-S, NCC

2 About Kellie Grew up in NY Graduated from UST with a B.A. in education
Graduated from UHCL with a M.S. in Counseling Counselor for 15 years Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor 3 daughters (9,11,13) Divorced parent Runner

3 Overview 1. About 1-2-3 Magic 2. Building a Solid Foundation
Your Job as a Parent Challenging the “Little Adult” Assumption Avoiding the 2 Biggest Discipline Mistakes 3. Controlling Obnoxious Behavior

4 1-2-3 Magic 1-2-3 Magic is a program that is easy to learn and is effective. The best way to get started is to just do it. It might get worse before it gets better Only to be used with people who have emotional regulation

5 How to Prepare for the World’s Most important job
Effective parents have 2 important qualities: Warm and friendly on the one hand Demanding and firm on the other Automatic –VS-Deliberate Identify automatic parenting habits that are helpful/harmful Practice, Practice, Practice! The Goal: Effective, automatic parenting

6 Your Job as a Parent Job 2: Encouraging good behavior
Job 1: Controlling Obnoxious Behavior Use Counting to STOP whining, arguing, teasing, badgering, tantrums, yelling, and fighting. Job 2: Encouraging good behavior (7 simple methods) Job 3: Strengthen your relationship with your children Paying attention to the quality of your relationship helps with Job 1 & Job 2

7 Types of Behaviors Stop Doing something negative we want them to Stop
Counting is simple, gentle, and direct Start Not doing something negative we want them to stop Takes more energy for both parent and child

8 Parenting Job 1: Controlling obnoxious Behavior
Stop Behaviors Frequent, minor, everyday issues Examples Whining, disrespect, tantrums, arguing, teasing, fighting, pouting, yelling Use Counting “I’m tired. Please try to go to bed. Okay?” Video Demonstration How to Use Counting

9 Parenting Job 2: Encourage Positive Behavior
Used for Start Behaviors These are positive activities you would like to see your child do. Examples Doing homework, cleaning room, getting up and out in the morning, going to bed, eating supper 7 Tactics Praise, simple requests, kitchen timers, the docking system, natural consequences, charting, and the counting variation “Thanks for doing the dishes.”; “I expect your homework to be completed by 5 pm.”(NO…OK?);”You’ve got 3 things in the kitchen I would like put in your room. I’m setting the timer for 10 minutes. I bet you can beat it!”; If you don’t do the work, you don’t get paid,; Let the world teach the lesson;sticker charts;

10 Challenging the Little Adult Assumption
The Assumption Kids are just mini adults You can rely on words to reason with them The Crucial Point Words and reason will be failures most of the time “Talk-Persuade-Argue-Hit Syndrome” The Developmental Truth Kids are born selfish and unreasoanble. It’s our job to teach frustration tolerance. Dictatorship to Democracy

11 Two Biggest Discipline Mistakes
“If your little child can get big, old you all upset, your upset is the big splash for him. Your emotional outburst accidentally makes your child feel powerful.” Too Much Talking Makes kids less likely to cooperate It’s irritating, confusing, and distracting Leads to Talk-Persuade-Argue-Yell-Hit Syndrome Too Much Emotion Watching you get upset is a reward This is referring to negative/angry emotion Some adults may find they need assistance in regulating their own emotions

12 Getting Results through counting
Sometimes your silence speaks louder than words Use it for stopping behaviors The “magic” is not in the counting; it’s in the No talking and No Emotion rules Count in a firm tone; after 3 there is a consequence After consequence – there is NO talking about it NOTHING – No EMOTION! Quick results and good control

13 Child engages and tests
Counting Challenges Most issues have to do with parents forgetting the No Emotion/No Talking Rule When you keep talking it often becomes begging. Parents then take on the responsibility instead of the child Misbehavior Parent begs/tantrums Child engages and tests

14 The Benefits of counting
Energy Saving – you stay calmer and feel better More Affection, More Fun Your Authority Is Not Negotiable – You’re the boss! The punishment is Short and Sweet Easy for Other Caretakers to Learn

15 Time-Out Alternatives
Earlier Bedtime No dessert or Treat No use of phone/technology Small chore (clean toilet) Loss of video games (or reduced time) Monetary Fine

16 Counting Challenges What if he/she will not go to timeout?
Can you count different behaviors to get to three? Can you ever ignore anything? (MBA) How long do you take between counts? Can you use a chair for time out? Visual contact broken What if they count you back? What if other people are over or you’re at a store? *

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